Howl of the Carrion King
The Sultan’s Claw
The individual members of the party were retained by
Garavel, who presented himself as the major-domo of the lady Almah. He was
recruiting adventurers, or “experts” as he preferred to call them, for a mission
the lady was undertaking on behalf of the Pactmasters in the north of Katapesh.
He promised that they would be well-rewarded but the precise details would be
worked out in discussion with the lady herself. The journey to Almah’s
encampment took nearly a week by camel and on foot, and the motley group took
the time getting to know each other, though there was little speculation as to
what the mission actually might be!
Around lunchtime on the fifth day as
they rode over the brow of a small hill they could see Almah’s encampment laid
out before them, clustered round a huge tree with claw like branches which
Sandrena informed them was a local landmark known as the Sultan’s Claw.
Something was obviously wrong as people were rushing about frantically; as they
descended the hill rapidly it became apparent that one of the wagons, one
covered in astrological symbols, was afire! As they arrived in the camp they
could see a woman –obviously Almah – directing operations. Turning to the new
arrivals she ordered them to help where they could.
The party fell to
willingly, Kafi and Ash-ara joined the bucket queue that was forming up, trying
to instil some order ion the somewhat chaotic operation. Barid went to try and
help a group of mercenaries who were desperately trying to haul a heavily laden
wagon further way from conflagration. Nearly went over to where a halfling
cleric, who introduced himself as Zostoran, was trying to treat two badly burned
people and began to help. Sparky meanwhile, noticed that the flames had spread
to the huge tree in the centre of the oasis and went to try and fight it. Seeing
that Barid and the mercenaries were struggling to move the heavily laden wagon,
Kafi and Sandrena went to help – finally managing to haul the wagon out of
danger. Barid then went to help Sparky’s valiant attempt to put out the fire on
the Sultan’s Claw while Kafi and Sandrena went to help round up various goats
sheep that had somehow broken out of their pen and were running though the camp
generally causing chaos. Sparky, noticing Kafi attempting to wrestle a goat to
the ground, and the fact that the panicked animals were getting in the way of
the fire-fighting effort, rode over on his donkey and cast colour spray to knock
several of the panicked beasts out. As Kafi continued his goat-wrestling,
Sandrena and the camel driver and his wife managed to round up the remaining
beasts. Meanwhile Almah, Garavel and Ash-ara had finally managed to get some
order into the bucket queue which was now operating smoothly and getting the
fire under control.
Once the fire was brought under control, things had
calmed down and relative quiet returned to the camp - except for Hadrod, who
seemed distraught the his favourite goat Rombard had escaped in the chaos.
Garavel rounded them up and brought them before Almah who asked them to
investigate the causes of the fire that had killed her astrologer. The party
spent the rest of the afternoon examining the burned out wagon and interviewing
the various other members of Almah’s entourage. The entourage was fairly small.
Aside from Almah and Garavel, there were the lady’s four personal guards
bolstered by six mercenaries, Zostoran the cleric, Hadrah and Hadrod the camel
drivers and Dashki the guide. They didn’t find anything suspicious in the ruins
of the wagon, but several of the conversations seemed to point to Dashki as the
prime suspect. The guide had been acting funnily and had seemed obsessed by the
lady Almah; the mercenaries even speculated that he’d been getting rid of the
opposition! Feeling that he had sufficient suspicion, Kafi decided he would
confront the guide. The guide seemed incredulous, volubly protesting his
innocence. Dashki said that the seer used to have lots of candles burning in his
wagon, and probably knocked one over. It was likely just bad luck he went on to
say that as this was gnoll territory and it was probably down to pugwumpis – a
form of gremlin that brought bad luck with them wherever they went! As Kafi had
never heard of “pugwumpis”, and a check revealed neither had anyone else, he
decided this was not a plausible defence and dragged the unfortunate guide
before the lady Almah.
