The inn at the Last Bridge
From Lexicanum
"Not all those who wander are lost"
As the sun set one evening in Narbeleth in the Year TA 1640 a group of weary travellers arrived at the Inn at the Last Bridge on the Great East Road from Bree to Rivendell.First to arrive, sweeping into the courtyard on horseback, was Hazard, a Corsair out of Umbra. After handing his horse over to the care of the stable boy, Hazard quickly introduced himself to the Innkeeper, one Rubb Grumm, and secured for himself the best room in the house. Ordering a pint of ale and a meal he went up to his room to freshen up.
Next to arrive, was a foot-weary dwarf, a massive warhammer over his shoulder, who introducing himself as Hydrin ordered ale and food and securing himself in a quiet corner of the inn, set to his repast with gusto.
Last to arrive, almost simultaneously, two elves, Tintallë out of Rivendell and Iflire from Mirkwood. The two stopped by the well in the courtyard in the shade of two old oaks. Of courtesy, Iflire drew water for both before they entered the Inn.

That evening as they sat and enjoyed the pleasant warmth and good cheer of the inn, the innkeeper approached each. It appeared that his son, Leddon, should have returned from visit to Ulwarth an old friend who had a hill-farm to the north the day before and the innkeeper was seeking to put together a search party. He offered a reward of two golds and a lifetime of meals and accommodation at the inn for any who would join to find out what had happed. All readily agreed to assist.
Next morning, they assembled in the courtyard. Prior to setting off, Grumm suggested they speak to Grepp a local who had done some work for Ulwarth and might provide directions. After Hazard tried and failed, Tintallë managed to worm some basic directions from the old drunk. The farm was in the Trollshaws; about 20 miles to the north and east near where the Mitheithel (known to Men as the Hoarwell ) passed by the ruined keep of Herubar Gûlar.
Armed with this information, the search party set out. They decided to follow the river northwards to the old ruins and their first day of travel was relatively quiet. Their only encounters being with the merchant, Falen, heading southwards to the inn and a party of shepherds moving a flock of sheep.
That night as they rested however, they were set upon by a band of orcs. A ferocious battle was fought in the dim light of the banked fire, in which Iflire and Hazard were both badly wounded before the orcs were dispatched.
"Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter"
While those injured in the fight with the orcs rested fitfully Tintallë stood watch, but there were no further disturbances that night. Next morning they rose early, Hazard and Hydrin set out looking for more healing herbs, and while Tintallë prepared some of the food Mrs Grumm had given them, Iflire searched the bodies of the orcs and piled them in a heap downwind. As they worked, Tintallë spotted two figures some distance away walking in their general direction. With her elven sight she could see one was a Man the other a Halfling. As they approached near the camp she called out to them, inviting them to join the camp for breakfast. The newcomers introduced themselves as Martak Thorn, and Bobbin Surefoot.. They told them they had been hired by Falen the Merchant to investigate the late arrival of one of his wagons. They had found the wagon burned-out, several miles to the north near the old ruins; following the tracks south had led them straight to the camp. Possibly the orcs slain the night before had been involved in the attack on the wagon - although there was no sign of any loot on the orcs Iflire had searched.After Hazard and Hydrin returned and further introductions were made, the two newcomers agreed to help locate the missing lad, and the group headed northwards. On the way ruins they came across another band of orcs hiding in the woods some way in from the riverbank . Fortunately Martak spotted them before the ambush could be sprung and the attackers were swiftly dealt with - only Tintallë being badly wounded. After the brief fight was over, Martak commented that it was unusual to see so many orcs this far south from Angmar. After resting briefly, they moved on - heading for the path that led to Ulwarth’s farm to the east.
Arriving at the frarmstead in the late afternoon, they found a scene of devastation. The farm animals had been driven off, or judging by some of the unpleasant stains, had been slaughtered. They even found a couple of partially eaten sheep. Inside, the house was also wrecked, and near the doorway by a broken axe, the clear bloody signs of where someone had made a desperate last stand. However there was no bodies, nor was there any sign of Leddon's ring to be found.
Martak and Hazard scouted round the area - finding signs, not of orcs but of trolls. They also discovered one set where the troll-spoor were intermingled with those of sheep. Those tracks led off to the south and east. Before setting off in pursuit, however, they decided to rest for the night.
