Sword Of The Dales

Contents Page

Sons Of Gruumsh


The Mysterious Tower


After some days of travelling deep into the mountains, following Shraevyn’s long-lost instructions,  the party  crested a hill to see the tower, standing amidst a ruined keep, still gleaming with white marble and glowing with an iridescent blue glow. As the rode towards the entrance to the ruined keep their horses shied and refused to enter.Hobbling the horses by a nearby stream they made their way into the ruin, almost immediately being attacked by a trio of bombardier beetles scavenging in the ruins.

The beetles were swiftly disposed of, and the party  moved forward to investigate the tower, only to find a ghastly apparition, a ghost behind the wall of force. As the ghost saw them it emitted an unearthly howl which drove a spike of fear into the hearts of the party. Only Nystrae seemed unaffected, but the others quickly rallied - realising the ghost was trapped behind the force-wall. Ramas first then the others.

Moving on, they decided to investigate the overgrown orchard where Senella fell foul of an assassin vine, nearly dying before her colleagues despatched it and Nystrae healed her. Scavenging some small bits of treasure from the assassin vine's  previous victims, they moved on to the ruined stable block - disturbing a flock of bats apparently roosting there.

Moving through the stable block, noting the hole if the floor the bats had flown up from Seladrin spotted  a large carapace sticking out from a pile of rubble and decided to indulge in a spot of target practice ! As the giant stag beetle reared angrily from the rubble, Nystrae and Senella charged the giant insect - a furious melee ensued where the party took some serious damage before disposing of the vermin.


Finding a trapdoor in ruined officer's quarters the party made their way down to the dungeons below the ruined keep. After a brief altercation with an otyugh lairing in the keep's prison, the party moved on and disturbing a nest of owlbears, which proved a more serious challenge as the owlbear managed to severely wound Senella forcing Seladrin to retrieve her injured colleague and retire from the fray, which unfortunately left Ramas exposed to the owlbear's tender mercies - forcing Nystrae to swiftly interceded with the healing power of her god. Eventually managing to kill the owlbear they had scant seconds to prepare before a second charged them. Fortunately Randall, stepped forward and, bracing his longspear against the creature's charge, skewered it !

After resting for a day to recover from their wounds, they moved on discovering passageway - apparently dedicated to a mysterious god, no one could identify although Nystrae guessed it was probably some minor local deity. Beyond they found a crypt infested with skeletons and wights. A vicious little melee ensued, while Senella, Randall, Seladrin and Nym carved a path through the undead, ably aided once again by Nystrae's tuning abilities.


Bravely pressing on without resting, even though their supplies had run out the day before, our heroes decided to press on exploring the dungeons beneath the ruined keep, finding more and more iconography of the mighty bowing before the meek. In what seemed to be the final room of this level, Senella found a large statue of the aged blind deity, that they'd seen elsewhere, as she strode confidently towards it, she barely had time to throw herself to the ground before a scything blade nearly took her head off!


As Nym moved cautiously to disarm the trap, Randall, Nystrae and Ramas postulated that if one knelt before the statue (following the hints in all the murals and statuary) the blade would pass harmlessly overhead. Once Nym had disarmed the trap she noticed that the large statue had begun to sink slowly into the ground, to reveal behind it a secret door, that too was beginning to open. Moving forward to investigate what was beyond a hissing corpse-like form leaped at her - it was another wight. As Nym reeled from the creatures foul life-sapping blows, her colleagues moved to her aid. Nystrae first attempting to turn the foul creature before summoning a moonblade to combat it. As Nym withdrew from the fray and Ramas, Senella & Seladrin, mindful of their previous encounters with he foul undead peppered the creature with arrows and magic missiles, Randall stepped forward into the breach until the foul abomination was despatched. Within the ruins of the creatures coffin they recovered a few precious items, including a curious wooden practice sword, that they'd found pictured in a manuscript.


