Fortress of the Stone Giants                                                                                                                                                                              

Sins of the Saviours

Part One: The Scribbler's Rhyme

They moved through the half remembered catacombs, eventually finding a spiral staircase leading down to a dead end. After some faffing, they moved past the secret door into a huge chamber, covered in spidery indecipherable script. As they stood there, a voice echoed from a fog shrouded corridor, asking them, about the state of the world today. After a brief exchange of limited information, the voice fell silent. As they investigated, they noticed the Glabrezu waiting at the far end of the room, looking impatiently at his watch and Thorfinn Bolt of Gloried him and his day went downhill from there.
As they explored further, Setsquatrin was attacked from as foggy corridor by a scruffy chap with a falchion, who promptly ran away when attacked. Setsquatrin followed him into the fog and the others fought the beasts the chap had summoned to guard his escape. After much toing and froing, Setsquatrin finally met him again and cast Baleful Polymorph upon him, successfully turning him into a puppy. This rather damaged the chaps self esteem and he ran away - a theme is developing here.

Following the puppy lead to an encounter with some much bigger dogs but no sign of Setsquatrins new best friend.

They decided to head into town to try to find someone who could help them read the inscriptions on the wall and soon located the resident Sandpoint expert on all things Thassilonian, Brodert Quink, who had a visitor with him. By a stroke of amazing good fortune, this turned out to be Cerebrim, who could decipher the ancient script and offered to help. They headed back below and began to read the walls, most of which was gibberish. They did, however, discover three pieces of 'poetry' which Cerebrim translated for them (in the order in which they were found):
If magic bright is your desire,
To old Runeforge must you retire!
For only there does wizard’s art
Receive its due and proper start.
Each stone the grace of seven lords,
One part of key each ruler hoards;
If offered spells and proper prayer;
Take seven keys and climb the stair.
And now you’ve come and joined the forge
Upon rare lore your mind can gorge—
And when you slough the mortal way
In Runeforge long your work shall stay.
As they found the last of these, in a fog shrouded corridor, they were hit by a lightning bolt from behind (not a good place for this to happen).
Unfortunately, by this time, both Nattie and Setsquatrin had been affected by the Scribblers defenses and were convinced the others were trying to kill them. They had reacted in their own peculiar way, with Nattie hiding in the fogs of the surrounding caverns while Setsquatrin prowled them trying to find someone to kill.

Meanwhile, the others reacted to the lightning bolt in their own little ways, Thorfinn and Zarlis commencing to thoroughly trash the Scribblers study while A'luna and Cerebrim moved cautiously towards the spot where A'luna thought she had seen a man, possibly naked.

General anarchy ensued, resulting in Setsquatrin escaping back into Sandpoint disguised as a dog (or monkey - difficult to tell as he was climbing on the ceilings - or was it an owl), Nattie sneaking out invisible. Thorfinn called the others to him and cast Word of Recall, escaping back to Fort Rannick  - unfortunately, in the confusion, Zarlis got left behind on her own and set off walking back to the surface. As she exited the fog into a cavern, she came face to face with the Scribbler who, faced with a rather angry looking paladin, ran away.

After a couple of days and some heavy travel magic use, the party reconvened in Sandpoint to discuss their options. They decided to collect any stanzas of the rhyme they may have missed and ended up with the following:
If magic bright is your desire,
To old Runeforge must you retire!
For only there does wizard’s art
Receive its due and proper start.
On eastern shores of steaming mirror,
At end of day when dusk is nearer,
Where seven faces silent wait
Encircled guards at Runeforge gate.
Each stone the grace of seven lords,
One part of key each ruler hoards;
If offered spells and proper prayer;
Take seven keys and climb the stair.
On frozen mountain Xin awaits,
His regal voice the yawning gates
Keys turn twice in Sihedron—
Occulted Runeforge waits within.
And now you’ve come and joined the forge
Upon rare lore your mind can gorge—
And when you slough the mortal way
In Runeforge long your work shall stay.
After some effort (and using Setsquatrins tribal knowledge), they decided the first four couplets probably referred to Lake Stormunder and they set off to prepare for the journey. Setsquatrin went to Magnimar to sell the loot from their adventures so far while Thorfinn went to the docks to secure passage north. Meanwhile, the others, overcome by irritation that the Scribbler had bested them twice, set off to deal once and for all with A'lunas mythical naked man.