Almah however, was unwilling to convict the
guide of a capital crime with no direct evidence. As his defence, however
rested on the existence or not of pugwumpis, she despatched the party to see if
they could locate any evidence of the creatures. Heading off into the night,
they found themselves following a set of tracks leading away from the camp and
into the hills. The tracks led eventually to a massive thicket of cacti, form
somewhere within they could hear the bleating of a goat – presumably the missing
Barid and Neryl moved out to the sides trying to find their
way round the thicket, Sandrena Sparky and Ash-ara took a more direct route;
their way illuminated by a stone Kafi had cast light on. Those who entered the
thicket had an unlucky time of it – is seemed that anything that could go wrong
did. They found themselves tripping over stones that weren’t there, inexplicably
stumbling into things; sandal-straps broke; belts snapped; sweat dripping into
eyes momentarily blinded them. As they tripped tumbled and fell through the
cactus thicket, the cactus spikes seemed to unerringly find any and all gaps in
armour and clothing, the adventurers emerging into a clearing in the centre,
scratched torn and bloody.
The Old Monastery
Barid, from his vantage point on the hillside called
out a warning that the goat was tethered on the edge of an area where the land
had recently slipped and there was a nasty drop immediately behind it. Sandrena
began moving forward to free the poorly looking Rombard; making calming noises
and Sparky prepared to cast a spell at the pugwumpi should it reveal itself.
Kafi called out encouragement to his colleagues which was offset by the
chattering and jeering from the hiding pugwumpi. Neryl, having made her way
round the hillside, leaped athletically over the edge of the cactus thicket,
landing precariously atop a large boulder. Brandishing what looked like a rusty
kitchen knife, the pugwumpi, letting forth a string of obscenities in gnollish,
leaped forward from its hiding place – straight into a colour spray cast by the
waiting Sparky. The pugwumpi slumped unconscious to the ground, bounced and
rolled off the edge of the landslip! With her low light vision, Neryl could
see it twenty feet below - impaled on the spines of a particularly vicious
looking clump of cactus. Rombard, having being freed by Sandrena, immediately
bolted through the thicket falling unconscious at the feet of Kafi. While Neryl
and Sparky held a rope, Sandrena clambered down the slope to retrieve the
Returning to the camp, they displayed the dead pugwumpi to the lady
Almah, who presented with the evidence absolved Dashki of any guilt. Invited
into the noblewoman’s tent she somewhat belated began the long-delayed job
interviews, offering each of the party a contract for 200 gp to assist her in
her mission for the Pactmasters. She went on to explain that her mission was to
bring the surrounding countryside and the nearby village of Kelmarene back under
government control. The party’s first task was to secure a base of operations –
Dashki had commented that there was a nearby abandoned monastery built by monks
of Sarenrae nearby that was a likely candidate. She requested the party survey
the building in the morning and clear-out any creatures that might inhabit
At sunrise, after finding out where the mon astery was from Dashki,
they set off. Neryl and Kafi borrowed camels, the others decided to proceed on
foot. The monastery was about a mile or so to the north-west on the other side
of a small range of hills. Most of the fabric of the building seemed relatively
stable, although it was obviously in need of some repair. Entering the building
cautiously, they began searching. Judging by the tattered icons on the walls,
the monastery had been dedicated to some local saint though neither Neryl nor
Kafi could identify him.
The monastery, though long deserted by its
builders, was far from un-inhabited. In the first couple of hours of their
survey, Barid was very nearly killed by a troupe of baboons in the deanery.
Sparky then discovered a bunch of pugwumpis in the kitchens which were swiftly
killed. Kafi located a monstrous spider was despatched in the ruined tower in
the south east corner and Sandrena found a colony of striges - or rather they
found her - roosting in a side chapel. Kafi and Sandrena were badly injured in
dealing with the striges and the party decided to return to the base camp at the
Sultan’s Claw.
Monastery madness
Almah had a
surprise for them, she had recruited another adventurer to aid them, a half-elf
ranger who introduced himself as Rachid al Hassad. The party spent the next day
resting and recuperating from their first foray into the monastery. Neryl, in
between consulting with father Zostoran and reading the book she’s recovered
from the library which seemed to be a history of the Templars of the Five Winds,
spent her time looking after the wounded Kafi and Sandrena.
