Ghost Warriors
From Lexicanum
Ghost Warriors of Dunfearnan
As Hithui turned to Girithron and the waning of the year, the party decided to leave the unrelenting cold of the Trollshaws before true winter set in, and head southwards to the city of Tharbad where Hazard and Iflire could purchase new equipment. Hazard needed a new shield and Iflire wanted some new armour. Drukel was not impressed by his first visit to a major town and would have stayed outside the city walls, but as he was the only one who spoke the local Dunael tongue was forced to remain with the others in one of the better taverns in the city.While they waited for the adjustments on Iflire’s new armour to be made they stayed on at the inn for a few more days ( paid for by Hazard). While there one evening, they were approached by Orravari, who introduced himself as a merchant. He was organising a caravan through Dunland, but as there were rumours of trouble in the shadow of the Misty Mountains, he wanted to hire some additional men to escort them as far as the clan-hold of Daighen. Iflire readily agreed on behalf of the party, especially when offered five silver pieces each as payment.

While Orrivari went to guest with Menoib, the clan chief, the party and the other folk from the caravan headed for the Troioghef (Toasting-hall) to sample the local mead. While Anya the girl who was serving, seemed pleasant enough, they sensed a subdued air amongst the local patrons, and when Hazard questioned the girl, she reacted as if frightened to speak. Later as the sun began to set the locals swiftly downed their pints and hurriedly left, leaving only the members of the caravan drinking. Drukel followed out and as he did he saw a frantic figure rushing in through the gates of the clan-hold, begging people to help.
Drukel stopped him, and the man, Borkul, told him that his son and daughter had been “taken by the dead” - he fell to his knees, begging Drukel to help! Leaving Borkul to report to Moiben, Drukel charged back into the Troighef, calling on Hazard and Iflire to take up arms and follow him! His comrades quickly gathered up their weapons and followed.
Drukel led the way - charging out down the roadway seeking tracks. Unfortunately, he could not find any, but fortunately, Hazard managed to pick up a trail – heading off to the east. The followed their tracks at speed and after half-a-mile or so they spotted a group of armed men ahead two of whom were dragging young children behind them. The band did not seem to be in any hurry, the gait of the men being slow and awkward. With Iflire’s keen sight he could see the reason for their shambling gait - the group of men were walking dead, still bearting the awful wounds that had killed them! Ahead of the band, leading the way, were two wights. As he watched in horror, a second group of the walking corpses joined them. Four of whom were carrying what looked like unconscious figures over their shoulders.
The band of the dead seemed completely oblivious, or uncaring, of the three comrade’s pursuit, so they decided to take full advantage and attack. Iflire dropped back, unlimbering his bow and loosed an arrow at the rearmost , Hazard and Drukel charged forward and attacked, Drukel targeted the one who led a struggling young girl by the arm, while Hazard targeted another. The remainder of their band continued onwards into the early evening mist, seemingly uncaring of the assault on their rear. Iflire spotted that one of the dead was dragging a young boy behind him and swiftly loosed another arrow. The arrow took the dead through the head dropping him instantly. The young boy immediately took to his heels fleeing toward the undead that still held his sister.
Drukel launched another attack at the undead, who dropped the girl to the ground and swung somewhat clumsily with it’s broadsword at him, Hazard meanwhile continued to chop away at his opponent. Hazard called on the boy to head behind Iflire, and dispatching his opponent, grabbed up the girl and withdrew. Drukel finished off his one and joined the others as they fled away from the scene.
Returning to the clan-hold they found Moiben trying to gather his somewhat reluctant warriors to give chase. The party were greeted as heroes and Moiben immediately delared three days of feasting to honour the heroes. Everyone immediately retired to the Troighef where much mead was consumed. Moiben offered each of the party 2 silver pieces in reward and also offered to them a powerful magic item – Naibhen na Ghoiralt - a magic staff. Borkul offered the hand of his daughter in marriage to Drukel, and when the Wose refused, insisted that they visit his freehold next day and claim any item he wished from his possessions. Drukel, however, merely asked for some cheese!
A Raid By Night
Next morning, accompanied by many sore heads, the party waved off Oravarri and the rest of the caravan as the merchants continued southwards towards Isenguard. Later that morning Tintalle and Elbragol arrived from Tharbad and were brought up to speed with the local position. Hazard handed Elbragol the staff given to them and they spent much of the day closeted with the local shaman, Solofhen,trying to puzzle out it's abilities.They discovering that the staff had belonged to Mebdh, a bard who although long dead, still lived-on in the stories of the clan. While spending time with Solofhen, they discovered that despite his age, he was new to the role of clan shaman, the previous shaman having vanished two months previously, and somewhat uncertain in his role, despite his obvious competence. The party decided to do the best they could to bolster the shaman's position in the clan, and that night as the second feast they made sure that it was spotted that they accorded him great respect.
