Zelatar City of Demons
The Viper Gate
After some shopping, resting, and securing a Merchants Charter that covered them for the city of Zelatar, the Party eventually set out for the Demon City, taking the portal that Rule of Three had suggested, recommended, advised for them in the stables of the Styx Oarhouse.
They found themselves standing in a small cluster of stones outside the walls of an enormous city on a windy, foggy plain; the sky threatened rain. Between the stones, they could see a stream of demons, prisoners, and planar travellers tramping along a road a short distance from them. In contrast to the baked mud of the plain around the city, they could see a silvery palace—it shone with a slightly blinding glare, even in this grey daylight. They couldn't see more because of the stones, but heard the stamping of hooves and a croaking voice shouting orders.
Eventually Elred led the way out of the stone circle, ahead of him,
quilled beasts of burden haul chests and sacks toward a city gate. On
either side of the road sit or stand maimed
and wounded demons, ignored by the passers-by. A fat, frog-like demon
walked along this line of bleeding, dazed demons, slapping each of the
creatures and putting shackles on those who show signs of resistance.
The 8-foot-tall frog demon saw them and croaked in staccato rhythm, his
neck pouch bulging, his mounds of fat jiggling. “You came through the
one-way portal from Sigil. Wonderful! You are my slaves now. If you do
not resist, I will not brand you.”
Elred desperately tried to present his merchants charter, but the
hezrou did not seem impressed and attacked. The hezrou proved a
formidable foe and Elred rapidly hit the ground mortally wounded.
Fortunately Lefrassa cast mass vigour as Truldan and Talonux
joined the attack. Things got much worse for the Party when several of
the armanites guarding the entrance to the city, and unaware they were
"merchants" , decided it would be amusing to join the fray. After
tossing a couple of fireball spells and a baleful polymorph
that failed to work, Talonux decided a hasty retreat was in order and
used dimension door go get himself and Truldan out of danger. Lefrassa
picked up Elred and tried to follow but carrying her burden was unable
to outrun the demons. Truldan seeing Lefrassa in trouble charged back in
to combat, this time managing to get some solid hits in on the hezrou,
killing it. the armanites decided they weren't worth the bother
withdrew and headed back to their encampment to lick their wounds. Once
Lefrassa healed Elred sufficiently they moved on, pausing only to
declare that the hezrou's slaves were free. The dumbfounded demons
stared at them blankly for a minute before taking to their heels!
Moving on towards the city walls, past ranks or amanites who ignored
them, the Party could see the gate rising ahead, a rusted construction
of iron or steel. A row of demonic heads was impaled on pikes along the
top of the arch, surrounded by buzzing flies—some of the eyes and
tongues were still moving. The traffic in and out of the city included
more frog-like hezrou, limping rutterkins, unfamiliar demons with two
mouths and four arms, and dozens of lesser demons scuttling underfoot.
They all ignored the Party except to shove roughly as they pass. The
gate of the city had a large, white-barked tree on either side, and
seemed casually guarded. Dozens of vrocks cawed and screeched from
their roosts on the walls, and lesser demons walk in and out of the city gate; none fly over the walls.
Elred strode forward confidently, past the two white, leafless trees standing on either side of the gate, at the last minute he realized their branches were topped with snake heads—snakes that hissed, “The stench of the archons!” and bit at him! Still wounded from the earlier combat, Elred went down hard, Lefrassa dashed forward, dodging attacks from the trees, and grabbing the fallen rogue, sorry Merchant Prince, dashed through the gates. Truldan charged forwards, swiped one of the trees on the way past, and joined the others inside the gate. Talonux made a dash for it and got through only taking a couple of hits on the way.