"…Trolls, as you probably know, must be underground before dawn"
Martak managed a partial repair to the back door of the homestead and the party spent a quiet night without incident. Bobbin noticed in the morning that some wolves appeared to have been nosing around the courtyard outside, but they seemed long gone. After a cold breakfast of trail rations, they group set out. Hazard and Martak following the trail that led to the south-east. Most of the morning was spent following the two rangers, but save for a sighting of a Hillman out on a hunting trip, the trip passed uneventfully.Eventually the trail led through the forest to a rocky hill - part of a range - surrounded by trees and scrub land. Moving cautiously the group neared the entrance to a cave – obviously the lair of the trolls. The entranceway was blocked by a massive boulder, which the combined strength of Iflire, Hydrin and Martak could shift. Bobbin started scouting around the hillside looking for another potential entrance, and eventually most of the others followed suit. Hydrin, however, started working on setting up an ambush for the expected emergence of the trolls at nightfall.
Searching down by the streamTintallë, Iflire and Hazard discovered that it disappeared into the hillside and there was sufficient space to crawl in. Calling the others, they began edging through the narrow gap – several of them losing some skin in the process. Martak also managed to get his foot trapped and had to wrench it free, spraining the ankle in the process. The narrow passageway beyond led through a twisting route deep into the troll lair, ending abruptly in a large boulder.
This boulder they were able to shift, to reveal a chamber scattered with bones and other detritus. There were also two men chained to the wall of the cave – one of whom matched the description of Leddon. Moving forward cautiously, the group deployed into the cave - Tintallë and Martak guarding the rear. Iflire went to the watch the doorway as Bobbin began picking the locks on the manacles.
One of the men, Leddon, was quickly freed and collapsed to the floor weak and exhausted. As Bobbin started work on the second man’s shackles, the boulder blocking the entrance to the cave was suddenly was thrust aside and a young troll shambled into the room, looking around vacantly at the unexpected sight of the prisoners being rescued. Wildly the troll swung his club at Hazard who retaliated with a thrust from his sword. The troll was just about to let out a cry for help, when Hydrin stomped forward and with a mighty blow, crushed it’s thick skull.
After Bobbin had freed the second prisoner, and they all began evacuating back up the tunnel, helping the two prisoners who had trouble walking in their weakened state. Iflire emptied out a flask of oil and set light to it in order to cover the retreat.
"Orcs are on the move"
With Hydrin and Hazard supporting the rescued prisoners, the party began a mad dash down the tunnel, emerging into the late afternoon sun about 20 ft above the waterfall. Iflire acted rearguard with a few judiciously placed arrows, before joining the flight, pursued by the incoherent screams of rage from the trolls. Scrambling down the scree slope, Iflire shouted that they should follow the stream - using the water to mask their trail from the trolls, who would pursue as soon as the sun set.They splashed forward through the stream for a mile or two in headlong flight, though Martak found the going hard in his chain mail, especially after nightfall. EventuallyTntallë with her elven sight, spotted a rocky outcropping, suggesting they could get out of the stream safely there without leaving a trail. Hydrin clambered up and threw down a rope, with which they hauled up the men they’d rescued. They continued westward through the forest until they reached the banks of the Hoarwell and decided to camp, there being no sign of pursuit from the trolls.
Hydrin checked over the two men they’d rescued. Though both were severely dehydrated, hungry and suffering from exhaustion they were in basically fairly good condition. Leddon was in better shape. The other man who introduced himself as Rolof – had been badly beaten,. He told them he had been the driver of one of Falen's wagons, bringing a consignment of hides south from Cameth Brin and had been ambushed by orcs. He told them he had been held somewhere in a stone tower and questioned, before being traded to the trolls. Martak and Iflire guessed he had been held in the ruined keep they’d passed a few days ago.
Next morning, they headed southwards following the river and pushing the pace, arrived safely at the Inn, just after sunset. The Grumm's were highly delighted by the safe return of their son. That night there was a party atmosphere in the inn, aided in no small part by the fact that Turlin the bard was also at the inn that night.