As the sun rose on the third day of their visit to the clan-hold, Tintalle continued her research into the staff while Elbragol and Iflire wandered the clan hold asking various questions about the recent plague of undead. The discovered that it was believed that a shaman, Tughaib, had delved too deep into the dark arts, becoming corrupted and was now in the process of raising an army for some dark purpose. Tughaib possessed a powerful staff, Ghostbane, which allowed her to control the dead. One of the clans to the south, Faighoin, had discovered she was operating out of a network of caverns in the mountains called the Ghost Caves, and sent it's best warriors to deal with her. None returned, until a week later, as part of an undead army that had obliterated their clan-hold!
That evening the third and final day of feasting, celebrating the clan's first victory over the undead was underway, when it was disrupted by the appearance of a sorry-looking Oravarri and some of his men. TheRiddle Caves approach men were battle-scarred, exhausted and plainly terrified. Oravarri explained the caravan had been attacked about 20 miles to the south by undead. Many of his people were taken and all his good, he offered a reward of 500 gold pieces to the party if they put a stop to the rogue shaman.
Next morning, the party consulted again with Solofhen. Solofhen advised that any frontal assault on the Ghost Caves would likely meet with the same fate as Clan Faighoin. However according to the lore of the clan, one of their long-disused burial sites in a series of caves to the east, known as the Riddle Caves, was connected through a network of caverns to the Ghost Caves and might provide a route to sneak up on the shaman without having to fight through her army.
Later that morning, having purchased some scrolls of protection from Solofhen, the party set out for the Riddle Caves, arriving in the late afternoon. Hazard disturbed a foraging bear on the approach, but a single arrow from Tintalle took care of the beast., but not before it had managed to injure the ranger.
The entrance to the caves was flanked by two pillars carved with foreboding looking Dunael script - presumably warnings against desecrating the ttombs within. However, steeling themselves, they paid no notice, lit their lanterns, and entered the caves.
The Arrow in The Eye.
The party entered the Riddles Caves and began exploring. They found no sign of tombs but did find, at various points, curious symbols inscribed on the passage walls. In the northern section of the cave complex they found sign of trolls, but fortunately did not actually encounter any.In the eastern end of the complex they found a series of inscriptions at a place where the path forked three ways. When Drukel translated them the party spent some time trying to assemble what looked like a set of instructions. Eventually they ended up with
A map is more than words: read left to right, top to bottom Three forks yield more meat for contemplation.
Heading deeper into the cave complex they found more inscriptions which seemed to refer back to the symbols they'd found in the western part of the caves. When assembled in accordance with the instructions they'd found earlier, the inscriptions read:
The eye sees the placement of the symbols as if gazing at a mirror Pass through the eye in the direction of the arrow

They puzzled over the meaning of this for some time, before eventually realising that if one mapped the placement of the symbols and connected them, they formed the shape of a eye. In the centre of the "eye", a series of passages formed the vague shape of an arrow which pointed to a particular cave wall. Searching this wall they discovered a secret passage.
Beyond the passage there were three tombs in each of which was a stone sarcophagus. After much debate about the ethics of opening the tombs of ancient clan chieftains, Iflire somewhat reluctantly opened the lid in the middle tomb, but the sarcophagus contained only dust.
They moved to the northern tomb, and again reluctantly, began shifting the lid. As the lid moved, a noxious cloud was released into the tomb and Darowen and Drukel collapsed unconscious.
After ensuring their friends were still breathing, the others peered into the sarcophagus - revealing a carved stairway leading down into darkness.
The Upper Guardian Crypts
While they waited for Darowen and Drukel to come round, Tintallë set up a makeshift camp. Eventually, about six hours later the two afflicted party members regained consciousness and after pausing to eat they decided they were ready to brave the stairway leading down from the sarcophagus. Drukel, as he could see in the dark, led the way, closely followed by Hazard.The narrow twisting stairway led to a wider corridor from which a set of stairs led down to a landing before ascending again. Again Drukel and Hazard led the way, however when they reached the landing at the bottom of the first flight of stairs a pit-trap opened and they plunged into the depths below. Hazard landed awkwardly and broke his leg, while Drukel landed head-first fracturing his skull.
Darowen lowered Elbragol on a rope and the animist was able to give what healing he could - after extracting a promise from his patient to replace the valuable healing herbs they had consumed. Eventually, after much debate, the others decided to join them in the pit. Darowen and then Iflire and Tintallë clambered down the side of the pit, the elves making light work of the climb. From the pit a passageway led to the west which they followed. The passageway terminated in a large cave, guarded by four skeletons. The skeletons proved little challenge to the party, particularly with Iflire's warhammer which literally pulverised two of the skeletons to dust!