Most of the demon travelers traversing the gate unmolested, had pretty much ignored the whole event, though a few stopped to enjoy the show and laugh. As Lefrassa doled out more healing they were approach by a group of guided clamouring for their attention. Eventually they hired the cheapest one, Slippery Jack, an immature vrock with half- moulted feathers and a missing eye.The Sign of the Black Heart
As Slippery jack led them through the twisted streets of the Fogtown
layer of Zelatar, the rain that had been threatening ever since they
arrived began to pour down, they had just passed-by the Argent Palace,
which sat upon a small plateau about 50 feet above the level of the
surrounding town, when suddenly they were confronted by a lamia noble
who demanded to see their papers. With Lefrassa striking just the right
level of obsequiousness, Elred handed over their merchant charter which
the lamia perused carefully, a long forked tongue flickering over the
paper suspiciously. Eventually, though telling them that she felt
something wasn't quite right about them, their papers were in order and
let them go with a warning.
Slippery Jack led them across a bridge over a river of flowing salt
which they crossed with some difficulty due to the chocking clouds of
salt dust that surrounded it. They passed what looked like a
marketplace, but given that it appeared to be crawling with rats, which
most of the patrons simply ignored, they decided not to investigate
it's wares. After which Slippery Jack suddenly paused and pointed to
what looked like a large metal oven burning from green fires within. The
vrock stepped up and into the flames gesturing for the Party to follow
him. Elred led the way and they felt the flames burn them before they
stepped out of s similar oven to see Slippery Jack waiting for them.
Behind him the Argent Palace still stood, but it was clear they were
elsewhere, the grey skies and rain had ceased and the city around them
was lit by light streaming up from the ground casting weird distorted
shadows. Slippery jack informed them this was Gallenghast and, led them
through the twisted streets and down to the river of salt and then to
another of the green ovens. They knew what to expect this time, but this
time when they stepped out, the oven behind them was the size of a
small mansion, the Great Green Oven according to Slippery Jack and they
were now on Darkflame, the city was lit by a strange blue sun. Moving
through the streets the vrock stopped suddenly and pointed to a large
square building outside of which a hanging board displayed the Sign of
the Black Heart.
With some trepidation they entered the doorway under the sign. At first, the public room in the inn looked deceptively ordinary: a well-stocked bar, fresh meat cooking on a grill, and even a fire pit; the open room here was well appointed and barely inhabited. Three tieflings in black tabards with white embroidered hearts seem to be the staff, all bowing and scraping with excellent manners. One was tending the bar, another was waiting tables, and the third was attending to a lamia noble. The logs in the fireplace shifted and crackled, and the bartender looked in your direction. “Get you a drink?” After ordering three pints of Styx Ale, which Truldan and Lefrassa discovered was surprisingly palatable, (Elred only pretended to drink his) they began trying to get some information from the bartender who proved, unlike most bartenders to be remarkably, close-mouthed. While they were talking Elred was sure he spotted eyes peering out at them from the mirror behind the bar. Eventually the bartender pointed them in the direction of the porter's office across the courtyard and the Party made their way there.
They stepped into a well-appointed room made of stone and dull metal;
the only oddity was that the room was dimly lit, with a single candle
burning on a porter’s desk in front of them. The air in the room made
their lungs burn; a haze of smoke, acid, or some vile fume hung in the
air. The haze and darkness might be a plus, though, from the looks of
the large, oozing demon sitting behind its desk. Roughly humanoid, the
demon dripped green ooze from skin so puckered it appearde scraped raw
or half digested. It burped loudly and stared down at you with eyes so
green they almost glow. Slimy droppings from the alkilith demon hiss
when they spatter on the floor, but the creature seemed calm. By the
flickering candlelight, the demon opened a large ledger in front of it
and they heard a voice in their heads saying, “Is this a delivery, or do
you have a booking? This inn is reserved, serving our most private and
exclusive patrons.” The demon consulted the large ledger, flipping
pages. When the Party said that they didn't have reservation, the demon
sighed exasperatedly and asked if they wanted to make one? When asked
about Dawnat Snap, the demon said he could "neither confirm or deny that
such an entity was a guest". Eventually after much exasperation Elred
made a reservation for three nights hence which cost him a "booking fee"
of 500gp, paid in diamonds. In return he received a reservation slip
and asked the alkilith to let the ambassador know they were looking for
Leaving the inn, they found Slippery Jack outside and asked him to take them to alternative accommodation. Passing through, the oven portal again he led them through the layer of the city seemingly lit from below to the Planewalker's Guild where the ogre mage sitting behind the desk signed them up as members, ripping off Elred with an "elven surcharge", and directing them to their rooms. They spent the next day resting, and Elred sent word via Slippery Jack to the alkilith that they were staying at the Planewalker's Guild. Th next morning they returned to the Sign of the Black Heart, splashing some cash with the staff they managed to discover that Dawnat Snap was resident in the Garden Suite. They sneaked up the stairs in the courtyard to the upper level and tried to get in - unfortunately setting off a trap and alarm!
