Gallery of Evil
Absalom Bound
After a few weeks rest back in the Vale, the party received a letter from the Prelate of Abadar in Korvosa, Wen Histani. The letter explained that a friend of the church, one Asheron Coyle, a collector of antiquities, had asked for aid in an upcoming expedition to explore some newly discovered ruins. Wen also explained that Asheron was a wealthy aristocrat living in the city of Absolom, far to the south, and that Asheron would reward the party for their help. Finally, Wen advised that transport had been arranged to take the party to Absolom by ship leaving Korvosa docks in a week.With nothing else of interest going on, the party decided to accept the invite and headed to the Korvosan docks, meeting Asheron’s ship. The trip to Absolom took a couple of weeks but was uneventful. On arriving at the docks, the ships

The following day, after asking for directions, the party headed to Vermillion Way, through the wealthier districts. Approaching no. 11, the party saw the gate was open, and noticed the front door was ajar, hanging off its hinges and covered in bloody smears. Loud thumps and shattering glass could be heard from inside. The party approached cautiously, with Thokk brining up the rear keeping an eye out. Entering the house the party were greeted with a scene of chaos and destruction with broken furniture and paintings ripped from the wall. Sounds of slithering could be heard from the room to the left. On investigating the room, the party saw two tentacled horrors resembling large octopi, tearing a body to shreds. On seeing the party, the horrors dropped to corpse and attacked. The Octopi proved tougher than they looked, but the party manged to kill them both. On dying, the horrors turned to large puddles of paint on the floor.
The party found a couple of servants cowering in the house. One explained that about an hour ago a gift was delivered by a well-dressed gentleman saying it was from a fellow art enthusiast. It was a wrapped painting. The servant also said the gentleman had a labourer with him carrying other wrapped paintings. When Asheron Coyle unwrapped the gift, the Horrors erupted from the canvas and attacked. As the party were speaking to the servants the city guard arrived. On explaining what happened, the Captain of the Guard asked the party to investigate and offered the 2,500gp.
Farren immediately headed off to investigate, not waiting for the rest of the party to decide. Lia, Tostig and Ulthgar followed whilst Thokk and Hogradin headed to the nearest pub. Fighting Octopi was thirsty work….
Farren, by accosting every passerby, managed to track the well-dressed gentleman to the residence of Belfor Vittanis in the wealthy road of Peacock Court. It appeared that Lord Vittanis was hosting a party. Having caught up with Farren, Lia, Ulthgar and Tostig and the impetuous young wizard manged to blag their way into the party, only to discover a slightly drunken Lord Vittanis was about to unwrap the picture just delivered to him in front of his equally drunk guests. Through a mixture of guile, lies, brute force and magic, the partly managed to persuade Lord Vittanis the picture was dangerous and not to unwrap it. Farren took the picture to the front garden and destroyed it with fire.
Questioning Lord Vittanis, prompted by a picture in the hallway depicting the late Asheron Coyle, Belfor Vittanis and a grey-haired woman, Vittanis said the woman Eleazonna Gertwright, he and Coyle were all good friends and art critics. Fearing Eleazonna Gertwright may be the next target, the party obtained her address (14 Burgundy Wine Terrace) and headed out the house. Asking the various drivers and servants outside the house the party ascertained that the well-dressed gentleman had only just left in his carriage heading towards Burgundy Wine Terrace.
Farren, Lia, Tostig and Ulthgar made haste chasing the recently departed carriage. Meanwhile Thokk and Horgradin decided it was time to leave the pub and find the others….
Farren, Lia, Tostig and Ulthgar entered Burgundy Wine Terrace to see the well-dressed gentleman leave the carriage with what looked like a wrapped picture under one arm and headed through the gate an up the drive of no. 14. As the party raced to intercept the gentleman, he staggered as if hit, dropped the painting and drew a rapier. The gentleman’s’ coach driver decided not to hang around and set off down the street as Thokk and Horgadin rounded the corner.
Farren’s Folly
After dispatching the Invisible Stalker, the party questioned the Gentleman, one Darius Finch. Darius told the party he was hired, via third parties, to deliver paintings to 4 notables of the city. The drop off at Eleazonna Gertwright was the last. The penultimate drop off was to one Endrik Archerus at no.3 Blue Sapphire Avenue. Darius also admitted he discovered his anonymous employer was one Imron Gauthfallow of Sandlewood Lane. Handing both Darius and the painting to the Constable Perkins of the City watch for safe keeping, the made hast to Endrik Archerus house.On reaching Endrik Archerus house, servants let them in saying the master took delivery of a painting and retreated to his studio on the top floor. Entering the studio Archerus was notable by his absence. A painting was standing on an easel, the brown paper wrapping on the floor. The painting depicted a nightmare scene. A horrible crone with glowing eyes flanked by two chain devils pulling a wheeled cart filled with a writhing mass of large fat worms. Studying the painting, the party got the impression the figures were moving very slowly. As usual, it was Farren who touched the painting and disappeared, appearing in the painting. Not wanting to leave the young wizard on his own one by one the party touched the painting. The battle with the crone and the devils tested the party. As the last creature was destroyed, the party and Endrik Archerus found themselves back in the artist’s studio.
After dishing out healing, the party decided to deal with this Imron and headed to Sandlewood Lane. Nestled amongst the homes of lesser aristocracy stands an austere home surrounded by a high wall. The solid gate was securely looked. Thokk scaled the wall and opened the gate from the inside. As the party headed up the path to the front door, a Nessian War Hound rounded the corner of the house and attached. The hound proved a fearsome foe but was eventually slain. The party continued and entered the front door into a large entrance hall. Across the hall was stairs leading up to a balcony above, with tapestries hanging from the balustrade. A desk was to the left with an open book resting atop and a bell rope to the right. As the party entered the hall, the rope animated, and the figures dropped from the paintings and attacked. The party managed to deal with the threat fairly easily. Once the hall was quiet again, Hogradin reached for the book on the table and handed it to Farren to look at. Farren immediately started to read the book, triggering the Sepia Snake Sigil trap, putting the hapless wizard into some sort of paralysed state