Once the skeletons had been disposed of, the party discovered they had been guarding a secret door. Elbragol's lockpicks made short shrift of the lock, and in short order the party found themselves in a 10 foot wide passageway. To the south lay a large ornate door which Darowen immediately decided to investigate, only to be attacked by two spectres. The party quickly rallied to the elf's support, but the spectres proved troublesome foes before eventually being despatched - but not without some injury to the party.,
The Guardian Chalice
Once the spectres were disposed off they moved into the room. At the far end, atop some kind of altar a chalice filled with a blue liquid sat. Elbragol examined it and advised he believed it had some kind of healing property. Each of them drank deeply from the chalice, which magically refilled when placed on the altar, but other than the benefits of a refreshing drink it seemed to have little other effect. Somewhat disappointed, Elbragol, Hazard Darowen and Drukel continued their exploration of the Upper Guardian caves, while Tintallë and Iflire went about some mysterious elfish task - as is the way with elves!Eventually the four found themselves in a room one end of which was shrouded in a mysterious mist and from which a set of stairs led down. While Drukel guarded the stairway, Hazard and Elbragol explored the mist. Hazard discovered a passageway on the other side and called for the others to follow. After doing so they found themselves in a large domed chamber from which four exits led at the cardinal points. Beside each exit was carved a pair of stone lips, and from the ones to the west whispering could be heard. Drukel translated the whispering from Dunael to be "Take the passage to the right". After discovering the western passage led back to the stairway with the pit trap, they pondered for some time what the cryptic words of the stone mouth might mean before Drukel seized the initiative and took the passage straight ahead!
The others followed the pukel-man as he led they way through another patch of the mysterious mist. They could see a passageway leading off from the far side off the room and were heading to wards it when they heard the crashing sound of a something slamming down behind them and Hazard called a warning as he felt the ground move under the spear he was leaning heavily against, and hobbled towards the far corner of the room.
Reacting to Hazard's warning, Darowen and Elbragol headed back they way they'd come - finding the way blocked by a portcullis! The pukel-man headed for the passage opposite at speed, only to find it was an illusion as he crashed into a solid wall. Hazard himself, only made it part-way to the far corner when the floor fell away beneath them. Darowen and Elbragol managed to grab onto the portcullis and hold on for dear life, their comrades were less luck as they slammed into the floor of a pit some 140 feet below. Somewhat miraculously, not only did both survive the certain-death fall but both were completely unharmed!
Drukel called out to those above , but as they were somewhat concentrating on trying to cling on to the portcullis he received no reply. Darowen eventually composed himself enough to call out to the two other elves who had been lagging behind discussing elfish things, as is the manner with elves, for help. Tintallë and Iflire dashed forward and managed to lash their unfortunate comrades to the portcullis while they pondered the situation. Drukel meanwhile, tiring of waiting a response, had left the crippled Hazard and began scaling the sheer wall of the pit. By the time he arrived, the others had thrashed out a plan. Tintallë and Iflire would lower Elbragol and Darowen to the floor of the pit, find some way to raise the portcullis and then haul everyone out. Somewhat amazingly this plan worked first time - mainly thanks to Tintallë's remarkable, some would say unnatural, feats of strength!
Eventually everyone recovered and they moved on, this time heading back towards the stairs they'd found earlier. At the foot of the stairs they found a colonnaded room dominated by a statue of a crossbowman on a balcony. Elbragol entered the room, was immediately hit by a bolt, and dashed back to the safety of the stairway. Prompted by Iflire, the animist cast an Air Wall immediately in front of the statue which enabled them to cross the room in relative safety.

Beyond, they found a part of the complex which had suffered ceiling collapses, however one winding stairway led to a room that contained three stone wells. Each of the wells had a ladder inside, but Drukel's night-vision could see nothing below. Elbragol investigated the first well, discovering a spiked pit trap at the bottom by the simple expedient of tripping it. Darowen went down and pulled the animist off the spikes so Tintallë and the others could haul him up. The second well held a spiked pit as well, but in the third a secret door led to another passageway. Descending cautiously, they discovered this passageway led to a huge chasm spanned by a narrow stone bridge.
They shall sleep now in the darkness under stone
Rather than dare the bridge immediately they part decided to rest. Hazard lit a small fire using some of his supply of kindling and Elbragol began preparing some healing brews and ointments for the wounded. While the others rested, Drukel cautiously checked out the bridge, trying to ensure that the single span of stone was safe. Apart from the obstruction half way across, it seemed sound. Hazard eventually ventured out onto the bride, bearing a burning brand from the fire to light his way. As he neared the obstruction, it became clear it was a stone block or boulder and he came closer however, it unfolded revealing its true form like a stony lizard – a mensharag! The creature leaped towards him, trying to sweep him off the bridge as it slammed into him.
Seeing their friend under attack, the others rallied to help – Iflire and Elbragol loosed arrLower Guardian Cryptsows at the creature, while Darowen and Drukel charged forward. The mensharag was a formidable foe – seemingly impervious to mundane weapons – but eventually the party prevailed.
Battered and bruised they rested briefly on the far side before pressing on. In the area beyond they discovered a series of tombs containing sarcophagi . Unfortunately, on entering the second chamber, Drukel disturbed the rest of a wight. Drukel and Hazard were badly injured in the battle, both feeling the chill of the grave upon them. Once the wight was destroyed Iflire advised they should open the sarcophagus and take the grave goods and cast them about or the wight would return. This was duly done, Drukel taking the Wight’s magical broadsword for his own. Moving forward they discovered more tombs, but wary of disturbing more undead, they forbore from entering any of them.