Next morning, Martak caught up with Falen and reported what they’d discovered. Falen, though pleased that Rolof had been rescued, seemed badly worried by the fact that the wagon had been attacked by orcs, rather than Trolls. He asked if they knew what had happened to the consignment of goods from the Hillmen had gone, the orcs should have little interest in hides - and more importantly what had happened to the packet of letters being carried. When told that the orcs had apparently seized all the goods before burning the wagon, he’s seemed even more agitated and offered 5 gold to Martak and anyone he could round up to recover the packet - or confirm it had been destroyed. Martak went to round up the others, who readily agreed to help. After gathering some supplies, they set out around lunchtime, heading along the Great East Road, before heading northwards. That night they caped near the road, just short of the forest. In the small hours a group of wolves led by a warg tried to sneak in and attack the camp, but the party made short work of them. The warg was slain by Tintallë with a single arrow to the head. Martak, Hazard and Hydrin bashed and slashed their way through three wolves, while Bobbin and Iflire rained arrows down. The few survivors of the pack loped off into the forest, their tails firmly between their legs.
"Though all to ruin fell the world"
After clearing up the attack by the wolves, the rest of that night passed uneventfully. Led by Hazard and Martek, they set out early next morning under leaden skies. The going got harder and a steady downpour began just as they started climbing up over the hills. That night , an uncomfortable cold camp, did little to hearten the group after a miserable day's travel. Next morning as Iflire and Tintallë, completed their watch they saw something large moving in the forest below them, but as whatever it was it didn’t threaten the camp, no action was taken.Led by Martek, they set off down the hillside and into the forest. They quickly found the spoor of whatever it was that Iflire had spotted but Hazard and Martek could not agree what it was. The question was resolved as a large black bear lunged out of the trees and attacked Martek. The Ranger was badly mauled by the bear before his friends could rally round and slay the beast. After bandaging the ranger’s wounds, they continued on northwards.
The next two days were uneventful, and on the morning of the third day as they neared the ruins, Iflire climbed a tall tree. Rising through the early morning mist he could see the ruined keep of Herubar Gûlar a couple of miles away. He could also see large black crows – crebain - swirling above the towers. Climbing back down he warned the others that the Enemy sometimes used the crows as scouts and lookouts and to be on their guard. Martek found an old path leading through the forest to the keep by the simple expedient of tripping over it. They covered the remaining distance carefully, sneaking through the undergrowth till they neared the ruined keep.
Surveying the ruins, Tintallë spotted a couple of orcs keeping look-out in one of the less-ruined towers, while above, the crebain swung lazily in the breeze, cawing occasionally. Moving cautiously in the forest nearby, they scouted the keep, looking for a route in. The keep was built on a rocky outcropping on three sides with the forest in front. After soime time Iflire and Hydrin finally spotted a dried up stream bead, covered in undergrowth, that had once fed the now dried-up moat. After a hurried consultation they decided that might prove a good route to get closer to the ruins to investgate.
"The Watcher in the Water"
As they surveyed the keep, avoiding being seen by the crebain (and the orcs) they decided to split into two parties to investigate potential routes. Hydrin And Bobbin decided to crawl down the stream, using thecopious brush and undergrowth as cover which would take them to the partially collapsed drawbridge near one of the broken-down towers. Hazard and Martak, followed by the two elves decided to a take a longer (and drier)
route crossing over the path to the edge of the cliff and working their way round that way.
As the two rangers crossed the old pathway, Tintallë suddenly called out a warning, she had heard the sound of hooves thundering up the road. Rapidly taking cover, the four watched as a cloaked and hooded figure rode past as speed, over the broken drawbridge, calling out in orcish as they went. Tintallë felt there was something familiar about the figure, but was unable to quite place it.
After allowing some time for any disturbance eat the keep to settle they continued on their way, meeting up with the others in the party at the base of the ruined tower. Still taking precautions to avoid the scrutiny of the
crebain circling overhead, Iflire and Tintallë scrambled up the broken down rubble and threw a rope down for the others, who swiftly followed.
Once safely ensconced in the relative safety of the tower, they surveyed the inner courtyard and the keep beyond. The stream passed through the courtyard and a rickety-looking couple of planks bridged it about half way
down. The keep itself was still sound and showed some signs of recent repair. In a stable across the courtyard they could see they mysterious rider's horse contentedly munching on some grain. As they watched a group of three orcs emerged from one of the other towers complaining bitterly about being made to go out in the daytime and began what was obviously meant to be a patrol of the area.