After resting and recovering from their wounds and briefly exploring the remains of the owlbear's den, wisely avoiding conflict with a female protecting her cubs, they decided the hunger pangs were getting too much and decided head back up to ground level and check on the horses and hunt for supplies, they discovered to their horror that the owlbears had slain some of the horses and the others had fled. The settled down in the ruined officer's quarters while Seladrin went hunting for food.


Next morning they recommenced their exploration of the ruins, deciding to investigate the sinkhole in the north western tower. Seladrin went first as Senella rappelled him on a rope. Within the sinkhole she found four immovable rods, spaced at 5 ft intervals that made the climb easier and dropping to the floor of the cavern below, called for her comrades to follow - as they did they joined Seladrin in a large cavern, the extremities of which were covered in strange fungal growths, Seladrin began searching for a way out, and spotting what looked like a thinner patch in one area began making her way cautiously through the forest of fungi. As she moved into the "forest" an unearthly shrieking set off, as she made her way through, she was attacked by two violet fungi, as the poisonous tendrils lashed at her, Seladrin called for aid, barely hearing over the shrieking noises her friends moved to help, just as Seladrin fell to the ground. Nystrae first healed her fallen colleague, then joined the others in disposing of the violet fungi.


Exploring the cavern beyond they discovered a nest of ankhegs - which were swiftly disposed of - and also a curious, obviously man-made structure leading from the roof of the cave down to underneath the floor. This structure was obviously a conduit of some kind – possibly leading to another level below. Nym and Senella spent some time on the revolting task of wading through the mountains of waste left by the ankhegs and retrieved some interesting items. They returned to the surface and Seladrin again went hunting for food this time accompanied by Ramas. Nym and Senella bathed in the icy stream watched over by Rafe while Nystrae puzzled over the mysterious conduit they’d discovered below.


After an abortive attempt to discover a way into the conduit from the surface, Nystrae eventually worked out that he entrance must lie in the dungeon level below and they had missed it on their previous explorations. After a night’s rest they returned to the dungeon level and, after some careful searching discovered a secret doorway in they hidden torture chamber they’d rested in some days before. Behind the doorway lay a spiral staircase leading downwards.


Heading down onto the lower level the party discovered what was obviously some kind of fiendish trap involving a cunning arrangement of force fields and levers.  Moving forward cautiously Senella deactivated the first force field however when Nym moved forward to the second lever, joined by Nystrae and Seladrin, the wizards trap was revealed and the first force field sprang back to life trapping them as gouts of acid gushed from hidden sprinklers in the ceiling. As Nym, Seladrin and Senella frantically tried reversing the levers to escape the trap Nystrae tried to keep her comrades alive with her healing magic as the corrosive burned into them. Eventually, just as Nystrae’s healing abilities were becoming exhausted, Seladrin spotted another hidden lever which was swiftly revealed as the mechanism for deactivating the trap.


Moving on the party discovered another forcefield the key to this being the “skeleton” keys obtained from the dungeon above – beyond this forcefield at the end of a corridor was a curious room with a carved mouth on one wall. As the party moved to investigate this curiosity, a huge steel plate slammed down behind them trapping them. As it did so strength-sapping gas began seeping from the mouth, which began to repeat over and over again “You’re all going to die”. As the party searched for a way out they began to realise with horror that the air in the room was becoming stale – the room was sealed and the breathable air was rapidly becoming used up. Redoubling their efforts, despite being weaken by the gas, Seladrin and Senella , finally managed to break through the steel seal on the doorway before serious damage was done.


Barely pausing for rest, the party pressed on down a corridor, till Nym suddenly called a halt – she had spotted a pit trap ahead, moving forward cautiously she  leaped across the pit – only to find to her horror that there was another pit, more cunningly hidden, behind the first! She fell 20ft below onto the vicious spikes below. After much debate and tribulations about how to proceed – her companions eventually managed to rescue her and retrieve her from the bottom of the pit.