Instead, they descended a long curving staircase which led to a wide passageway. The passageway to the east was flanked by two stone columns while to the west, a doorway led to a room with skeletons scattered about. After Hazard recovered a magical breastplate from one of the bodies in this room, they headed down the eastwards passageway. As Darowen passed the first of the stone columns, it shifted into a tall man-like form – a mendaen. The mendaen swept in to attack him with mighty fists of stone.
The elf crumpled under the blow – severely wounded by the cumulative effect of the day’s battles. As Iflire, Drukel and Hazard charged to engage this new enemy, Elbragol rushed forwards to drag his fallen comrade out of the reach of further danger. Eventually the party were successful in despatching the stone guardian, and it collapsed into a pile of rubble.
Riddles in the Dark
As Elbragol healed those injured in the battle with the mendean, the rest of the party regarded the stone column that stood a little up the passageway suspiciously. Carefully they edged forward and it was to no-one’s surprise at all when it animated and grabbed at Hazard. As the mighty stone hands grabbed at his leg and crushed it, the ranger managed to get a single blow off, before he fell to the ground unconscious, - his leg broken. Iflire fired off a round from his longbow before charging forward to support Elbragol and Drukel who moved to engage the stone pukel-creature. The battle was short and brutish, and unlike it stone brother, when defeated this one mendaen simply lay inert on the ground rather than crumbling to rubble.The party moved swiftly on coming to a junction in the passageway. To the left a stairway led upwards ahead of them an archway proclaimed the way to “the Temple” in Dunael. Hazard briefly peered up the stairway, but the party was resolved to move forwards and they headed into a network of tunnels. Many side-passages branched off to left and right, and even up and down, however the party stuck resolutely to their course. Fortunately the way was relatively straightforward to follow as the walls and floor had been worked by artisans in ages past while the side passages showed a rough-hewn natural surface.
After about five miles, they were confronted by a large room at the far end of which stood two archways and between them a verse in Dunael.
Which one is the passage?
Behind this wall,
That is the route?
Lies, literally, straighforward.
Only the fool will choose
The ways that mirror.
Behind this wall,
That is the route?
Lies, literally, straighforward.
Only the fool will choose
The ways that mirror.
Drukel translated the verse and they puzzled for a time over it’s meaning. Suddenly Drukel announced he had the answer and passed through one of the archways. Beyond they found another room from which two passages left at 45 degree angles. Ignoring the passageways, Drukel headed straight for the piece of wall in-between and examined it closely. Hazard, Iflire and Elbragol followed suit, searching for a secret door - but no-one could find it! Disheartened, and convinced he had been wrong, Drukel headed back to the main chamber where the others waited and helped set up camp. Resolutely ignoring the obvious exits, the others spent some time examining the walls and even the floors and ceiling looking for a doorway, but found nothing. Eventually they returned to the camp Drukel and the others had set up in the other room and a well-earned rest. That night passed uneventfully, and after a brief repast, convinced that there was definitely something on that wall, they set to searching for a secret door again. Suddenly Iflire exclaimed loudly - he had found the trick to opening the door! In short order the secret door was opened - revealing a staircase heading down.
They marched for some time through the maze of passages beyond, when Drukel was suddenly attacked as two giant spiders dropped from the ceiling! The others swiftly rallied to his aid and the spiders were despatched.
The Lost Patrol
As they traversed through the tunnels, Drukel suddenly called a halt. He heard voices speaking in orcish ahead. He and Elbragol edged forward, discovering a party or orc arguing furiously about who had got whom lost in these Dark-forsaken tunnels. The argument was finally settled by the sudden death of one of the complainers as the orc sergeant, apparently called Ugluk, thrust a spear into him! The party held back and allowed the orcs to depart via one of the tunnels. Shortly afterwards they emerged from the tunnels into a large cavern. This second puzzle cave turned out to be a large flooded cavern with three bridges crossing to cave exits. A stone block in the floor was inscribed with the words:The bridge is the way, if you don’t want to get wet
Not trusting to the obvious, the party began searching the area and Drukel spotted a fourth exit to which no bridge led. Elbragol, taking out his 10ft pole discovered that just under the surface of the water lay a hidden bridge. He and Drukel began to cross, only to be attacked by a kraken! Hazard and Iflire quickly opened fire on the submerged beast, driving it off long enough for everyone to cross safely.
Beyond was another stretch of tunnels, which they wearily began to traverse. They camped that night at a wide intersection and although Iflire heard noises coming form a cavern to the north, they decided not to investigate and a peaceful night’s rest was had by all. Several hours later, they emerged into another cave – this one appearing to be a dead-end. The walls of the cave had been faced with worked stone, and inscribed on the wall in front of them were the words:
Because I have written here
You know you go the right way.
Do not fear a dead end
For it is merely the concealment of sight
The unseen number is the number of this riddle.
