Damage Control
From Lexicanum
Fenris Nacht
Face was woken up by his Fixer, Jimmy at 2.30 in the morning.
Jimmy says a job has just been posted on "ShadowSea" that you and your crew may be interested in. Base pay is 10,000 nY for the first objective then 5,000 nY for each additional objective.

You have to meet Mr Johnson, none other than Hans Brackhous, at Fenris Nacht nightspot at 6.00pm sharp. Hans Brackhaus, every one has heard of him. He is reportedly Lofwyr's right hand man. It is a recruitment posting, so you won't be the only team trying to secure the job.
Once the team is together, Benny researches Fenris Nacht, and finds out it is a bar in Tacoma, where secrecy is paramount and there are worse people there than Shadow Runners.
A few of the party (Teflon and Benny in particular) went to the local charity shop to pick up cheap suits to make them look sort of presentable at the meeting.......
Late afternoon the party headed down to Fenris Nacht, located in a run down neighbourhood and parked in a pay lot with a large number of expensive vehicles already there. Security was tight, very tight to get in and all were asked to check their weaponry.
On entering the bar, Face headed to the bar and advised the barman that you were there to meet Mr Brackhaus. The barman told you to take a seat in a booth and advised there were three groups in front of you so you may be waiting a while. Flashcat peaked astrally to see a large spirit looming over the bar keeping an eye on things.
The party made themselves comfortable in a booth with drinks and prepared to wait.....
Shadows of Dubai
The first two groups go in and leave around an hour
later. When the third group is called, the party notice that only that
group’s Face and Mage initially move to meet with Mr Brackhaus. They
also note the whole team has their commlinks turned off and cyberware
dampened. Face speculates this is a sign of respect.
The Party heads out of Fenris Nacht, heading back to Face’s car intending to all go home whilst they await the call.
as they approach the car park they notice figures lurking around face’s
car. Ambush. The ensuing fight was short and ugly and the hostile
street sam’s were put down swiftly by Teflon, Randy and Milo. Flash cat
summoned a spirit, but the thugs were dealt with before he finished
giving the spirit instructions!
01.00 Face received a call from Mr Brackhaus confirming they had the
job. Mr Brackhaus said he needed the Runners urgently in Dubai to
gather intel on Ares and NeoNett who were aggressively targeting Saeder
Krupp’s best clients, trying to exploit Saeder-Krupp’s perceived
weakness following the destruction of their Middle East HQ by the Great
Dragon Hestaby.
Mr Brackhaus realises that getting to Dubai at
short notice will be costly and provided a Credit Stck with 85,000 nY
to cover expenses. Face also managed to negotiate an increased fee off
15,000 nY per runner for the first objective then a further 7,500 nY
for each subsequent objective.
team, leaving all their hardware behind headed to the Airport. The 16
hour flight passed uneventfully, and the Runners were met at Dubai
Airport by one of Mr Brackhaus assistants and taken to a 5 star hotel.
The Assistant tells them that a Fixer, going by the name of 2XL, based
in Lisbon but with extensive contacts all over the Middle East is a
good first port of call.
Face contacts 2XL, who, after a brief
discussion, said he would be happy to sell them about Ares Covert
operations in Dubai. However, because he doesn’t want to disrupt his
operations in Dubai, he tells Face that the meeting will be under the
guise of a smuggling transaction and that the Runners will have to meet
him on a Ship (the Orchid) docked at a Dubai Cargo Terminal. 2XL tells
face the Cargo Terminal is heavily patrolled & guarded and that the
runners will need to get to the ship without attracting attention!! The
meeting is set for midnight, 12 hours from now.
and Teflon called their Fixers in Seattle again to see if they knew any
people in Dubai who may be able to help them track down Neo Nett.
Fixer came up with a lady called Am- Mut, based in Cairo, who should be
able to help. Milo called Am-Mut and after a brief conversation, Am-Mut
advised that she could get the info the Runners need. It would take 5-6
hours and would cost 25,000 nY in advance.
Face calls Asriya who confirms she can help and asks
the Runners to meet her at the Emerald Orchid Restaurant in Warsan at
16.00. After getting off the phone, Flash Cat does some research to
find the Emerald Orchid is a haven for radical fundamentalists who have
a habit of killing all outsiders that dare show their faces there!!
The team meet Asriya who says she
can give the team the location of Neo Nett’s secret base in Dubai. The
cost is 10,000 nY PLUS a copy of all the information the team can find.
The team agree, but as an insurance policy Asriya demands some DNA from
each runner, to be returned once she receives a copy of the information.
Warehouse One/Two
hit the matrix to get schematics of the Dubai Cargo Terminal and check
security for the meet with 2XL later. Flash Cat and Teflon did a
physical scout of the location. Guided by comlink instructions from
Benny they found a weak point in the perimeter where there appeared to
be a blind spot for the security cameras. Flash Cat and Teflon also
noticed roving Mudaween patrols (Religious Police).
Face and Milo headed to the Gold Souk to scope out the Golden Palace.
The Gold Souk was very busy and there was a heavy presence of both
Dubai Police and the Mudaween. Whilst scoping the Golden palace the
were accosted by Mudaween and asked to leave the area. Face & Milo
decided it would probably be best to try and infiltrate the Golden
Palace at night.
that evening, in a Van hired by Face, the runners headed to the Dubai
Cargo Terminal, locating the weak point. Benny hacked the security
systems, ensuring the cameras did not pick them up whilst Teflon cut an
access way through the chain link fence. The runners managed to avoid
the Mudaween patrols and made it the the cargo ship, the Orchid, to
meet 2XL. The transaction to obtain the info from 2XL was disguised as
the sale of two cases of Exotic Fruit. Face negotiated with 2XL finally
agreeing a price of 15,000 nY. The cases came with forged RFID tags and
AR paperwork certifying they had been inspected and passed by customs.
