Two Weeks Notice |
Ghost Cartels - Flipside
Runners: Kitsune, Polo, Sirius, El Torro, Spirit, Blackout, Zipcode ...from zipCode's blog I was sitting home with the feet up when a comm. comes through from Smiley - interrupting the latest instalment of Simsense Starlets Uncovered no less! He had a job for us, and for once it didn’t involve that slot-head Yakamura. I was just about to pass the details on to the others when Spirit commed saying that Yakamura had “summoned” us to a meet down in orkville., and he wasn’t taking no for an answer!We go to Blackout’s to discuss what to do. No-one was very inclined to take any more drek from Yakamura so we decided it might be time to terminate our arrangement with him – with extreme prejudice if necessary! We’re heading down there , when a call comes in from Dae, wanting to meet. So we jander down to the Hilton to speak to her. Apparently Yakamura had gone completely off-reservation and she paid us off. I decided that Yakamura needed more payback, so while we were sitting there I hacked the comlink of one of the corp suits at the bar and sent a little message to the Lone Star Crime Hotline – poor sap would probably end up with Seattle Citizen of the Year award! I figured once Lone Star was on the case it would take about four nanoseconds for that paydata to be with the Yaks. Sure enough as we head home later after a few beers, the newsfeed are full of a major fire-fight erupting in the bar where Yakamura wanted to meet – funny coincidence that! Next morning we head off to see Smiley, who tells us that the Johnson wants us to track down and find a dandelion-eater called Smalls who’s pushing something called “flipside” over in Pullayup, and find out who his source was. I jacked-in and started browsing, while Spirit and Polo headed down into the Sprawl and put the feelers out with their contacts. Eventually we tracked the guy down to some elf-poser wannabee goth hangout in Pullyaup. The kind of place where they have tri-dees of Jetblack on constant rotation and the drek-heads woudn’t know a decent power-chord if it Kicked them in their pasty white faces. We heads on down there, that evening.. Sirius and LT had made an effort, she was all got up in some black flouncy lace thing ![]() As the others headed into the club, I quickly scanned the PANs inside, picking up the feed form the others and streaming it to the blogsite. Small’s hadn’t bothered with any security and I quickly tagged him in the john. Passing the info on to the others, they headed there only to find the door locked. LT soon dealt with - by the simple expedient of booting it in. Smalls was indeed inside – occupied by having the slot beaten out of him by five Seoul Men. The guy sleaped into action and soon there were three corpses, one very unconscious and one very scared Seoul Men. Polo put the hard word on the survivors and suggested Seattle was no longer conducive to their health. They then picked up Smalls and headed back to the van. In the back of the van Sirius used some of her hocus-pocus to dredge some info from Smalls, his supplier was working out of the Amazonia embassy on Council Island, but had a house in Renton. I passed the paydata on to the Johnson, who suggested we might like to pay Mr Diplomat a little visit. # Later zC Bag 'em and Tag 'emAfter a couple of hours research I
managed to track down our target’s address and Polo, Spirit and LT headed out
there to give the place a once over and see if they could work out best how to
extract him . I tossed an RFID tag over to Kitsune and suggested he take a
jander over to LT and Polo took up residence in a stuffer-shack across the road, while Spirit went astral to case the joint. We worked up a couple of possible scenarios for the extraction before settling on the old “road traffic accident” gimmick. Blackout would side-swipe his car and then Polo would hit him with a couple of shock rounds and bag him. Spirit would be on stand-by for any spellslinging while LT would provide perimeter security- I’d be flying overwatch launching the drone from the rear of the building. While we were planning all this word comes though from Kitsune that the RFID tag was a no-go as security was too tight round the embassy and he’d follow the guy home and give updates. We’d got everything slicker than a weasel up a greasy pole by the time ole Jose left work, Kitsune in tow. Suddenly the drek hit the fan – like that was unusual - as two black vans pulled up outside Jose’s pad, and emptied out a bunch of muscle-boys out onto the street, six of them headed into the apartment block while two stayed back in one of the vans. Obviously Jose had some indication of what was happening a Kitsune called-in that he’d just taken off like a bat out of hell – crashing a red light in the process. Spirit sneaked out of the stuffer-shack invisible and zapped the goons in the vans with her witchery, while the others got into position! Suddenly Jose pulls up behind where, I’m parked at the rear of the building – while everyone else is set-up out front. He leaps out of his car and then, like he was jacked-up on some kind of fairy- dust, he only leaps up to the fire-escape in a single bound heading up the stairway at hyper-speed. I was still staring at the empty space where he had been when Kitsune pulls up next to me. I put I the call to the others and we headed up to try and follow. As I headed up the stairs there were gunshots and unpleasant meaty sounds coming from the hallway above, I arrived to see one of the muscle-boys – flying through the air and slamming through the opposite doorway, just as Polo, LT and Spirit arrived in the elevator. Letting Kitsune go first we headed into the hallway to a scene of carnage, there were bodies, or bits of bodies everywhere, the surviving Seoul Men were emptying clips into Jose and they were having absolutely no effect! ![]() I put the call into Ms Johnson who asked us to bring Jose along to a meet at The two men took Jose off for a “chat” before asking us to deal with him – never averse to a bit of wetwork Kitsune took care of that particular problem # Later zC |
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events: . Various underworld
groups continue vying to control Tempo. |