After some discussion, they eventually worked out that the riddle was telling them there were three hidden exits and they should take the right-hand one. After some searching about, they found the exits and headed down the right-hand passageway where, some hours later, they ran into the lost orc patrol again. This time battle was joined, but after Ugluk fell to a single arrow from Iflire, the rest of the disheartened patrol proved little challenge.
Moving on, an hour or so later, they emerged into a wide cavern. In the torchlight coins glittered amongst bones scattered around the cave. Six skeletons were shackled to the wall, but as the party moved into the room, the skeletons slipped their shackles and attacked. Everyone switched to concussion weapons –except Drukel as he had none – and battle was joined. The party soon disposed of the skeletons, but not without injury as Hazard’s already weakened leg was broken again! Shortly after the battle with the skeletons they passageway they had followed abruptly ended. There was a sinkhole in the floor. On the side of the wall they could see hand and footholds had been carved, forming a ladder. An inscription above read:
Sixty steps down in each direction
At the bottom of the ladder lie.
Choose the one that must be truth.
The Ghost Caves
After descending the ladder, they found themselves on a platform from which four stairways descended. While Iflire maintained watch above, Hazard and Elbragol carefully counted the steps on each, discovering that three of them had sixty and one, the southern, had sixty-one. Reasoning, that as the statement in the riddle above saying “sixty steps down in each direction” was thus false, the only “true” way must be the sixty-one step staircase - they headed of down the passageway that led off the southern way.Iflire led the way using his elven sight to pierce the gloom, he called a halt suddenly - spotting an area of passageway ahead covered in webs. The party prepared for battle and moved forward cautiously. After a lengthy battle with a giant spider, they decided to camp for the night, Iflire taking the lion’s share of the watches – though the night passed uneventfully. Next morning they set of early for another couple of miles. Eventually they came to a passageway that ended with a spiral staircase descending round a deep sinkhole.
Opposite the stairway was an inscription:
Down, down, down to the right is the hole
About which the stairwell winds
How far down, only I know; it delivers you
To the root of the mountain.
Heed these words, for they are the way
Though the wall and the stair may betray.
About which the stairwell winds
How far down, only I know; it delivers you
To the root of the mountain.
Heed these words, for they are the way
Though the wall and the stair may betray.
After much pondering, Hazard latched onto the phrase “heed these words for they are the way” and, after much searching, they discovered that the wall on which the words were inscribed pivoted - to reveal a passageway.

They followed the passageway to it’s end to discover it was blocked by what looked like the back of a huge statue. Hazard discovered that the arm of the statue could be moved to leave a small gap through which it would be possible to crawl. One by one, they crawled through finding themselves in a massive colonnaded cave, lit by a series of torches. There were two exits on the eastern wall, and to the north what looked like an altar, behind which was a purple curtain. They approached the altar but as they neared, they began to feel increasingly uneasy - so no one went close enough to touch it. They did go close enough to see the sign of recent bloodstains.
Behind the curtain, they found a storeroom, from which they liberated some rations and were able to augment their dwindling healing herbs. After that they headed for the southernmost of the two exits – a stairway descended to an area where they found some cells. Although the cells showed signs of having recently held a large number of people they only found three prisoners, heavily drugged and almost comatose. The survivors, two men and a woman, all appeared to be Dunlendings, presumably survivors of the attack on Dun Faighoin.
The Shadows of Undeath
After some deliberation, the party decided to take the comatose survivors of the attack on Dun Faighoin and move them somewhere safer. The moved them to the passageway hidden behind the statue, and leaving them in the care of Tintallë, decided to move deeper into the Ghost Caves – heading up the western exit from the Temple-chamber.
The rising passageway led them to a wide intersection, with one passageway running south, and two eastwards. There was also a northern passage, but it had been blocked by the construction of a wall. They decided on taking the nearer of the eastwards passages and led by Drukel moved forward, emerging into a massive cavern dominated by two huge statues of Dunfearnan warriors with the heads of eagles. They paused for a while to consider this then moved cautiously into the cave. As they did, a rain of darts hailed down on them form the ceiling, causing some minor wounds to Hazard and Elbragol – fortunately for our adventurers the poison smeared on the darts was obviously old and they managed to shake off any further ill-effects.
Hazard cautiously edged round the wall of the cavern discovering another passageway leading back westwards. Drukel moved forward too, but as he passed into the sightline of the two statues, they opened their beaks and began emitting a high-pitched scream. Immediately the party prepared for action – looking frantically around for what the alarm might summon. Elbragol was first to spot them – emerging from the darkness at the far side of the cavern, two barrow-wights accompanied by a shambling group of walking-dead.
Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, they withdrew in good order, back to the passageway they had started in. After pausing to confirm that the other eastwards passage married up with the westward passage Hazard had found, they headed south. This passage exterminated suddenly in a stone bridge that jutted out over a great chasm for twenty feet before turning into an ascending staircase. The base of the staircase was guarded by a mensharag, and Hazard and Drukel moved forward to engage the stony lizard.