After the shambles of a patrol concluded, Hydrin and Bobbin decided - as they were already wet - to get back into the stream and swim down to the nearest point to the keep while the others kept watch. Things went well at
first and the two swimmers made their way down the stream - which was much deeper here - until as the passed the next tower, Hydrin felt something grab at his leg and attempt to drag him under! letting out an involuntary cry the dwarf drew his hammer and swiped at whatever was under the water. Bobbin drew his daggers and dived under to see his friend was caught in the grasp of a young kraken and he began slashing at the tentacle. Alerted by Hydrin's cries, the orc guars streamed out into the courtyard, peering about anxiously in the sunlight. Tintallë and Iflire let loose with a couple of arrows while the two rangers headed for the bridge to confront the orcs.
As Hydrin and Bobbin made the young kraken think of seeking an easier meal, battle commenced with the orcs. After a nasty little combat, the last orc was finally dispatched, but not before Martak had received a serious wound, an orc axe cutting brutally across his face destroying his eye!
" for valour, that cannot be computed by stature"
Tintallë surveyed the courtyard but all was quiet, she did notice however a flight of the crebain wheeling suddenly and heading off to the east – presumably to seek reinforcements. After warning the others, she Iflire and Bobbin went to check out the tower that the orcs had emerged from while Hydrin tended to horrific wound on Martak’s face. Hazard, meanwhile went over to check out the stabled horse, finding it a fine beast, but no clues as to it’s owner.Searching the orc tower they found the upper floor was where the orcs had been bivouacked with rancid looking sleeping mats strewn about the room. As Iflire began climbing the iron-rungs of a ladder that led to the roof, Tintallë and Bobbin began searching the room. The elf’s keen sight spotted an area of wall that looked slightly different to the rest and with some prodding about, managed to open a secret door. In a gap in the walls a narrow stairway led down.
Outside in the courtyard, Hydrin’s ministrations were interrupted as three more orcs charged out of one of the other towers. Hydrin and Martak – still getting used to seeing through one eye – braced themselves for the charge, Hydrin calling out a warning. Hazard reacted to the warning, charging across the courtyard to intercept. As the clash of blades rang out, and blood began to flow, Iflire called out, relaying the information to the two below. As they charged down the stairs, he clambered up onto the roof unlimbering his bow.
As arrows began raining down from above, the combat in the courtyard continued it’s brutal way blows raining and blood flowing!. Bobbin and Tintallë emerged from the base of the tower, the elf drawing her bow and unleashing a rain of arrows. Bobbin danced forward, dagger drawn and stabbed one of the orcs in the back! Suddenly, one of the orcs managed a lucky swing, his hand-axe biting deep into Hydrin’s neck, felling the doughty dwarf. One of the orcs went down, and then Martak, whose wounds had reopened from the exertion, collapsed unconscious and bleeding. After a vicious swipe that felled Bobbin, one of the orcs, though badly wounded by the hobbit, charged Tintallë, who considered casting a Sleep spell but then fired an arrow in return, before dropping her bow and drawing her sword. Above on the tower, Iflire continued firing at the orc in combat with Hazard dropping him – the ranger then charged across to help Tintallë fell the last remaining orc.
Headstrong, with grace bestowed,
Hydrin marched the glory-road,
Heedless of the wind or rain,
He fell in battle, orc-slain.
The glory-road, he marched no more.
Joining the others in the courtyard,
Iflire survey the scene, Hydrin was obviously dead, his neck at an unnatural
angle, Bobbin and Martak were unconscious and being bandaged by Hazard who was
himself badly wounded. Tintallë too bore the scars of the recent battle as she
bandaged herself. Realising that they were in no condition to continue the
assault, he and hazard collected the stabled horse and slung the fallen on its
back. Swiftly they withdrew into the forest, getting as far as they could before
resting. Hydrin marched the glory-road,
Heedless of the wind or rain,
He fell in battle, orc-slain.
The glory-road, he marched no more.
