The Lightless Depths

Serpents of Scuttecove

City Of Broken Idols

Of Crocodiles And Things..

Our heroes adjourned to Farshore, where they reported their grave news to Lavinia. Much lamenting and stuff, and after a send off for Jack (including a lengthy soliloquoy from Sancho), it was back to the business of the threat facing the known universe. Lavinia advised them that she had a guest to see them and, after Sancho asked about poassible magical aid in their quest, mentioned that a dwarven wizard had appeared in the centre of town a couple of days ago and could be found in the pub.
Off they trotted (I really ought to try to stick with slightly more heroic words) to the chapel to see their mysterious visitor. He turned out to be an Olman named Jakara, who was on a mission to find heroes to venture onto the plateau of the Isle Of Dread to find a missionary of P)elor named Noltus Ingersol. He also provided them with a stone disk, which Noltus had said originated from Thanaclan and depicted three gods (Tezcatlipoca, Tonatiuh and Quetzalcoatl) appearing to work together, focussing on a bow. There was also the last letter from Noltus, which referred to the village of Mantru and the City of Broken Idols. The letter also mentioned the stone disk as possibly being important. The team gathered up the disk and set off for the pub, to celebrate getting another dangerous job so quickly.
In the pub they met a dwarven wizard named Davian, who promptly handed a letter to Sancho. After a brief conversation, Dvian accepted an offer to join the party on their new mission. At high tide (in the afternoon) the next day they set off for the northern most bay of the Isle, where they said 'Hi' to their friend the dragon turtle.
After a lengthy trek across the isle, they reached the forbidding cliffs of the central plateau. Davian immediately proved his usefulness by flying up, memorizing a spot and then teleporting them there (having found a path up, Analesia took a little persuasion to go this route. They made their way to  the lake at the centre of the plateau and soon found the village of Mantru, deserted apart from four couatls, who were watching over the body of a high priest of Quetzacouatl, until such heroes as were worthy could arrive to bid him well on his journey. They then set a riddle, which I can't be bothered to type, which Sancho answered with ease (perhaps he is part halfling!). Having made it possible for Umlat (the priest) to rest, his ghost appearwed and offered to answer one question from each of them by way of thanks. Unfortunately, he only spoke Olman and so Sancho was the only one who could communicate with him. In answer to Sanchos question (where can we find the bad guys), he told them that they came from Taboo Island, in the middle of the lake.
At this point, Davian got out his telescope and perused the island, spotting a mighty ziggurat and a statue he identified as being Demogorgon. After some discussion, they decided to get there by canoe (since there were some in the village) and set off across the lake. Halfway across, a giant crocodile attacked, destroying the canoe with one mighty bite! As they floundered in the water, Analesia grabbed Sancho just as he cast gaseous form and began to float upwards. The rest of them took some hideous damage from the monster before Davian teleported them to safety on Taboo Island.
Moving to the ziggurat, they swiftly realised that there was no way in - the only seeming entrance blocked by an enormous and heavy lump of stone. They walked round the island until they found a point where a mighty beast had obviously crawled up on the bach to bask in the sun and decided to set an ambush for it. As Arry hid in the treeline and the others waited in the shrubbery, the great crocodile hauled itself out of the water. Analesia cast ray of enfeeblement on it, Sancho cast ray of dizziness, Davian fireballed it and Arry, after a volley of arrows, moved to confront it - all in all, not the crocodiles best start to an afternoon nap. Davian kept fireballing away as Analesia moved back and peppered it with arrows. Standing in front of it, Arry took horrendous damage but invisible Sancho moved up behind him and managed to cure enough damage to keep him standing. After a lengthy combat, Sancho finally got annoyed with the croc and used his death attack (which consists of sticking a dagger in anything with less than 5 hit points) to finish it off.
It was at this point that Davian remebered seeing some ruined piers jutting out from the base of the cliff near the ziggurat
From the pyramid, a village of three huts suddenly appeared (translation - I read the scenario) and the team decided to investigate. Approaching with a combination of stealth and its antonym, they were confronted by three chaps with animal skins melded to their skin, Surprisingly, they took this as a bad thing and combat ensued. As the skinwalkers unleashed a volley of arrows, the party moved to position and some stuff happened (sorry, can't remember the specifics). After a few seconds, a high level rogue emerged from one of the buildings and managed to make a lot of tactical mistakes which culminated in him getting AOOed to death, together with the skinwalkers. Once the enemy was vanquished, the group explored the village, with Sancho discovering a book. With the help of Davian, he managed to work out it was a ledger, accounting sacrifices and shadow pearl movements, of which 44 have been 'sent below'.