The mensharag was quickly disposed off and before long they were ascending the great staircase up the chasm. Finally arriving at the top, a passageway extended east and wet, while opposite in a smallish niche stood a huge stone sarcophagus and near it an open grave. As they moved forward, a mouldering olog-hai, flesh rent with decay, lumbered out of the sarcophagus. In it’s hand was a great warhammer, raised to strike. The undead olog-hai proved a fearsome opponent and both Hazard and Drukel were sorely wounded near to death, saved only by last minute interventions from Elbragol’s healing, before the undead was destroyed.
After pausing fro a brief, rest – and more healing herbs, they pressed on – heading eastwards. The passage led to a wide cavern with a pool of water fed by a waterfall. At the far end of the cavern lay two stone coffins. As they approached the first of the coffins, it’s inhabitant rose up to attack. This long-mouldering corpse had once been a cleric of some kind and though his flesh was grey with the pallor of death; his robes were fresh and clean as newly made. The cleric launched a spell at Drukel, who collapsed into slumber as if pole-axed. Hazard charged forward and the cleric cast a shock bolt at him, but the doughty ranger shook off it’s effects and continued his charge. The undead cleric, seemingly rattled by this, cast once more. In his haste, something went awry with his casting and his shock bolt rebounded - knocking him back into his coffin where he was easy prey for Hazard and Elbragol!
Crypts of the Walking Dead
After relieving the fallen cleric of his gear, Elbragol moved across the cavern to examine the other sarcophagus, but it was empty. After some debate, they decided to explore the northern exit. A long winding passage eventually led them to another cavern with a pool of still deep water. With Hazard’s warnings of the dangers of krakens fresh in their minds, they conspicuously avoided going anywhere near the pool and headed off through a passageway that looped westwards. They came to a point where a side-cavern branched out. The others decided to wait while Drukel, with his superior darkness vision, checked it out. He just had time to note another of the stone coffins when it’s inhabitant clouted him one from the shadows. The others were about to rally to his aid when they were attacked by another of the dead in what looked like a co-ordinated assault. As battle was joined, the undead were reinforced by a mage casting shock bolt spells. The two undead warriors were swiftly dealt with, but the mage fled into a maze of tunnels and passageways with the party in hot pursuit. Eventually, Drukel’s speed allowed him to overhaul the feeing mage and battle was joined one more – with the inevitable result once his friends joined the fray.Once the battle was over the party suddenly realised they were lost in a maze of passageways. Drukel began trying to back-track their route in the rocky ground. It was a difficult task, but the pukel-man was up to it, only leading them astray once – unfortunately straight into a nest of ghouls. The ghouls proved little challenge to our redoubtable heroes, Elbragol and Iflire stood back firing arrows while Drukel and Darowen carved their way through the pack, and swiftly they were back on track.
Once back in the Ghost Caves proper, the headed southwards, back past the pool they had found previously. They entered another crypt and another combat ensued with it’s occupier – a large Dunnish warrior bearing a fine shield and a gleaming broadsword, which time and the grave seemed to have had no effect on. This battle was suddenly cut short when Darowen managed to sever the hand that held the sword – after which the undead warrior was easily disposed of.
The Talking Dead
After healing the wounded and a brief rest, the party headed down a southerly tunnel, emerging into a cave the centre of this was dominated by the now familiar sarcophagus. Drukel began moving silently into the cave. The others however were less successful in their sneaking and to absolutely no-ones surprise, a young woman’s corpse sat up in the stone coffin. Somewhat surprisingly, however she began speaking rather than attacking! While the others watched carefully, IflGhost Cavesire with an arrow knocked, Drukel and the undead engaged in an animated conversation. In the course of which Drukel confirmed that Tughaib, due to her possession of Ghostbane had indeed disturbed the rest of all the dead in the tombs and added considerably more from her raids on nearby villages and farms. While the others watched bemusedly, Drukel and the undead cleric got along famously, at one point she apologised for not attacking him and sating the unquiet spirit that seethed within her, but explained she had been commanded to stay in her sarcophagus. She did offer to attack Drukel if he came closer, but the wose declined. Eventually they left the undead cleric sitting in her sarcophagus looking forlornly at her dagger!Moving further south they stumbled across the shambling remains of a orc chieftain, his champion and some of his warriors – obviously captured by Tughaib in one of her forays under the mountains. The orc undead proved stern foes with both Drukel and Darowen being wounded close to death before they were despatched.
Further south, they found a cave apparently sealed with an iron door. Fortunately Elbragol had some skill in lock-picking and they were able to gain entry. The cave was guarded by an undead Dunnish warrior who bore a glowing blade, however his restless spirit was soon returned to his eternal rest.