Back under Sandpoint, the mists still hung around the catacombs until they reached the Scribblers lair, where they were attacked again by magical means. Yet again, only A'luna caught a glimpse of the naked man and the myth (or her delusion) grew in stature. She cleared the mists with a gust of wing but still there was no sign and so the entire group began marching around in the fog trying to feel a naked man - which lead to a certain degree of bawdiness amongst them. Eventually, they found him and the myth crumbled into tawdry reality, as soon after the Scribbler tumbled to the dusty floor, finally vanquished.

Part Two: Seeking Runeforge

They reconvened in the pub and swapped tales of their day. The next morning they set sail on the good ship 'Dodgy Fishing Smack' for Riddleport, for an uneventful trip along the coast of Varisia. After a short layover in Riddleport, during which some sightseeing proved as tedious as the trip, they set off on the good ship 'Not a Pirate Vessel, Honest'  for the Steaming River, arriving a few days later in a small fishing port at the mouth of the river. They progressed on foot and used many means of scouting, as well as making crossing rivers into an extreme sport. Eventually, Setsquatrin found seven carved stone faces set in a circle below a cave and rightly guessed this was not natural. Gradually, in their own ways, in various states of undress and sogginess, the others joined him and a great committee spent much time in discussion of what the smeg they were meant to do next.
Steam River
Finally, using detect magic at dusk and concentrating, they discovered magical auras emanating from the heads, each from a different school of magic and so tried casting a spell of the relevant school on one of the heads. After some whizzy special effects, this caused a key to appear in the statues mouth and so they set about repeating the exercise on the other heads. As they collected the first three keys, their actions awoke the current tenant of the area, an old white dragon. After having a shower and his first cup of coffee of the day, he left his lair to investigate who was vandalizing his estate. He started by using his breath weapon on the intruders (especially effective as he had not yet brushed his teeth) and this lead to a contretemps. As most of the magic using members of the party were loaded with fire based spells, this was never going to go well for the old thing but he set about evening up the odds by casting an Icy Fog, thus neutralizing Nattie, A'luna and Zarlis as the fog drifted slowly across the battlefield. Despite this, they soon accumulated enough damage to the dragon to cause him to retreat to his lair to consider his career options.

They rested, overnight, keeping fearful watch for the return of the dragon, after retrieving the rest of the keys. In the morning, they set off up the giant stairs, happy thoughts not in their minds. As they approached the halfway point of the stairs, two huge earth elementals stepped out of the cliff face and assaulted them, despite Thorfinn showing them they had the keys and so some right of entry. The battle went badly initially until Cerebrim weakened one of the elementals to the point that it could barely stand up and Setsquatrin aided in the battle with the other by summoning another one.

Once the battle was over, Thorfinn pushed them on into the cave mouth above where they found a sloping sheet of ice. Ever cautious, Thorfinn threw himself down it (although not deliberately) and fell into a deep pit. Taking the form of an angelic being, he flew back to advise the others of the possible danger before forging ahead on his own. By various means, they made their way 300 feet down into the mountain and found themselves in an enormous cavern with several exits, a ring of pillars with a central pillar and a large amount of gold. Of course, one of them had to play with the treasure, which caused the dragon to attack again, first by scaring the proverbials out of Nattie and A'luna and then by plonking yet another ice fog on the rest of them.

Things do not look good for our heroes!

The dragon's lairThe dragon used ice fog to limit the heroes options, particularly as Cerebrim used fireballs of varying intensity against it, as Setsquatrin summoned fire elementals to wind it up. Nattie and Zarlis edged their way out of the clouds just in time for the dragon to breath weapon away the elementals and go after Cerebrim and Setsquatrin with a little more vim (not the cleaning agent). The paladin charged, hitting the dragon several mighty blows before discovering it had more hit points than her and collapsing dead to the floor. Nattie rushed forward to Zarlis aid but was too late. Cerebrim, flying and very invisible now, used cloud kill to limit the dragons options further and it moved out of the cloud just as Thorfinn finally managed to work his way out of the ice fog he had spent almost all of the battle enveloped by. The dragon struck him a mighty blow before being finally killed by the harm spell Thorfinn had been saving for a special occasion. They collected the treasure and retired to Fort Rannick to recover.