After a brief search, Analesia found a trail leading off to a monumental entrance of stone slabs, which was shut. After a bit of faffing, Analesia managed to open it, at about the point that Sancho was getting bored. Beyond, a corridor lead into darkness. Moving in, they reached a junction, with a horrible stench drifting in from the right path. Strangely, they turned left, heading into a room full of copper rings. Ignoring this, they moved on and into a room with three circles of depressions on the floor, with a sun, a moon and a star symbol in a depression in each ring. Correctly surmising this to be a combination lock, they deciphered it using the stone disc supplied by Vesserin. As they opened the lock, they were blessed by the voices of three Olman gods - Quetzalcoatl, Tonatiuh and Tezcatlipoca (try saying that when drunk). A bow appeared in the centre of the room and was rapidly snaffled.
Moving on, a burial chamber was uncovered, with each mummified corpse draped in riches and finery. Sancho lead the party onwards, as Analesia suffered a minor crisis - collect gold or stay alive (not as simple a choice as it sounds for a rogue). Her mind was finally made up as Sancho fell down a pit and the party spent a brief time wondering how to cross it.
A Scent of Man
Our heroes headed on down the corridor, until they came to an opening about three feet acros leading in to a large room. As Analesia stuck her head through it, she was as startled as the skinwalker on the other side. As she fired an arrow at him, a fireball hit her from high on the balcony. Davian cast greater invisibility on her and she moved into the room, swiftly followed by Keth and an invisible Sancho. Sancho headed for the magic using skinwalker who had cast the fireball and levitated to him, as Analesia discovered that skinwalkers had the scent ability (that or the party really need to find a bath house). As spells of power and arrows from the Nimbus bow raked the room, it all looked a little dicey, apart from Sancho and the mage, who were engaged in their own little battle of the shaving cuts. As the skinwalkers fell, everyone began to breath a sigh of relief until the doors on the upper balconies opened and more skinwalkers, their chief and an ape emerged. The chief jumped off the balcony and engaged Keth as Analesia annihilated the ape in a single round. Laureli used spiritual weapon and heal to keep Keth nominally upright as the other skinwalkers were engaged by the Brelani Eladrin that Davian had summoned. To cut a long story short (and avoid me spending the rest of the night typing) the party won through.

As I was walking through the air, I met a demon who wasn't there

After a rest break and some R'n'R in the chieftains lair, the group moved on into the main chamber, bizarrely lead by Sancho. Seeing a mark on the floor, he read 'Symbol of Dea...', at which point he collapsed to the floor dead, swiftly followed by the unfortunate Davian. Not the best start to a day in anyone's book. The party used a scroll of Raise Dead to bring back Sancho but were unable to convince Davian to return. They moved on into a large area looking out over the lake, with rotted piers stretching into the water. As they stood their, they were mildly discombobulated to see a huge demonic form rise from the water and commence unholy blighting them. As they engaged the monster, they soon realised that it was an illusion and began to scan the water for the source. It was about now it all got a bit strange, as a door opened twenty feet up in the air and a man stepped out of the void and fell to the floor. As Keth went to aid him (by picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder, while vaguely threatening him), the party realised that this was a threat they could not handle, and withdrew.
The newcomer introduced himself as Mr P and offered to join the team, although he was somewhat vague as to how he had ended up in this unfortunate situation. At first, several of the group were sceptical, until they discovered he was capable of teleporting to Sasserine, at which point all doubt vanished, and they decided to explore the other half of the level.
Returning to their entry point, they turned right toward the pit of smelliness. Analesia moved to a position to look into the pit and saw a disgusting gigantic blobby oozy monster thing. She communicated this to the party, at which point Sancho loudly proclaimed it to be undead and looked to Laureli, who seemed dubious of this swift tactical analysis, strangely enough. As Sancho moved forward, the ooze monster started to climb out of the pit, at which point it got nuked from orbit by pretty well everything the party had. Still it kept coming. As the monstrosity bore down on the gnome, it was felled by something, but I haven't got a clue what, just before it annihilated Sancho big time.
Moving on, they set off a rolloing boulder trap which achieved nothing at all, apart from blocking off the water source for the area. The rest of the level was very boring, apart from an exciting secret door leading to stars that the party went down. On finding that these lead to a large room of foetid watery goodness flooded to a depth of eight feet, they went back upstairs and tried a different route down, only to find that it lead to the same area, but via a dry landing with a passage leading off. Down the passage we go.