All Things Return To Whence They Came
To the north of the cavern they found another sealed tomb, Elbragol was able to open the entrance but within this one they fond the rest of the Dunninsh warrior within had been undisturbed. Leaving the tomb respectfully the resealed the entrance and moved on. The southernmost passage from this area led to what appeared to be the main entrance to the Ghost Caves - judging by the daylight streaming in. The undead guards posted here ignored them at first, allowing them to scout the area unhindered, but after Elbragol argued it was unwise to leave enemies behind them, the party attacked Iflire unleashing a barrage of arrows. Drukel was badly injured in combat with an undead Dunnish champion, but in the end the party prevailed.After receiving healing from Elbragol and binding their wounds, the party pressed on, heading northwards. They scouted one side passage, which led to a tomb where numerous undead stood in silent waiting, but decided not to enter. Pressing onward, with Drukel trying to follow the tracks in the floor of the cave, they found themselves back in the cave with the pool where the Dunnish mage's spell had backfired. Leaving this area they headed, still northward, back to where the stone bridge crossed the great chasm that spilt the caves.
Someone had re-animated the remains of the Olog-hai that they had destroyed a few days previously, but this time the walking dead appeared in much poorer condition - Iflire felled it with a single blow!
Ascending the stair to the bridge, they soon found themselves in the cave dominated by the bird-headed statues. Drukel had forgotten about the trap that guarded the entrance and duly set it off again - fortunately he was able to shake off the effects of the poison. They entered the large cavern, only top trip the bird-headed statues alarm mechanism -as they had done previously!
Iflire shouted that this time rather than retreating they should move forward, which they duly did - as they did the nearby undead emerging from their tombs, they passed tow shallow cave filled with treasure, but took refuge in a third, a tomb with a door.
Old Enemies
As Iflire secured the door of the tomb, the rest noticed that that tomb was guarded by an undead orc warrior. This fearsome looking orc was clad in chain and carried a curved scimitar and a shield bearing the symbol of the Witch-king.He had died by a fearsome blow to side of his head and his lower jaw hung disconnected on the right side. The aprty stood silently, as the undead moved, seeming to protect the contents of the sarcophagus in a niche to the east of the cave. For a moment there was a stand-off then Hazard, with the battle cry of his folk charged – only to crumple in a heap as a single blow from the undead to his head, felled him! The others immediately closed Angmarto battle against the fearsome foe. The battle was fast and furious, Elbragol cast a spell to attempt to restrict the orcs movements, but the undead shook off the effects. Eventually however the party prevailed, Darowen delivering the final blow that destroyed the undead warrior.
There was little time for healing as Elbragol reported the clamor outside was getting closer. While the animist attempted to secure the tomb door somehow, Iflire organised the others to hide. Assisted by Drukel, who chewed on a draf leaf, the orc warrior’s body was placed in the sarcophagus and the unconscious Hazard placed atop him, laid out as if lying in state. To avoid the ranger crying out should he recover consciousness, Iflire stuffed a sock in his mouth. The others then hid in the narrow gap behind the sarcophagus.

After an hour or so, deciding it was safe to emerge they removed Hazard from the sarcophagus. Within the sarcophagusskeleton lord tomb they found a flat leather pouch. Opening it, it contained a letter written in Black Speech. Iflire was able to decipher it determining it contained an offer of alliance to Tuaighbh from Ar Gular in the north. Determining that the orc’s sword and shield were magical, Darowen took the scimitar and Drukel the shield, indifferent to their origin. Their may have been a moment’s coldness when first they wielded the items, but that was soon forgotten!
After Hazard had recovered his senses, they decided cautiously to set out once more and took the southernmost exit form the great cave. They wandered for some time through a maze of passageways and caves, before finding the entrance to a hidden tomb. They passed through the tomb and explored for a time the passages beyond, finding their way blocked at every turn by a huge chasm. Unwilling or unable to attempt to traverse the chasm, they returned to the tomb, seeking another exit. As they explored, Hazard was challenged by a voice and turned to see, sitting on a throne of stone, an armour-clad skeleton clutching a great sword in it’s bony hands!
Bone-white in the Dark
As the skeleton lord turned his burning gaze upon him, Hazard felt an uncharacteristic stab of fear. Unable to bear that fearsome gaze, dropped his lantern, turned, and fled into the maze of passageways - only knowing he had to get as far from here as possible. The skeleton lord followed his burning gaze having the same effect on Darowen. Elbragol and Drukel held their nerve against that fearsome gaze, but they too steadily retreated from the tomb as the skeleton lord advanced. Fortunately, the skeleton lord lost interest in them once they had left the area of his tomb, and returned to his stony throne and silent brooding.Heading in nearly opposite directions, Hazard and Darowen fled for some time through the endless maze of passageways before they managed to recover their senses and realise they were completely lost and alone. Drukel tried to pick up some indications of where their friends had fled to, but the stony ground proved unforgiving, and he and Elbragol decided it was best to wait where they were and hope the others found their way back to them. Eventually some hour or so later Hazard was first to make his way back, but their was no sign of Darowen.
