The Mysterious Tower

Contents Page

Attack On Myth Drannor


Sons Of Gruumsh


On returning to Daggers Falls, the party were invited to dinner with Randall Morn who had a favour to ask them. An old friend of his Lord Nanther of Melvaunt wished to hire some adventurers, he didn't want to use any local talent who might be compromised by the cut-throat politics between the Great Houses in Melvaunt. The party agreed to help and next day set out for Hillsfar, where after selling the furniture from the Mysterious Tower, they took passage for Melvaunt.

On arrival they presented themselves before Lord Nanther who advised then he would pay 1000 pp for the return of his son Oreal, who had gone missing a couple of weeks ago along with four other scions of the Great Houses. The party then headed off into the city and took rooms at the Crow's Nest. They spent the next few days investigating the disappearances and managed to discover that the youngsters had been hanging out with Dorn Crownshield, a grizzled dwarven adventurer. They also found out that one of the missing scions had been bragging about a treasure map he'd obtained. Further investigation revealed that on the night of the last day any of them were seen a party of six cloaked adventurers left the north gate heading for the orc kingdoms of Thar.
Deciding to follow this lead up, the party were on their way to purchase supplies for the trip to the treacherous moorlands of Thar, when they were jumped by a bunch of thugs. They were sorely pressed for a time with Nym and Seladrin both being badly injured, not to mention Ramas taking himself out with a sleep spell! However eventually the thugs were disposed off and once Nystrae's healing magic had been called on again, two passing dwarf mercenaries working for house Bruil identified the thugs as bravos working for House Leiygraghon, mortal enemies of House Nanther. The dwarves also advised them that if they'd drawn the attention of House Leiyraghon, best get out of town quickly.

After purchasing supplies, this is exactly what the party did, heading through the North gate along the road to Glister. A couple of days later they turned off the Glister road following a track that headed north into the  foreboding moorlands of Thar. Some tow days crossing the moorland later they came across signs of a battle. After an owlbear that had been feeding on the remains had been disposed off, they found among the orc slain the body of a grizzled dwarf !  After scouting around, Seladrin found a trail or orcs leading captives heading deeper into Thar.



Following the trail of the captives the party continued footslogging across the wintry moorlands of Thar. As they settled down for another cold camp, and the full moon peeped occasionally from behind the heavy snow-swollen clouds,  Nym took the first watch accompanied by the faint howling of wolves in the background. Suddenly out of the darkness two large wolves bounded and attacked her. Calling out to her sleeping friend for aid, she desperately defended herself as one of the wolves teeth raked her.  Roused from sleep her comrades rushed to her aid, finding to their horror that their weapons seemed strangely ineffective against the ferocious beasts, save for Senella, whose might axe carved it's usual path of destruction, but not before Seladrin too was bitten by the beasts. As the wolves were finally slain, the second by  Nystrae's Turn Lycanthrope ability, her worst fears were realised as they slain wolves transformed into human form. They had been attacked by werewolves and two of her comrades had been bitten! Calling on the power of her moon-goddess Nystrae quickly ascertained that although Seladrin was clear of the creatures taint, Nym had been infected. As Ramas headed back to sleep , and Randall and Senella secured the perimeter, Seladrin and Nystrae pondered what to do to help Nym. Belladonna might help, but the chance of finding any on time on this remote moorland in the deep of winter was remote. Briefly they considered returning to Melvaunt to find a cleric powerful enough to "Remove Disease" or cast "Heal" to remove the affliction, however Nystrae recalled a ritual that she might be able to use to remove the curse, however it must be undertaken the following night on the last phase of the full moon.  After an uneventful day's march, they rested and prepared to attempt to remove the curse of lycanthropy from Nym. Nym, boosted by what magics the party could provide to boost her will power stood by as Nystrae attempted to remove the curse - fortunately successfully!

Moving on next day, the came across a small orc encampment, and after combating the orcs and their dire-boar pet ( which nearly managed to gore Seladrin to death, after which he took great delight in butchering it for additional supplies) they again rested, and Nym again volunteered to take first watch. This time however as just as she settled into her guard routine, two shambling ogre zombies attacked Shouting to rouse her comrades, Nym attacked. Nystrae, roused from sleep, managed to turn one of the foul creatures, whilst her comrades swiftly disposed of the other.  After another day's uneventful travel, as they settled that evening their campfire was approached by Haravak,  a suspicious half-orc ranger, who told them he'd been hunting a couple of werewolves. After the party told him they'd slain the unfortunates, he relaxed and volunteered information that if orcs had taken hum an captives they'd be taking them to Xul Jarik a ruined citadel that an up-an-coming orc warlord was refurbishing, he even pointed them in the right direction and offered a possible way it, through a hole in the west wall!  A couple of days later, the party arrived at the forbidding fortress of Xul Jarik, noticing as the did the huge orc army camped a couple of miles to the north-east of the fortress.