After a lengthy shopping expedition and raising Zarlis, they returned to the mountain and found that the seven pillars surrounding the large central one in the dragons cave had small key holes in them. They also realized that each pillar was keyed to a school of magic, as was each key, and they turned the first key, causing the pillar to glow and hum softly.

They turned the rest of the keys in the appropriate pillars and the central pillar transformed - into a gate to another plane (or, for those with no knowledge of the planes, a shimmery disc thing). Stepping through, they found themselves in a circular chamber, with seven statues stood in front of seven corridors. From the northern most round clockwise, the statues are:
  • A towering man with gems set in his forehead and hands, dressed inRuneforge robes and wielding a burning glaive.
  • A short smiling man with a hooked nose and beady eyes, dressed in robes and wielding a spear.
  • A heavyset woman with a sneering visage and an imperious stance, dressed in a flowing dress and wielding a halberd.
  • A voluptuous woman with a seductive look, large eyes, and long flowing hair; this statue is nude and wields a double-headed guisarme.
  • A strikingly handsome man with a close-cropped beard and a charming expression, dressed in extravagant clothes and wielding a lucerne hammer.
  • A gothic beauty with wild hair and a somewhat insane expression, this woman wears a long flowing dress and wields a thorny ranseur.
  • An obese man, his flesh rotten in places so that the bones show through, wearing a ragged robe and wielding a scythe.

The Shimmering Veils of Pride

Eventually, lead by Thorfinn, they went for the bearded mans passage (that could possibly do with rephrasing) and set off cautiously. Thorfinn moved ahead to a T-junction and checked both ways, seeing a mirror in each direction. As he looked, to his horror, two identical Thorfinns stepped from the mirrors and cast Destruction upon him, wounding him grievously but fortunately not destroying him utterly. Zarlis moved forward and compounded the situation by also looking into both mirrors, causing two identical Zarlis to step from the mirrors. Thorfinn withdrew and Zarlis began a fighting retreat with himself down the corridor, with the others helping as best they could. The Thorfinn clones seemed to lose focus as the object of their ire had gone and soon the Zarlis clones were vanquished.
In the aftermath, Cerebrim used greater invisibility to bypass the mirrors and attempted to destroy them with walls of fire, to no avail. Eventually, Thorfinn cast two walls of stone across them to allow everyone safe passage and the party moved in to deal with the Thorfinn clones with relative ease. Beyond the corridors opened out into a huge chamber.
Shimmering Veils of PrideThorfinn, Zarlis and Nattie moved round the corridor to look into a huge cathedral room lined with hundred foot mirrors, as the others had a discussion about some tracks in the dust. At this moments, their attention was drawn by three spells being cast at them - Thorfinn easily shook off a Feeblemind while Zarlis overcame a Confusion. However, only Nattie avoided the empowered Fireball. Much to their annoyance, the room still appeared empty, so Thorfinn cast True Seeing and started to direct the others into combat - after using Destruction to remove the threat of one of three identical mages that only he could see. Zarlis started chasing an invisible mage round the room, accompanied by Nattie, as Cerebrim and Setsquatrin joined the battle. A confusing and overly warm time (a lot of Fireballs) was had by all before they finally defeated their foe, with Nattie the only real casualty due to a Feeblemind.

Once she had been sorted out by Thorfinn, they settled down to rest overnight while Nattie checked every inch of the room for hidden doors - successfully. The next morning they moved into the chambers beyond the secret door to find them empty, apart from a long dead corpse and a lot of books. Most of the books were scholarly works about the Peacock Spirit, an old Thassilonian religion, while on book seemed to be a journal. Cerebrim took the journal, planning to read it when time allowed.

The Abjurant Halls of EnvyAbjurant Halls of Envy

Having exhausted the possibilities of this area, apart from possibly finding a safe haven, they moved back to the central chamber and picked a new passageway - that behind the sneering woman with the halberd. The area had obviously been the scene of a major magical battle, the aftereffects of which could be seen around the walls. In the centre of a large chamber they found a rod, melded into the floor and emitting arcs of lightning. As Nattie checked it for traps, Cerebrim rashly tried to pull it from the floor, unleashing a powerful wave of abjurant magic - a Mages Disjunction! This destroyed several items they were carrying, which was generally viewed as a bad thing!

Moving on, behind a concealed door, they found a pool of metallic liquid which Cerebrim identified as possibly being Ethillion, a magical aid heard of only in myth and legend.