Realising they probably had limited time they dashed to the Garden Suite and managed to get to see the ambassador. Fortunately they avoided any unpleasantness as the ambassador told them of Loths plans to construct a demon alliance which they had to do their best to disrupt, and secured a map of the Demonweb as well as the way to get through the Black Gate - which unfortunately involved the use of a password on Dark Speech, which as none of them were capable of uttering it, the ambassador reluctantly gave them a scroll of Dread Word. Truldan, hearing sounds of commotion below them decided it was time for a sharp exit, which they made their way through the rooftop gardens, just missing the lamia patrol entering the courtyard that had been summoned by the porter.
As they raced through the streets heading for the Great Green Oven they discussed their best option for leaving post-hast, Truldan suggested that as it was know that they were staying at the Planewaker's Guild that, and use of the Infinite Staircase, might best be avoided. Using the oven portal they made their way to Fogtown, only to run into the lamia noble they had met a couple of days before accompanied by a lamia patrol. Not surprisingly the Party legged it, Truldan held the lamias off while the other headed for the nearest gate. Truldan then followed, the lamias in hot pursuit. They dashed through the Giant's Gate, taking attacks from the golems guarding the outside, and fled out into the blasted plain surrounding the city.The Banks of the Styx
As they ran across the blasted plain surrounding the city, heading
the general direction of what the hoped was the river Styx, most of
their pursuers remained in the city, save for a triad of vrocks that
followed them at altitude. As they closed on the river, they were
beginning to think that they might have gotten away clean when they
heard a withering
howl. Truldan was first to see the source: a massive hunting dog made of
dead flesh and bones. It looked in his direction. The charnel hound
raised its head and howled with the noise of a hundred damned souls.
Truldan stepped forward to meet the hound, demon-slaying sword at the
ready while the others hung back ready to cast spells and fire arrows.
As battle raged Truldan was badly wounded by the hounds ferocious
assaults but eventually the combined arcane might of Talonux and
Lefrassa finally dispatched the horror.
Moving swiftly on before the hound's masters appeared, they saw an old woman with stringy hair and dark skin at the edge of the river, hobbling out of grey scraggly brush and coming toward them. When the Party was within speaking distance, she spoke in a harsh voice, “You know, I saw you and that charnel hound. The hound’s masters are two giants, and they’re close on your trail. They’ll eat your guts and put your head on a pike.” She paused a moment. “But it doesn’t have to be that way. I can summon a ferry from the Styx. All it will cost you is one soul, your own or someone else’s.” The blue-skinned hag turned to face them fully and she grinned, her smile full of pointed teeth. “Not so much to pay to get out of the Abyss, is it?” Eventually, after talking Lefrassa out of offering her soul, Elred offered the souls of the pursuing giants to the hag which she accepted with an evil grin, and the Party turned to face their pursuers - two powerful giants carrying enormous swords coming from the same direction as the hound. They stopped about 80 feet away, speaking to each other, readying weapons. Talonux opened the proceedings with a fireball spell followed up by a sound lance from Lefrassa. One giant retaliated by reaching down ad tossing a rock at them which struck the ground and exploded sending stone shrapnel-like fragments through them, the other charged Truldan, greatsword raised. Once more it was a brutal fight, Elred nearly being slain, but the Party prevailed ultimately as Lefrassa, Truldan and Elred took out one giant in combat while Talonux took out the other with a baleful polymorph.
The battle over, the hag claimed the soul of the fallen giant and true to her word summoned a ferryman, who Elred paid the price of passage, allowing them to return to Sigil.