That evening, not long after they had settled, a stranger wandered into camp. Telling them his name was Elbragol, he informed them he had observed their abortive assault on the keep. He had been following the cloaked rider who had arrived in the morning, believing him to be a rogue Arthedain seer he had been pursuing for some time and tracked down to this area. He offered to join with them in the hope that hey had a common foe. The newcomer was an animist and his healing magic proved most helpful that night.
Next morning, they moved on again, heading further away from the keep, till they found a safe place to rest. Hazard and Martak helped bury Hydrin while the others searched for healing herbs. They decided to settle down for the next few days until all were recovered.
"Presently two orcs came into view."
Having recovered from their bruising encounter with the Orcs in the courtyard, the party decided to head back toward Herubar Gûlar. After travelling a day or so to the east through the forest they camped for the night about six miles from the ruined keep. Checking the area surrounding the camp Martek discovered signs of orcs on the old roadway that led through the forest. And indeed later that night, Tintallë and Iflire heard an orc patrol grumbling as they shambolically marched up the road and then, an hour or so later, marched back!Next morning, which dawned cold and wet, Bobbin climbed a tall tree and surveyed the forest between the camp and the ruined keep six miles away. He could see the crebain swinging lazily around the tower in the sleety breeze. He also spotted a second, smaller group of crebain swarm around about two miles closer to them. After a hurried consultation they guessed the crebain were watching over the encampment of the orcs they’d heard last night as they rested during the daylight hours. Quickly they put together a plan to ambush them!
Sneaking through the forest they located the orcs camp near the road. Sneaking through the trees, the party maneuvered until they were just about close enough to unleash a hail of arrows onto the sleeping orcs. Unfortunately, just as they were about to attack, Martak stumbled heavily and managed to draw the attention of the crebain, which let out a loud cry of alarm. Their ambush sprung prematurely, the other members of the party fired frantiucally into the sleeping orcs. The orcs, with cries or alrm and curses, leaped to their feet grasping for shields and weapons. They peered blindly in the hated daylight, desperately trying to find where their assailants were. In panic they began scattering across the roadway!
Hampered by the brightness of the daylight, it took the orcs a couple of minutes to get their organised - by which time Tintallë had despatched one and Bobbin and Elbragol had disabled another with arrows through both legs. As the fallen orc tried feebly to crawl off into the undergrowth the other orcs finally located their foes and charged forwards screaming. A furious melee followed, the orc hand axes cutting a fearful swathe through the companions.
Drawing swords, the party responded in kind, killing several orcs and driving one off who fled, both arms broken and usesless. Elbragol danced about the battlefield channelling healing spells and distributing medicinal herbs as he fought, swinging his quarterstaff to lethal effect. It was a fearsome battle and despite taking a fearful toll on their foes, Bobbin, Tintallë, Hazard and Martek all fell wounded before the last of the orcs was despatched.
"Regiments of black crows are flying over all the land..."
Collecting up their wounded friends, Iflire, Hazard and Elbragol, melted back into the forest conscious that the crebain had fled back in the direction of the keep. That night they rested several miles to the southeast in a glade in the forest where Elbragol distributed healing herbs and what magic he could. Next morning Tintallë, climbed a tree and scanned the area between them and the keep. She could see crebain swinging lazily above the keep, but none over the intervening forest.Reporting back to the others they resolved to make their way back to the keep and try another assault. Hazard led the way arriving at the edge of the forest near they collapsed tower they had entered a few days before. The orcs had taken additional steps to protect the tower, hammering sharpened stakes into the rubble to prevent anyone from climbing up easily. The stakes proved little impediment to the ranger who deftly scampered up the rubble, avoid the gaze of the crebain circling overhead. One-by-one the others followed, all avoiding the watchful crebain, until it came to Martak, who stumbled as he climbed, causing a small cascade of bricks tumbling down. One of the crebain flew down to investigate - but before the bird could call out a warning, Tintallë silenced it with a sleep spell.
The orcs had barricaded the doorway to the ruined tower with a crude barrier of planks, so Iflire began scaling the internal wall of the tower to try and find a way up through the broken roof. He made his way out safely enough, but was unfortunately spotted by one of the crebain which let out a cry of warning and swooped down to attack him. It’s beak and claws tore a rapid series of gashes that bled heavily as the elf rolled over trying to defend himself. Hearing the commotion Tintallë and Bobbin shinned up the wall to come to his aid, only to be attacked in turn by other crebain summoned by the first ones cries.