This lead to another flooded area, but only to a depth of a couple of feet, containing giant oysters. They waded through, and into an area with several exit tunnels. More importantly, there were also several Kopru, which caught the parties attention rather more than the exits. A short fight ensued, with the Kopru failing miserably to dominate anyone and so not lasting overly long. On we go, into a massive cavern, again flooded but with several strategically placed land bridges. As they moved down the side of the cave, one of them shook off a feeling of not being in control (to be honest, who is) and rightly surmised that there was a Kopru submerged in the water on the caverns floor. They scanned the water and swiftly saw the Koprus head. As they attacked at range, two more Kopru flew up and engaged them rather more directly (big mistake by those Kopru). Again, a short combat later (and some powerful spells), they were victorious.
He wasn't there again today, now he is, please go away
Moving out of the cavern into a side chamber, they found themselves in a room carpeted with skulls (not very sensible floor covering, bit of a wotsit to dust and a little hard on the feet), through which was an alchemical lab. They moved on, through a short passage to a massive cave. Sancho took a quick look and reported that there was a big bad dude in there. Analesia shuffled forward and agreed with him. As the big bad spat acid at Analesia, battle was joined. Arry ran down the side of the cave to engage him in combat as Mr P, Laureli and Analesia commenced using ranged weapons and spells to get his attention. Sancho began to recite an epic poem and Keth asked Analesia to move five feet to her left. Confused, she did so as the barbarian jumped forty feet to the central platform, just in time to see Arry getting in deepest doodoos against the two headed demonic monstrosity. As Keth landed, he discovered that there were six skulvyn demons in the water, which was not quite what he had hoped for. Sancho flew to the top of a status as the party began to realise that this was not going to be their day. Laureli cast holy word at the demon as it teleported in front of them, which had a couple of unfortunate side effects - it rendered Analesia and Sancho deaf, but also caused Analesia to become blind and she staggered away down the wall, into a Maurehzi demon which was pottering out to ask everyone to keep the noise down, it had a migraine, what is it with the youth of today, I don't know, when I was younger we had respect for our elders - or something like that. Confronted with a blind rogue, it decided its day had improved and attacked. Panicked, Analesia moved back and summoned hurricane force winds using the nimbus bow.
Meanwhile, Mr P transported himself and Laureli to behind the statue where they were joined by Keth. Pausing only to cast major image (a wall of iron with a door in it for Sancho) Mr P teleported them back to their campsite. Sancho got out under his own steam, and, after much effort, Arry managed to stagger out of the complex. Alive, but barely.
Realising how close they had come to disaster, they decided to sleep on it, buff themselves to the Nth degree and have another go. This time round, the tactics were a little more considered, since whack it and scarper had failed. A blade barrier kept the skulvyn and maurezhi at bay and a very brutal combat ensued. Even buffed and prepared, they found the going hard, as the demon called the skulvyn through the barrier (much to their annoyance) and proved he was no soft option. Even so, they were winning when suddenly, he vanished, to be replaced by a Wastrilith. Being aquatic by nature it was not in the best of moods when it appeared. Sancho immediately advised retreat, but Keth and Mr P were by now in no mood to retire, particularly since they realised that this was the door guardian. Despite its brutal attacks, the wastrilith was soon dispatched (if I remember correctly, by the might of Sanchos rapier) and a sigh of relief released by all.
Confusion Days
As they recovered from the combat, they realised that more than the big bad had escaped - there was a ghoulish enemy that had been seen at the far end of the ledge. Wisely waiting till Laureli dropped the blade barrier, they headed for the last room on the right, pausing only to search the side rooms. As Arry and Keth approached the entrance, four ghouls came out and basically fell over - there may have been some combat in there, but that was fundamentally it. Sancho moved passed the brief contretemps and was a little irritated to be attacked by a fifth ghoul, which had been invisible behind the others. He tried attacking it to little avail, as Laureli failed to turn it - she then realised it was no ghoul, but a maurezhi demon!. Arry, Keth and Analesia moved to help Sancho and a brief skirmish left them low on spells, breath and, in some cases, skin. Sancho built a pleasant second home with his magic and they retired inside to rest, recuperate and heal.
The next day started with a pleasant surprise, as Laureli rewarded all with a heroes feast, and, satiated, they ambled back up to the flooded chamber that they had shied away from earlier. Analesia set off to swim across and was not best pleased when a hezrou demon burst from the waters and attacked her. She swiftly swam back and a consultation exercise was undertaken to decide the next approach. After a public vote, several committee meetings and a whist drive, it was decided that Keth would swim into danger while the others covered him. Predictably, he was attacked by two hezrou. Less expected was the third hezrou which popped up in front of the rest of the party. As the hezrou attacked Keth and basically had a bit of demonic fun, the rest of the party took it in turns to shuffle to the back and take pot shots. The hezrou in the water grappled Keth and soon found out why you don't grapple barbarians carrying sun-blades. The second used unholy blight to wing the party up still further, while the third just did what hezrou do and tried to rip them apart. After quite a lot of this, the hezrou began to flag in the last quarter of the game and soon were behind on points. Soon after, the party kicked them in to touch
As they were just congratulating themselves on a job well done when big bad appeared in the water and a retriever (not the golden variety) appeared behind them. Deciding this was a bad thing, they made concerted attacks on all fronts, until a confusion effect caused Arry and Laureli to malfunction. As they morphed into friends of little weed and stood saying flibble to each other, the rest began to get a little wary. Although they were making headway against the horror, it was soon apparent that their attacks were just not getting through and a tactical retreat was called for while Arry and Laureli became themselves once more.