Within one of the cases was an optical chip detailing Ares base of
operations in Dubai. The runners left the Orchid and successfully made
their way out of the Cargo Terminal.
Once back in the van,
Benny loaded the chip and the data detailed Ares operations in Dubai
were based in the Golden Fleece shipping company in an area further
down the coast. The Golden Fleece has been a front for Ares for over 30
years. Over the years known Ares assets and a high volume of trade with
companies affiliated to Ares was apparent.
The runners
decided to head straight to the Golden Fleece. On route, Benny hit the
Matrix again and discovered that Golden Fleece shipping company
comprises of 3 warehouses on the water, a wharf with 5 small and medium
freighters currently moored, a cargo container storage area behind the
warehouses, a mosque and a four story office building near the front
gate. Benny also discovers that there are 4 roving patrols of 6 guards.
On a further search Benny discovers the "guards" are in fact shadow
After discussing the
various options for infiltrating the Golden Fleece, Face suggestde they
pose as a delivery van of Exotic Fruits, given the have these from 2XL
and all the necessary documentation. With no other suggestions
forthcoming, the runners decided this is the "best" option.
Surprisingly this worked and the gate guard directed the runners to warehouse 1 to make the delivery.
over to warehouse 1 Face and Teflon posed as delivery drivers, whilst
the invisible Flash Cat, Benny and Milo headed to Warehouse Two, again
surprisingly managing to avoid the roving patrols.
Flash Cat sneaked
into the warehouse and became aware the interior dimensions were
smaller than the exterior and began looking for a hidden door. Shortly
Flash Cat found the door and peeked astrally inside to see 4 heat
sources. Flash Cat also discovered the door needed an RFID badge to open
it. After a hurried discussion Flash Cat and Milo decideed they need a
diversion and Benny headed out of the warehouse to a pile of oil drums
he noticed to one side of the cargo area.
Meanwhile back
at warehouse 1, Face and Teflon loitered near the van after making the
deliver. However a security guard arrived and insisted they move on.
Teflon responded with a negative and a combat axe, felling the guard.
Whilst deciding what to do next, there was a massive explosion as Benny
ignited the oil drums as a diversion....
Dubai Destruction
Later that
evening, the runners headed to the Gold Souk, in another rental van
(this time not rented by Face). They parked just outside the Gold Souk
and headed in on foot dodging the police patrols. Like clockwork, at
midnight, the Golden Fleece’s front door unlocked and the runners
entered the shop, closing the door behind them…….
Infiltration or Burglary
Standing in the Golden Fleece, Flash Cat positioned himself near the window to keep an eye out. The rest of the runners had a quick scout round finding a door behind the counter at the back that led to an anti room / store room.The store room ran the width of the shop and apart from a worn rug on the floor the only other thing of note was a large Safe, with an archaic tumbler mechanism. Teflon who was scouting the room called in Benny to see what he could do about the lock. Whilst Benny busied himself with the ancient safe Teflon felt something a little unusual under the rug. Moving the rug revealed a floor vault with a much more modern mag lock. In short order Benny had both the safe & vault open. The safe was obviously a bit of a decoy containing many less valuable items. The floor vault however contained a small ransom in loose gems and Jewellery. After some discussion about what to do, Randy shovelled the valuables about his person muttering it would make this look like a robbery.

Out front, Flashcat called for quiet as a Mudaween Patrol passed the shop. Once the coast was clear the Runners re set the false wall, locked the safe, but left the floor vault open to make it look like a robbery to disguise where they had been. The runners left the shop and Benny quickly re-set the security systems. The runners made their cautious way out of the Gold Souk back to their car.
Flashcat was in the lead, as the Dwarf rounded the corner to where their second hire van was parked, and was surprised to see a team of Shadow Runners waiting for them. In the ensuing fire fight both Flash Cat and Milo were wounded. Benny, who as at the back heard sirens approaching fast called out a warning and disappeared back into the Gold Souk. The rest of the team put down the opposition then dived into their van and made their escape. After a frantic commlink call the picked Benny up a few blocks away and headed back to their hotel.
Once in their Hotel, Benny made a copy of the data retrieved for himself and for Astriyah , whilst Face called Mr Backhaus. Mr Backhaus advised he would send someone straight over the retrieve the data. A short while later Mr Brackhaus himself turned up at the hotel to collect the data personally and to congratulate the runners on a quick efficient job. Mr Brackhaus paid the monies owed and advised the runners to take a short rest as he had another job for them, and he would call with details. Rather than rest immediately, the runners arranged to meet with Astriyah and exchanged the data retrieved for their DNA that she had taken as surety.
A few hours later Mr Brackhaus arrived at their hotel again asking you to find out which other “smaller” corps were trying to take advantage of Saeder Krupp’s current problems. All we need is information of which companies are involved at this stage, but as before time is of the essence and you have 12 hours.
With that Mr Brackhaus leaves and the runners hit the web & the streets.
Face makes a call to 2XL to see if he can point them in the direction of where to find information of ths type. 2XL suggests The Midas Touch, The Red Square Club and the Dubia Ghazu Horse Racetrack as good places to start as the less respectable sectors of society hang out here……