The Cellars

Chamber of Undeath

After a night's rest, they decided to head on down to the lower level, almost immediately being attacked by two zombie goblins, who proved little threat. This whole area was dimly  illuminated by patches of iridescent white fungus that gave everything an unearthly and unhealthy-looking cast. Several passageway branched off and they took the eastward one, Half way along a set of double doors was set in the north wall.  Opening the doors, they found this room was illuminated by the strange green crystal in one corner. Across from this several mutilated corpses, one of them a giant spider's lay on a large table.  Thyrus entered the room cautiously and scanned the area for threats finding none. Tamarie and Yangrit moved in to investigate the gruesome table only to immediately step on a trap's trigger plate!

Immediately rectangular steel cage plummeted from the ceiling, slamming into them and encompassing  them. Bizarrely, the cage also contained a skeleton suspended in a leather harness that protected it against damage from the cage’s fall! In the enclosed space the skeleton attacked, but a single force missile from Seawyr swiftly despatched it. With some help, Thyrus was able to lift the heavy cage enough to let the two crawl out, but their troubles were not quite over yet. As they examined the contents of the table a burst of energy from the green crystal seemingly allowed the skeleton to reanimate. Fortunately it was little real threat and quickly disposed of again, Tamarie channelling positive energy. This time, hopefully, destroying it for good!

Way of Webs

The Party left the room and tuned left towards the doors at the end of the corridor. As he led the way, Thyrus suddenly stopped, feeling the flagstone beneath his foot give way slightly. Cautioning the others he began to edge his way cautiously round, only for that flagstone too to give way and he fell down into a spiked pit trap. As they others rushed forward the trap door closed above him!

As Thyrus painfully dragged himself off the spike that penetrated his thigh, a moon spider suddenly dropped down from above anMoon SPider bit him. Above, Yangrit managed to open the pit trap by leaning heavily on it with her staff. Although initially there was a flurry of confused and contradictory actions, the others, began to get things ordered and try to help. Tamarie, channelled healing to the fallen Thyrus while Seawyr began casting spells, while Juntrik tossed a knife at the spider. Eventually, Yangrit began to lower herself down into the pit, belayed by Tamarie, but as she did the pit began to fill with mist, into which the spider seemed to merge.

Eventually, extracting Thyrus from the Pit, the Party decided to go through the other door, but as Thyrus opened it they failed to see a patch of mist on the ceiling coalesce into the spider which immediately attacked them. This time they managed to kill the creature. A doorway from the passageway beyond led them to a web-shrouded room, guarded by two more moon spiders, who were swiftly slain. Godfrey managed to burn a way through the webs to a wide hole in the centre of the floor. A heavy, welded steel ladder descended straight down from the lip of the shaft.

Two other doors led from the webbed room, one led to a long corridor blocked by heavy gate with an extremely complex , and trapped, lock system that  proved beyond Thyrus's ability to pick. The second door led to another passageway where unfortunately, Juntrik tripped one of the pit traps. Knowing what to expect this time the Part were somewhat better organised and managed to slay the moon spider within and extract the dwarf relatively unscathed