The Iron Cages of Lust

They moved back to the central chamber to discuss their options and decided to take the next passageway in a clockwise direction, with the statue of the voluptuous woman in front of it - Thorfinn seemed particularly enthusiastic, although he claimed this was his lawful, logical nature. Moving in, they found a huge cathedral like chamber, lined with cages and with an enormous pavilion made of silk at its centre. Flying around were several winged women, who began to make suggestions of a most lewd nature (or at least, make comments out of a seventies Carry On film). Ignoring them, Thorfinn moved to a cage containing a man who seemed to be barely alive. Unfortunately, he was also quite mad and would only say 'The birds are coming' whatever was said to him. At this point, the Alu-Demons attacked. An untidy combat left two demons dead and two fled the field.

After a brief investigation of the pavilion, which lead to the discovery that the material of which it was made was much harder than silk, they approached the entrance, where they were set upon by a stone giant. Thorfinn enjoyed this ad kept requesting more, while Setsquatrin set
Iron Cages of Lustabout summoning a huge earth elemental just in case. After a couple of the giants had fallen, the party moved inside under cover of the elemental to find three more giants waiting for them - the giants did not live to regret this.

They gathered and after a bit of healing, moved on into the pavilion lead by Thorfinn. As he rounded a corner into a lavishly appointed bed chamber, Thorfinn felt a tug at his mind but shook it off. Within were the two escaped Alu-Demons, who prepared to fight. The combat was going well for the party until Nattie became a little confused and attacked Cerebrim, who had been trying to help the party understand that the source of the repeated assaults on their minds was the Succubus hiding invisibly in the upper corners of the room. Once the Alu-Demons were disposed of, the party attempted to concentrate their efforts on the Succubus, causing her to teleport away.

With their spells depleted and in some cases wounded, they brought Nattie out of her confusion and retired to their bolt hole. As they prepared to rest, they were surprised to see the Succubus walk round a corner. In the immediate confusion, she again teleported away, just before Thorfinn managed to reach her

The Festering Maze

They spent a nervous night resting, with guards posted against the return of the Succubus. Once refreshed, they sallied forth once more into the corridor behind the statue of the short smiling man with the hooked nose. The corridor swiftly degenerated into filth and decay and they encountered many slimes, oozes and a black pudding. The encounters were most notable for the emergence of a new side to Zarlis character, as she ran from each festering slime to the back to the party shouting 'What is it?' - this new trait may well have been due to the lack of personal hygiene prevalent amongst dungeon hazards. Eventually, growing bored, they returned to the central chamber to select a more interesting path of exploration.

The Halls of Wrath

They next chose the corridor behind the gothic beauty to find themselves in a huge hall with a thirty foot column of polished marble rising from the floor. Atop the pillar stood an iron statue, which fired at them with a bow causing different sorts of damage, much to the consternation of Setsquatrin who had protected himself from one form of energy. They moved into the room towards the pillar and soon realized there was an opening behind the statue. Thorfinn used holy transformation to gain the gift of flight and flew swiftly up and past the statue, taking a fearful beating in the process, As he stood close to meeting his maker, he threw a wall of stone across the corridor to give himself time to think. Meanwhile, the rest of the party gathered at the pillars base and scratched their heads.

Thorfinn's perilous predicament
As Setsquatrin turned into an owl (well, who wouldn't), Zarlis searched the pillar and room for a way forward and Cerebrim cast fly, Thorfinn wondered about his predicament. As he did so, there was a thunderous crash against the wall of stone he had created as the Golem tried to break through it, unsuccessfully. Setsquatrin summoned a huge air elemental and this kept the golem busy for a while as Thorfinn shaped stone into a doorway for his escape from a prison of his own making. The decided to beat a hasty 'tactical retreat' and used the elemental to cover their exit.

Retiring to their bolt hole, Cerebrim wracked his brains for golem facts and they set about boosting Zarlis and researching spells that might work, before resting for the night. The next morning, properly prepared, they set forth to kick some golem behind and did so with relative ease, thanks to some Sudden Stalagmite spells from Setsquatrin (a spell whose effect does not really bear thinking about) and a seriously buffed Zarlis.

After Cerebrim had correctly identified the circles inscribed on the floor as teleportation circles, they picked one and moved to another area, which looked like a barracks and training room. Many sin spawn and Warriors of Wrath attacked, giving Cerebrim a much needed workout with his area spells against foes which were actually affected by them.