As Drukel sat back against a rock filled his pipe with his usual compound of crushed acorns and dandelion leaves, Elbragol hit on the idea of wafting the smoke down the passageways in the hope it might waft it’s way to the elf’s delicate senses. IT seemed to work and suddenly they heard Darowen calling to them from down the passageway. Unfortunately the elf was the other side of a wide chasm which they had no way to bridge. After a hasty shouted consultation they worked out a strategy for trying to meet up, based on Darowen’s experience of mazes. Unfortunately cave systems aren’t quite as logically structured as mazes and it took some hours of wandering through dark and twisted caverns until they finally met up.
The cave in which they met had seven skeletons chained to the wall. They had obviously found their way back within Tughaib’s influence as the skeletons were animated, but other than shake their manacles at them they did little else. Hazard decided that the world would be a better place without these particular skeletons and moved to attack lopping off the bony hand of one of them. The skeletons immediately slipped from their shackles and attacked. As battle was joined the skeletons proved difficult foes. As the battle raged furiously, Hazard was knocked unconscious and lay bleeding on the ground. All of the others were bleeding form various wounds but the skeletons were being destroyed one by one, when disaster struck. One of the skeletons blows connected with Elbragol’s unprotected skull crushing it and killing the animist instantly. Spurred on by this, the others redoubled their efforts managing to despatch the last few of their foes, but it was a narrow escape.
Far beneath the Misty Mountains,
Elbragol did seek to slay,
The foul and evil necromancer,
Hidden fast where dark held sway.
Against deathless foes, he fought and battled,
Though healing was his chosen way.
This gentle soul, he fell in darkness,
Nevermore to see the light of day.
Elbragol did seek to slay,
The foul and evil necromancer,
Hidden fast where dark held sway.
Against deathless foes, he fought and battled,
Though healing was his chosen way.
This gentle soul, he fell in darkness,
Nevermore to see the light of day.
After seeing to everyone's wounds and helping Hazard regain some semblance of consciousness, the party decided they needed to find somewhere to rest. Iflire carried Elbragol's body, while Drukel and Darowen did their best to help a heavily concussed Hazard along the way. As they sought a safe haven, Drukel noticed faint tracks and decided to follow them. The tracks led to a cave where a waterfall dropped into a pool lit by phosphorescence. The cave was covered in huge mushrooms, lichens and mosses. There was also signs that someone had been camping out here, not least the half-eaten fish next to bedroll.Leaving Hazard to wobble his way forward by himself, Drukel strode into the cave calling out. His boldness was rewarded when a female grey elf emerged from hiding and introduced herself as Shheara, a bard. Shheara explained that she had been guesting at Dun Faighoin when it had been attacked but had managed to escape and hide-out in the underdeep. The rest of the party joined them and they spent a quiet night in rest - save for having to stop the still-befuddled Hazard from falling into the pool on occasion.
Next morning Shheara told them of a nearby cave sealed with an iron bound door. Suspecting this might lead them back into the Ghost Caves, they headed there. Shheara was able to pick the locks and Drukel cautiously looked in. The cave beyond was huge. It was lit by flaring torches and there were five stone coffins arrayed around the walls, on the far side a door was set into the wall. Something about the cave spooked Drukel and he signalled to the others to proceed with extreme caution. One by one the sneaked across the cave, thankfully the all managed to reach the door without disturbing whatever it was that had spooked the pukel man!
Shheara once again managed to open the door, taking extreme care as she heard sounds of movement within. As soon as all was ready they burst into the room! As he spotted the sole occupant of the room was an elderly man scribing in a large book, Darowen found himself offering an involuntary "Excuse me!" as he brandished his broadsword. Iflire moved to secure the back of the room which was covered by large curtains. Shheara suddenly noticed that the old man was surreptitiously reaching for a bell-pull, presumably to sound an alarm, so he hit him with a sleep spell.
At the back of the room, Iflire could hear voices from the other side of the curtain and urgently signalled to the others. Peeking through the gap in the curtains he could see four robed women, in what was obviously a bedchamber. Three of them were making their way towards an exit on the far side, but one of them, who bore a curved staff that glistened with an unwholesome black energy, had paused and was beginning to disrobe.
Silently the elf levelled his bow and lined up a shot. As he did the others moved to the curtain ad prepared for action, Drukel and Darowen drew blades while Shheara readied her own bow. As Iflire loosed his arrow, Shheara followed suit and Drukel and Darowen crashed through the curtains.
Iflire's arrow struck, Tughaib straight through the heart and the sorceress whirled with the impact of the blow, slumping into death against the far wall. Shheara's arrow took it's intended target as she was turning to see what was happening, striking her in the side and piercing both lungs - killing her instantly. Leaping through the curtains, Drukel killed the third woman with a single blow. Darowen's blow also took his opponent down, she took longer to bleed out but the result was the same.
After a brief consultation, they destroyed Ghostbane by the simple expedient of placing it against a wall and Shheara putting her foot through it. As the staff was destroyed a bust of unwholesome black energy was discharged. Instantly all the animated undead in the complex fell to the ground, once more returned to their eternal rest.
Recovering Tintalle and the survivors of Dun Faighoin they had rescued earlier, they returned back to Dun Daighen.