Down below, realising the alert was well and truly raised, Hazard and Martak crashed through the barricade, emerging into the courtyard in time to see two orc emerge from the tower across the way. As Elbragol followed them the two rangers ran forwards, leaping over the deep stream that bisected the courtyard and engaged the orcs. Above them on the tower, Iflire was now bleeding heavily from the creban’s rending attacks. Tintallë and Bobbin were taking wounds as they fought of the swift moving birds. The crebain were eventually killed, but by then both Iflire and Tintallë had passed out from loss of blood from a myriad of small wounds.
Down below in the courtyard, Elbragol was about to unlimber his bow to aid the two rangers in their battle with the orcs, when a fourth creban attacked him. Dropping his bow he swiped at it with his staff, landing a lucky blow that crushed it to the ground lifeless! The battle with the orcs was going less favourably, after trading a series of blows, Martak fell! Hazard did what he could to protect his fallen comrade and despatched one of the orcs, however he was sorely pressed by the time Elbragol leaped across the river. The animist leaned down over Martak and cast a healing spell who leaped to his feet and with a mighty blow felled the last of the orcs!
"I have been picking out bear-tracks..."
Hazard and Bobbin carrying and dragging the unconscious elves, the party made their way to the secret door Tintallë had located in the orc tower. Opening the door it revealed a cracked and broken narrow stone stairway leading down into the dark. Hazard lit an oil lamp, and while Bobbin carefully erased all trace of their passage through the tower, made his way cautiously downwards. The steps were somewhat treacherous, cracked and broken and in some places missing. Hazard came to an abrupt halt as the last ten feet or so of the staircase was completely missing. Carefully he dropped down on the floor of a damp stone passageway which led off into the dark. The others followed him down, carefully ferrying the wounded elves.Making a scratch camp, they left Tintallë and Iflire resting in the passageway, while the others explored the passageway. Bobbin reckoned it was heading in the direction of the keep, which was confirmed when it ended in a large iron-bound door. Bobbin managed to pick the rusted lock after several abortive attempts, but the door was stuck fast. Elbragol managed to chip some of the rust of the hinges, and with a liberal application of some lamp oil, and some brute force from Martak, the door was forced open - beyond lay the cellars of the keep – or rather a dust storeroom filled with broken furniture!
Carefully deploying into the room, the party spread out to explore the area. The cellars mirrored the hexagonal shape of the keep above, the room they were in was at the far end, along with another room that had once been a wine-cellar judging by the broken bottles and racks that littered the floor. The centre of the cellar was dominated by a huge sunken arena, in the centre of which, chained to a large post, a mean and hungry looking bear prowled. The floor of the arena was littered with thousands of coins of various denominations! To either side, corridor’s flanked the arena; one covered in weapon racks the other with torn and tattered portraits and a large statue of a dunadan warrior. A large stairway led up to the level above and down into further deeper cellars.
The party spent some time browsing the weapon racks, and managed to retrieve a few useful looking weapons from the rusted tarnished heaps! Their explorations were interrupted at one point by the arrival of some orcs. Rather than confront them they decided to hide and observed as the orcs, supervised by their captain, queued up to drop handfuls of coins – presumably booty – onto the floor of the arena.
Once the orcs had left, the party continued their explorations – the corridor of portraits had been thoroughly vandalised save for a few portraits at the end - near the statue. Elbragol thought he saw something behind one of the frames, but as he went to remove the packet, the statue suddenly animated, breaking his leg with a low sweeping blow of its mace!
As Bobbin dragged the wounded animist back out of range and the party considered their options. Martak and Hazard postulated that the statue might not attack a dunadan and Martak stepped forward to try and recover the package – only to collapse in pain as a savage blow from the golem shattered his right knee-cap. Deciding not to risk any further injuries, Hazard and Bobbin helped the injured ones hobble back to their makeshift camp in the passageway where the elves waited.