Having defeated their foes, our heroes rested to recoup their vigour before continuing. Once refreshed, they headed for the next teleport circle, after some debate since there was a choice. This lead them, to a room of grossness, which appeared to be a combination vivisection and genetics laboratory. Cerebrim used Cloudkill to corral the troops and scientists (dubious term in the circumstances) while the others lined up for some fun. As the Warriors of Wrath charged out of the fog, they were met with a wall of steel and fire, which really did not help their anger management, and they soon fell. The party pushed on, having found little else of interest in the room.
They moved back to use the other teleport circle and found themselves in a huge chamber of glyph covered polished marble, with a ceiling mural of a long haired woman with a fiery ranseur. Glowing weaponry embedded in the walls provided dim illumination, while the far wall was a billowing cloud of black smoke. After some brief playing at pulling the sword from the stone, Thorfinn marched alone through the smoke.

On the other side, he was a little unnerved to be met by three Hezrou demons - he was further unnerved by the huge shape standing behind them. the thing stood on wolfs legs, with claws the size of short swords and a barbed, whip-like tail. As the Hezrou attacked, Setsquatrin and then Cerebrim followed, with Nattie close behind. Seeing the danger, Nattie made a tactical withdrawal, Cerebrim transported Setsquatrin to the far side of the room and Thorfinn made a tactical move to avoid the Hezrou and attack the greater demon. Cerebrim and Setsquatrin were surprised when a Cone of Cold hit them as a flying mage became visible above them - but not as surprised as Thorfinn, as the demon stepped in five feet and ripped into him from twenty feet away - despite all his preparation for battle, this enemy proved too dangerous for him on his own and he fell to the floor, mortally wounded.

Cerebrim and Setsquatrin rallied, attacking the demon with mighty magic's, including hemming it in with a wall of gears and severely discombobulating it with a sudden stalagmite - its day was going swiftly downhill! Meanwhile, Zarlis and Nattie decided to play nicely with the Hezrous. After some time, the huge demon finally fell before the magical onslaught and the Hezrous disappeared as the summoning ran out of time. The magic user emerged from the acid fog and set about the party with cones of cold, chain lightning and scorching rays, before entering a magic missile contest with Nattie - eventually, after a great deal of maneuvering, Cerebrim got into position and killed her - as she died, a tattoo transferred itself from her to him, marking him as the leader of the school of Wrath.

Searching the bodies, they found a ring with three settings, two of them empty and identified it as a ring of one wishes, which was expended on Thorfinns return to this realm. Deciding to rest, they holed up in the chambers of Wrath and spent an uninterrupted night.
The next morning (if such a thing exists here), they set off back to the central chamber. As they reached it, they were met by the succubus, Delvahine, who made a bit of a nuisance of herself before succumbing to the parties overwhelming force.

The Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony

After a brief rest overnight, they moved into the halls of the necromancer only to find the way barred by a locked door. Nattie made shortdead work of the obstacle and they moved into a room of many crypts and also six Thassilonian Mummies. As the battle raged and fireballs and ice spells hammered the mummies, they were shocked as several Wraiths emerged fro the floor - although not as shocked as the Wraiths when Zarlis turned them, forcing them to flee. Badly hurt and low on spells, the party retreated to rest another night.

The next day, they moved back in, only for the turned Wraiths to attack as they entered the crypt room. Zarlis turned them again and the party moved forward more warily, with Thorfinn using Sense Undead to locate any hiding in the walls. He was more than a little shocked to discover the walls were full of them. However, he was able to warn the others of an active threat near the exit from the room and a short battle with the wraiths ended their unlife.

They moved on into a room of doors, where Thorfinn started smashing several status in the centre of the room - this seemed to gather yet more Wraiths, who proved as irritating as the earlier ones. Moving north east, they began to explore the complex.

The party moved on, finding several rooms of minor undead and still being beset by wraiths at all turns. The locked doors, secret doors and wraiths were beginning to get tiresome, when they had the good fortune to run into a Stone Golem, clad in iron, which offered some diversion, as well as proving a dangerous foe.

They continued to search the complex, finding more minor undead and several secret doors. After some time, they came to a room with yet more Thassilonian Mummies in it and a difficult fight started. Part way in, Zarlis and Thorfinn moved to ease their plight and turned some of the mummies. To the parties surprise, they ran off through a secret door into another chamber. Once the initial combat was over, they moved into the chamber where what seemed to be a lich like creature was waiting, with several of the turned mummies in front of him.