Xul Jarik

Moving cautiously up the slope to the collapsed wall , the party made their way into the fortress under cover of the ubiquitous fog. Skirting around the sleeping wyvern in the courtyard, they swiftly made their way into the west wing of the fortress, which turned out to be the diplomatic quarters. After slaughtering their way through the various emissaries and bodyguards there, they eventually barged into the ruined splendour of the Hall of the Orc King - currently the domain of Vhazror the Orc Warlord’s Champion. Vhazror and his honour guards, including an ogre immediately engaged the intruders, who fanned out in the room. As they did so cleaving through his honour guards, Vhazror uttered an eerie cry, summoning his wyvern from the front courtyard. A brutal combat ensued, fairly even at first until the wyvern joined the fray as first Nystrae and then Nym fell to it’s poisoned stinger, eventually hover the scaly beast was destroyed after which it did not take long for the surviving comrades to despatch its master. After surveying the wreckage of their first foray into Xul Jarik, the party decided they had taken too great a loss to continue onwards, and after a brief debate decided to return to Melvaunt and use the treasure looted from the emissaries to have their comrades raised.


Once Nym and Nystrae had been raised, the party decided to return with all haste to Xul Jarik. A day from the dread fortress they again ran into Haravak who told them of the furore they’d caused and congratulated them on slaying Vhazror. Arriving at the fortress, they had a brief meeting with  Esselios, Kara’s raven familiar who told them his mistress (and presumably the other) was in a cave beneath the fortress. Shortly thereafter, they discovered the orcs had placed guards on the broken wall and erected a crude barricade, however this proved little impediment to Randall and Senella, and once again the party were within the confines of the foreboding Xul Jarik. Moving through the complex, disposing of orc guards as they went, Nym discovered a secret door in the kitchen that led downwards.


They descended cautiously to the level below and after despatching the orc guards there, discovered a stairway leading further down and the huge double doors of what was apparently the tomb of an orc king. Ignoring the tomb they descended the second staircase, discovering on this level, two underground rivers that met and fell into a huge sinkhole – this level contained dozens of niches, in each was a sarcophagus containing the remains of an orc warrior. Senella discovered a secret door behind a statue.


Deciding to forego investigation of the secret door (for the simple reason no-one could find a way to open it!). The party decided to return to re-investigate the keep. As they moved up through the tomb level they paused to re-examine the doors of the tomb, but Nym could find no means of opening them - there did not appear to be a lock yet they were fast shut. In the ruined Hall of the Orc Kings above, they came across a group of orc guards

puzzling over where their fellow guards they'd come to relieve were, a brief assault by Senella and Randall soon ensured that they joined their missing colleagues - buried under the piles of rubble !!! 


After sorting out a proper order of march - Ramas being a stickler for protocol (learned at the court of the pharaoh) and assuming the regulation 4th position as befits a cleric/mage of Anhur. Heading up to the upper level of the keep, they found themselves in a hallway two doors, fitted with heavy bolts led out to the ramparts while a third door led into the keep. Seladrin crept forward, and listening at the doors, determined there were large numbers of orcs out on the ramparts - Ramas, calling on his long military experience (having a general for a daddy's got to come in useful sometime! ) advised that the bulk of the orc guards were probably on the ramparts or in the gate-towers. Heeding this advice, Nym crept forward and oiling the bolts carefully with some lamp oil the guards on the ramparts were locked out! Moving to the inner door the party reverted to their normal "kick and rush" approach as Nystrae and Senella charged in to find two orc spearfighters and warriors, who did not survive long against their onslaught. Beyond, in what was once Vhrazor's bedroom, they found a locked chest, which when opened still contained some of Vhrazor's treasure which was swiftly looted !


While Nym and Ramas looted the treasure and the other warily watched through the hole in the floor for4 signs of activity below, Seladrin moved forward into the next room, unfortunately causing a section of weakened floor to collapse, pitching her onto the jagged rubble below. As the ranger cleaned herself off an downed a potion, Nym and Randall engaged two orc archers, who'd come to investigate the noise, exchanging arrows. After the archers had been disposed off, the party quickly ascertained that the rest of the keep was empty, and locking and bolting the remaining doors to the ramparts, re-descended to the lower dungeons, where Senella swiftly broke through the secret door.


Descending the staircase Randall moved swiftly forward to only to fall foul of an 4 orc brutes and a worg which managed to  force him to the ground. As his colleagues rallied around engaging the orcs. Randall finally managed to get to his feet a deliver a killing blow to the enraged worg after which Nystrae called on the power of Elistraee to heal his wounds. Having dispatched the orc guards, Seladrin and Nystrae spread out rapidly to secure the hallway on this level. While Ramas watched on, Nym moved to check the three sets of double doors (discovering that two were locked with no obvious locking mechanism) while Senella searched for any other secret doors, but found none.