Once he had recovered consciousness Elbragol examined and splinted both his own and Martak’s leg. He observed that without the proper healing herbs it would take weeks for them to recover, and they would be unable to undertake anything strenuous or to fight effectively until restored to full health. After some discussion Hazard and Bobbin decided to try and sneak out of the keep and obtain the herbs from Galen at the Inn, leaving the wounded time to recover in the passageway. Fortunately they managed to sneak out without incident and several days later returned, bringing the herbs Elbragol had requested. Once the animist had brewed his potions, using the heat from the oil lamp, the broken bones were mended and the party decided to recommence their investigation. Heading out into the cellar again, they decided to head upwards this time and explore the upper keep.
The lower levels of the keep were ruined and deserted, but on the second floor, they found the orc captain lurking in what was obviously an observation post. Kicking in the door Martak charged the orc, swiftly followed by Hazard and Elbragol, Bobbin lurked in the doorway firing arrows. The orc through surprised, proved a formidable opponent and three of the party members fell wounded to the floor before Bobbin darted in and drawing a dagger finished him off.
"In places deep, where dark things sleep"
As Bobbin bandaged the wounds of the fallen, Iflire and Tintallë arrived and helped the hobbit drag the others back into the hideout in the secret passage. Once they’d done that the elves returned and after a s swift look round the rest of the upper floor, finding it comprised a ruined library and laboratory, and dragged the corpse of the orc captain down to the cellar and tossed it in to the bear! They then returned to where Bobbin was nursing the others. Some hours later, once Elbragol had recovered consciousness, the animist was able to use his healing magic to help Hazard and Martek and after a night’s rest in the cramped passageway, they decided to sally out once more into the keep.They found the cellar eerily silent, with no sign of the familiar snuffling and snorting of the bear in the room next door. They quickly discovered that the bear had been slain, it’s arrow-filled body lying next to the partially devoured course of the orc captain. Much of the money that had been strewn about the floor of the area had gone, though they did manage to recover a few coins that had been missed, notably from under the corpses.
Heading upstairs they found no sign of activity, but the front door of the keep was wide open. A quick scan from the watch-post in the observatory revealed no activity in the courtyard nor, by looking through the telescope, could they see any orcs in the forest. After a brief consultation they spilt up and began to search the area. Hazard found a secret room containing maps and plans of the area. Tintallë, after perusing the maps worked out that it appeared they had been trying to find the location of Rivendell. The room also contained a set of Black Numenorian treatises on magic, which contained an inscription identifying them as belonging to the renegade seer Elbragol was hunting. Bobbin discovered in a drawer the packet of letters they had been sent to retrieve by Fallen, The letters had been opened and seemed fairly innocuous. One of them however, containing a sketch-map which Iflire recognised as Camreth Brin, was written in code. Copious notes bundled with it showed that someone had been trying - with little success - to decode the message. Later, across in the laboratory, Iflire found another room, hidden behind a bookcase, that contained volumes of notes from Ar Gular’s time concerning his various experiments. While finally, just as she was about to give up, Tintallë located another secret door , this one with a spiral stair leading down.
The stairway led to what had once been a plush bedroom, though now all the rich furnishings and covers were rotted away. A large chest at the foot of the bed contained a number of magic items, some of which Tintallë and Elbragol advised were cursed. Recovering those items they though useable, the party left by a door across the room and found themselves overlooking the bear-pit.
They decided to press on, heading down to the lower cellar. Elbragol spent some time exploring what appeared to be a magically-lit herb-garden, though it was largely overgrown with fungus. While the animist explored that, Hazard and Bobbin wound their way through a prison complex, finding and releasing the last surviving member of Fallen’s wagoneers. Tintallë and Iflire found a couple of strange rooms that seemed to be infused with magic, though they weren’t quite sure of their purpose.
After stashing the freed prisoner in the hidden bedroom, they returned to the lower cellar, finding a spiral stairway leading further down, an inscription in elvish above the doorway implied there was treasure to be found below, however when they passed through the doorway huge gouts of flame surrounded them!
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."