The Apes Of Wrath
Our heroes regrouped, more than a little irritated that Mr Big Bad had routed them a second time. As they commenced their recovery, Mr P ambled out of the grey, where he had been taking part in a survey to determine satisfaction levels amongst magic using adventurers with the new realms of magic released by the compendium. Refreshed (possibly rested, although I don't think so), they returned to the fray, having buffed themselves to a healthy glow. This time round, things were a little easier and, after a considerable battle, Mr Big Bad was returned to the hells.
After resting in Sanchos handy little house overnight, they continued on their merry way, to the only corridor not yet explored. At the end of it was a room full of statues, made of clay. As Analesia flew into the room, Sancho followed her, triggering a pressure plate on the floor which caused a portcullis to fall behind him. As four clay golems animated amongst the status, Analesia flew up through a trapdoor in the roof, leaving Sancho alone, with an unreceptive audience. As Keth smashed his way through the portcullis, the clay golems attacked, injuring Sancho. He immediately cast gaseous form and joined Analesia, who shut the trapdoor. Keth and Arry started beating the wetsuits (you just have to leave the spell checker to its job sometimes) out of the golems, with the help of Laureli and Mr P. Realising that they were cut off from events downstairs and had abandoned their friends, Analesia opened the trapdoor and her and Sancho joined in, Sancho actually going into combat! The golems had no chance.
Once the battle was over, Analesia searched the area and found a secret door concealed behind the back wall. She opened it and moved forward cautiously, checking every inch of the corridor beyond for traps. It wasn't long till the novelty of this wore off and more traditional means were utilised, known as the 'take it on the barbarians/fighters/bards hit points' method. This lead to the discovery of several rather painful glyphs, before the rogue remembered improved evasion and moved to the front, again checking for traps. A large cavern opened ahead, a split level residence suitable for the upwardly mobile troglodyte. Our group of happy heroes reached the stairs without incident, where they set off yet another glyph, this time without incident. Upstairs, the corridor continued to an intersection with a well in the centre of it.
Moving up, they were startled when several baboons attacked them, together with an octopus that lived in the well. This minor distraction was short lived (in all senses) and Sancho moved to investigate a side passage. This proved an unhealthy life style choice, as several large baboon like creatures charged the party. This proved much more of a challenge, especially when the troglodyte priests joined in. After several tense minutes (well, 24 seconds in game time) the natural order of things was restored and the remaining two troglodytes legged it into their cave up the passage. The party moved to take them down big time, and nearly managed it before they melded into stone and refused to come out to play any more.
Bored of waiting for the spell to end, they moved on, encountering two awakened dire apes. One of these was a twelfth level fighter - like that did him any good! The troglodyte priests in the next room, with their invisible rogue ally faired a little better, although the rogues wisdom was called in to question when she attacked Analesia in the back and found herself flanked by a rogue and a barbarian. The priests retreated and the party moved to take them down big time, nearly managing it before they melded into stone and refused to come out to play any more.
The next few rooms were empty and tedious, apart from Analesia unfortunate discovery that harm could be tied to a glyph spell. This left her a little less interested in continuing until Laureli had worked some healing magic.
Moving to the double doors at the end of the corridor, Analesia opened them, only to see a fist the size of her coming towards her. The party moved to deal with the threat, only to find themselves caught in Evards Black Tentacles. The giant ape moved toward them and, rather sensibly, they made a tactical retreat to reconsider their choices in life.
Our heroes regrouped - they were getting rather good at this by now. After careful consideration, a plan was hatched - they would teleport in and beat the snot out of the ape, whilst ignoring everything else. The plan was followed to the letter, meaning that the ape had only 12 seconds before it fell crashing to the ground. A blade barrier kept most of the other occupants of the room out of the way, apart from a sorcerer who kept casting through it. As Mr. P and the troglodyte high priest went toe to toe, the rest of the party mopped up on their side of the barrier, until it was dispelled and the final conflict could be completed with the death knight. This was over rather more swiftly than anticipated, with team teleport victorious.