Deciding not to risk the stairs down, eventually Senella went through the single unlocked door, Beyond was a hellish scene as orcs toiled at forges in heat and smoke forging weapons for the army above. Before she could react further, the orog overseer spotted her and, flying into a berserk rage, attacked with his double-axe. As Senella and the orog went toe-to-to the orc smiths grabbed up their falchions and moved to assist the orog, just as Senella's comrades moved to aid her. As Nystrae and Randall moved forward to engage,   Nym and Seladrin started peppering the orcs with arrows and Ramas unleashed the fury of his powerful magicks - putting two of the orcs to sleep! Unseen by the party however one warrior moved through a curtain at the back of the room- apparently fleeing the combat.

Before such an onslaught the orog and his orc compatriots could do little save die one by one, and it was  not long before the part were stripping the corpses of the fallen of useful items, while Ramas "secured" the unconscious prisoners, thoughtfully leaving them a short note in orcish advising them of the best course for their future well-being.

Finally moving through the curtained area beyond they found a storage area where raw iron ore and finished weapons were stored, leading off this area was a passageway leading downwards, which the party immediately made a bee-line for. At the end of the passageway an unpleasant surprise waited them! The orc who'd "fled" the forge-room had roused the guards on this level and they were waiting for the party in serried ranks. As Senella reached the end of the passageway she was attacked by fearsome tanarukks, backed up by archers. As someone barked out orders in orcish it rapidly became apparent that there orcs were well drilled and disciplined troops, and at first the orc forces seemed to be prevailing, Senella falling to multiple blows from tanarukk greataxes. As Randal stepped forward to stand over the body of his fallen colleague, Nystrae stepped forwards to heal her. While Senella tried to get herself into a tactically better position, Nym again rained death by arrow on the assembled orc forces as Ramas unleashed his "pyramids of doom". Eventually, however the party started to gain  the upper-hand and started carving their way through the orc forces, despite the best efforts of the orc adept's healing and the orc sergeant feeding his tanarukk heading potions. Last to fall was the adept and her two barbarian bodyguards.


Moving deeper into the lowest level of the dungeons beneath Xul Jarik  the sound of drumming and orcish chanting was heard in the distance. Splitting up, Ramas discovered the area where the missing scions had been held, Nystrae found the orc shaman's quarters and Senella almost stumbled straight into the Temple of Gruumsh, where she  discovered the Bloodspear Ritual in full swing, the human captives bound to pillars. The entire ritual being overseen by an orog in glowing full plate, as a cleric chanted.

Ramas, Nystrae and Seladrin cast their buffing spells, both Ramas and Seladrin casting "enlarge person" while  Senella downed some potions before launching into battle. The Tanarukk guards were targeted first. As Seladrin and Senella worked through the guards who fell swiftly as Nystrae and Ramas moved to intercept the orc shaman before he could slaughter the prisoners. As his guards and cleric fell, the orog warlord downed a potion of haste and moved to the fray, swinging his great maul ferociously.

The enlarged Seladrin was first to fell the orog's wrath as the warlord landed a series of mighty blows, as the wood elf fell, Nystrae moved to heal him and Ramas and Senella engaged. Furious blows were traded Ramas until eventually as Senella fell, the warlord withdrew through the curtain to an antechamber. As Nystrae moved to heal her fallen comrade, Ramas and Seladrin followed the orog, discovering him attempting to consume a potion of cure critical wounds - an arrow from Seladrin rudely interrupting him.

With the orog warlord slain, Nystrae and Senella  moved to free the captives who were pathetically grateful, having been minutes from a gruesome end. Ramas and Seladrin began searching the antechamber, discovering to their horror, the orog's pet basilisk - both cried for assistance, but a fraction of a second later both were tuned to stone! As Nystrae and Senella rushed to their comrades aid, Nystrae too fell victim to the basilisk's green gaze, however before the onslaught of Senella's axe the aged creature was soon dealt with. With the help of the rescued scions the surviving party members managed to drag their unfortunate colleagues out of the dungeons, and miraculously out of the citadel, without drawing the attention of the guards still blissfully unaware they'd been locked out on the battlements.
The long trek back to Melvaunt was complicated somewhat by having to lug three statues around, but eventually the city was reached. House Nanther paid the 1000 pp for the safe return of Olgar, and the other great Houses also offered gifts for the return of their members. A local wizard was contracted to reverse the effects of the basilisk's state and a week of partying and shopping ensued before the time came to return to Daggers Falls.