After treating the burns from the fire-trap, Bobbin searched the area for any other exits. The hobbit found a secret door that opened onto a tunnel hewn through the rock. Following the tunnel led him to a secret door in the back of a fireplace in the crebain tower! Bobbin, mindful of how dangerous the crebain could be was disinclined to tarry there, however as he turned to leave he noted one of the bricks in the fireplace was marked with a small “X”. Prying the brick out, the hobbit smiled as a blade-trap – obviously designed to catch a human – swung out over his head. Inside was a leather box. Returning to his friends the hobbit opened the box at leisure finding it contained a small key.Returning to the lower cellar, the party decided to try the other staircase down to the next level and led by Bobbin went down the main staircase. Exploring the level below, they were attacked by three large lizards. The lizards were swiftly dealt with but not before one had leaped up and bitten Hazard on the head, knocking him unconscious. Once the ranger had recovered they explored the rest of the level. It quickly became apparent that this level was where the original Ar Gular had carried out his unnatural experiments and indeed they found the room, still tainted by the evil abominations that had been worked there, where the machines and breeding pits lay in silence. Various rooms leading off contained the descendants of those abominations. One room was nothing more than a writhing heap of vipers; more of the unnaturally large lizards were found. Other rooms contained mutated bats which flitted overhead and in others unwholesome looking spiders - some of huge proportions - scuttled about the place.
Wisely, the party decided to avoid confrontation with the creatures and headed down to the lowest level. This lowest level was bisected by a swiftly flowing underground stream which was crossed by a somewhat decayed looking wooden bridge. The first room they explored was obviously once a bath-house, the sunken bath now broken and empty. Leading off that was a room permeated by a warm magical glow but little else. As they left the room Bobbin and Elbragol noticed that the two rangers had remained behind. Heading back in, they noticed that the rangers were simply standing their staring at the mosaics on the walls - entranced. Unable to rouse them they eventually resorted to dragging them bodily from the room!
It took the rangers a little while to recover their senses, but when they did both were keen to press on. The next room, which had a rhyme in sindarin inscribed over the door, was locked. Bobbin made short work of the lock to reveal a wider room at the far end of which several chests and bins containing gemstones and gold coins. Distrusting this evident bounty, Bobbin tied a rope around himself, which Elbragol held, and cautiously entered the room. As he moved across the floor carefully the door suddenly slammed shut - with enough force to sever the rope.
Bobbin’s situation immediately worsened as with a grinding sound the walls and doors of the rooms started to contract! As the others frantically tried to get the door open, Bobbin looked for an exit - but there was none! Unable to see the door from this side, the resourceful hobbit took refuge in one of the chests. Eventually as the grinding noise ceased, Elbragol managed to get the door open. – revealing Bobbin’s twisted form on the floor next to the wreckage of the crushed chest. Martak wanted to rush in and retrieve the hobbit, but wiser counsel prevailed, as Elbragol desperately tried to find a way to disable the trap. Eventually however, it was Martak himself who clicked on the solution – some distant memory of a friend’s visit to Moria clicked – stepping into the room he quoted the sindarin verse above the door! The trap disabled, he was able to retrieve Bobbin, who fortunately, though badly wounded and unconscious, was still breathing!
Leaving the unconscious hobbit in the care of the elves, who took her up to the hidden bedroom, the others crossed the rickety bridge. On the far side the discovered a room that had been flooded with unwholesome looking water and another locked door. Elbragol managed to open the lock, but in the act managed to trigger a pit-trap falling down onto the spikes below! Hazard and Martak helped him out and the gingerly entered the room beyond. The room contained a large bronze chest, which they key Bobbin had recovered fitted. Inside was treasure and various magic items. They quickly recovered the treasure and headed back up to get the others. Gathering up their stuff they decided to head back to the Inn.
As they left the keep and were just about to head down the forest path, a hooded figure stepped out and confronted them! As they prepared for battle, a bunch of orcs charged them from the trees. Ar Gular began preparing to cast a spell as did Elbragol. Bobbin, still injured and groggy from a crushed skull, pulled back, drawing his bow while Martak and Hazard drew swords and melee was joined.
Elbragol got his spell off first. By some miracle, calm spirits spell worked – preventing Ar Gular form taking any offensive action. With a curse, the hooded sorcerer abandoned his fireball spell and fled the scene - heading for his horse tethered nearby. With the loss of their leader the orcs seemed to lose some heart, but such was their ferocious nature they pressed home their assault. The orcs proved no match for the party and were all killed, but nor before Martak and Elbragol were both badly wounded. This final ambush dealt with, the party had no further trouble on their journey back to the Inn.