As the others amused themselves with the mummies, Thorfinn and Setsquatrin blasted the figure at the back with Bolt of Glory and Flame Strike and were more than a little surprised when he just fell over, given over to the final death. On closer examination, it turned out he was some form of zombie.

Having ascertained that they appeared to have cleared the area of the undead infestation, they prepared to search for more secret doors, convinced that they must have missed something.

The party began the search for secret doors, with Nattie finding one in the first place they looked. After checking it for traps, Thorfinn opened it to find some kind of necromantic workshop. However, his attention was diverted by the lich sitting on a stool in the corner, who turned and said hello, politely enquiring if they were the ones who had been killing his minions. Thorfinn gave a gruff response, partly because he did not speak giant but mainly because he is Thorfinn. Setsquatrin and Cerebrim had a three way conversation with the lich and gleaned the information that the Ethillion pool could be used as part of a spell requiring experience to cast.

Leaving the lich to the important work of rebuilding his minions, they continued the search for secret doors.

Finding another one, they moved in to find a crystal sarcophagus and, after Setsquatrin noticed something fishy about one wall, Nattie found yet another secret door. Before they could investigate further, Thorfinn opened the sarcophagus, releasing two dread wraiths, as well as draining a little of his life energy. The battle was a welcome relief from the frustrations of the day and, with Setsquatrin joining in after protecting himself from the wraiths sapping powers and two Bolt of Glory spells, the wraiths fell. The sarcophagus was empty but the cupboard behind the secret door contained some scrolls and a tuning fork, which they realized was the key for a Plane Shift spell.
After a few hours research back in the halls of wrath, Cerebrim told them many things having studied Veraxeris journal, chief amongst which was that something called a Runeforge weapon could be made using the pool at the entrance to the complex if components were used from the halls they had wandered.

The Vault of Greed

They decided to explore the final corridor off the main chamber and found a corridor which ended abruptly, with a door to its right. Nattie checked the door for traps, which was lucky as she found the door to be a trap, which she disabled. After a little more searching, she found a secret door, leading into an opulent corridor which ended in a green, bilious mist. Thorfinn lead the way into the mist, resisting the powerful forces which pulled at his very DNA. The others followed suit, until all gathered in a room with a pool at the centre, from which came insults from the Mephits that lived there. They continued to explore the complex until Nattie opened a door to see a figure in robes working at a bench, who promptly vanished.

She alerted the others, who entered the room and searched for the invisible mage, of whom there was no sign until he wandered in from a different door and cast Baleful Polymorph at Nattie, which she shook off. The battle was long and annoying, as the spells and attacks of the party bounced off the multiple protection spells in place on the mage. Thorfinn shook off a Disintegrate spell and the mage used Cone of Cold, Fireball and generally irritating spells on the party, until finally they began to penetrate his defenses. At this point, injured and not as stupid as he looked, he vanished a second time.

They moved swiftly, searching for the mage down the corridor he had emerged from. They found him standing in a large chamber, behind a pool of blue liquid crackling with energy, his staff floating over it. As they entered, Nattie cast magic missile at him, which fizzled out harmlessly just in front of him, and he dropped the staff into the pool. It appeared he expected something to happen and looked rather disconsolate when it did not. Realizing that the effect he stood behind was a wall of force, they worked round the edges of the pool to find its extent - unfortunately for the mage, he had been unable to reach the edges of the room. The combat ebbed to and fro until Thorfinn, growing irritated, disintegrated the poor chap.

Cerebrim studied the pool, reaching the conclusion that it was pure wild magic, which could, with some risk, recharge magic items. Zarlis tried this out but they were unimpressed with the minor results. They fished out the staff and headed for rest, while Cerebrim studied Veraxeris notes. He discovered that the large pool in the main chamber could create Runeforged weapons if powered by pairs of ingredients steeped in the sins of the complexes inhabitants. Thorfinn gathered a dubious toy from Delvahine lair and some mirror glass from Veraxeris sanctum and tried this out on his mace, creating a powerful weapon.

As he did this, the towering statue of Karzoug animated and wrought some fearsome injuries on the assembled team. Wisely, they ran away and, after a few moments, the statue became still once more, after carefully telling them where he was.