After successfully traversing the dual-pit trap, Senella confidently led the party down the corridor only to nearly fall into another one !!!  Much jumping about by Randall (and falling into ! ) later and this next series of pits was bridged with ropes. After this the party decided to rest in the corridor between the two sets of pits while Nystrae variously cured and restored drained strength. Next morning after a cold, uncomfortable and hungry night the party moved on, successfully negotiating two more pit traps spotted by Nym and skilfully bridged by Randall, however the party  were getting a little concerned as they were rapidly running out of rope!


Fortunately these pits proved to be the last and the party were confronted by a large oval room with a locked door in the north wall and a small metal check bolted to the floor in the centre of the room. As Nym moved cautiously forward every nerve-ending in her roguish body screaming "Trap!", Randall and Senella moved with her, Nystrae and Ramas holding back in the entranceway.   Nym spent some considerable time examining the chest, the floor around it, the walls, the ceilings and then repeating the process just to make sure there were no nozzles that might start spouting acid over her - obviously an experience she didn't care to repeat. Eventually she determined there was only one trap  - on the chest itself - and she set about carefully trying to disable it. Unfortunately she failed, however her excellent roguish reflexes enabled her to avoid most of the damage for the fire trap spell. The trap deactivated she swiftly set about opening the lock. Within the check was a single silver key, which after some brief examinations appeared to fit the locked door in the north wall and cautiously Nym opened it.


She and Senella just had time to note the blank wall at then end of the short corridor beyond, before the three rust monsters that had been held in a stasis field charged into them. One went immediately for Senella and her nice shiny armour and shield, one headed for  Randall and the other for Nym.

As Nym and Randall swiftly withdrew, Senella drew the wooden practice sword they'd found earlier and attacked the creature that had destroyed her armour. The other two rust monsters made a bee-line for the metal chest and began snacking down. Eventually the rust monsters were slain with only the additional  loss of a spear head and a lantern!


Moving on into the corridor beyond, Nym found a secret door - beyond that they entrance to the tower, still shielded by the wall of force> Depressing a lever on the nearby wall, the forcewall was deactivated and the party were finally able to enter the room beyond, finding richly appointed living quarters and the skeleton of the wizard slumped over his desk. Exploring the laboratories within Ramas began researching through the wizard's books and notes, discovering  he had been a specialist abjurer  who had worked with Shraevyn on ghost touch weapons and armour. He had designed the ultimate forecage to protect his tower that could be operated by simple levers however he discovered to his horror that due, to a simple miscalculation, when he'd finally cast his great spell and made it permanent, the off switch was outside the wall of force! He'd then spent the rest of his life trying to find a way out of the cage he'd build for himself - unsuccessfully!


While Ramas studied and Nystrae rested the other prowled the tower, Nym in particular inventorying and appraising the wizards stuff (not to mention nicking his silken undergarments). Nym managed to free a couple of earth elementals who'd been trapped in a 10x10 extradimensional room for the last 342 years, who unfortunately swatted her somewhat badly in their eagerness to escape! Fortunately Ramas was on hand with a potion and Nystrae's healing powers were called upon once again. They even found the wizards treasure chamber guarding by an extremely nice djinni, who although frightfully apologetic about not being able to let them steal any of the treasure as he was bound to guard it for another 659 years, was terribly friendly and even offered to feed them. Hungry bellies being more important than gold at this point, the party readily accepted the djinni's offer.


They spent some days in the wizard's tower, resting and recuperating, and Ramas in particular spent some time chatting with the djinni about the elemental plane of air, and the great caliph. After a few days they realised that they were not going to get any of the wizards gold unless they fought and killed their new friend, which none of them had the stomach for - especially as he was filling those very stomachs every day!  Eventually some of the party made the long trek back to Shadowdale to obtain some wagons, and returning, stripped the tower of anything valuable outside the treasure room