"Templars of the Five Winds" are five legendary janni warriors who travelled the
deserts and mountains of northern Katapesh in the days of antiquity. They served
a powerful djinni princess named Nefeshti, whose far-reaching schemes stretched
across the lands of both Osirion and Katapesh. A song cycle called The Song of
Edrehu describes how the Templars were made immortal by a powerful wish uttered
by Nefeshti, granting them eternal life so long as the warriors retained her
favour. The Templars were sworn enemies of the cult of Rovagug, and many tales
of their triumphs recount battles against the vile god's spawn. Legend tells
that the janni defeated a great evil centuries ago near Pale Mountain in the
Brazen Peaks, a pinnacle not very far from the village of Kelmarane.
Each Templar was associated with one of the five winds:
represents the fury of winds from all directions.
Kardswann represents the
south wind, the most well-travelled and worldly of the winds.
represents the east wind, upon which the whispers of the gods and the advice of
elders is carried.
Vardishal represents the north wind, a wind said to carry
the battle cries of all armies.
Zayifid represents the west wind, upon which
secrets thought hidden are carried.
Zostoran confirmed that the “local
saint” depicted in the monastery was in fact Vardishal.
When they
eventually set out to revisit the monastery, this time accompanied by Rachid,
Ash-ara led the way. This time they headed towards the main chapel, pausing to
check out two side chambers, in one of which Neryl and Kafi found a secret door.
Before they could investigate they ware called away to the main chapel where
their comrades had fallen under attack by an extremely irritating bunch of
pugwumpis, who were amusing themselves jeering the adventurers and flinging,
excrement, offal and other rubbish at them from the rafters, where a curiously
constructed "nest" extended from the choir-loft across the ceiling.
One of the
pugwumpis clambered down a rope to where a “chandelier” composed of gnoll skulls
hung and began making rude gestures at Ash-ara, who retaliated in kind. Things
took a more serious turn when Raschid, taking offense as a bucketful of offal landed on his head, fired an arrow at
the pesky blighters!
As a flurry of arrows flew across the chapel, Ash-ara and his own
personal pugwumpi engaged in a series of farcical exchanges involving
breaking bow-strings, much trouser dropping and rude gestures
culminating in Ash-ara getting hit by an arrow in the left buttock!
Rachid and Kafi tried various method of setting the “nest” on fire,
most of which came to nothing. Sandra spotted a rickety looking ladder
which led up to the choir-loft, but when Rachid tried to climb it,
failed due ot the bad-luck aura and the suffered the further indignity
of a pugwumpi dropped a boulder down towards his head!
Eventually, triumphing over the bad luck, the party began to get the upperhand and pugwumpis began falling
from the nest transfixed by arrows or crossbow bolts – to choruses of disapproval from their colleagues!
trying to withdraw with his trousers round his ankles, tripped and fell flat on
his face, the pugwumpi dropped down from the rafters onto his back, drawing a
wicked-looking knife. Fortunately Sandrena and Sparkey were able to intervene,
undoubtedly saving Ash-era’s life – if not his dignity!
King of the Heap
Retreating from the relentless assault of the Pugwumpis
to the safely of the main hallway, the party paused for a while to consider
their options. Rachid and Kafi went outside to see if they could scale the walls
and climb into the choir loft through one of the holes in the monastery roof -
but they soon abandoned that plan as impractical.
Reconvening back in the hallway, they quickly hatched a plan to smoke
the pugwumpis outt and leaving Ash-era to keep an eye on the chapel,
the others scattered through the monastery seeking flammable materials.
As Ash-era stood guard, he suddenly noticed a pugwumpi peering at him
round the corner – and suddenly he was swamped by the pesky blighters!
Drawing his sword, he called to the others to help. By the time
the others arrived running, Ash-era was in dire straits. Six of the
pugwumpis were surrounding him lashing out what looked like rusty
kitchen knives and he was bleeding from a myriad of wounds. Once
the others launched into the combat however, the pugwumpis were rapidly
After Neryl and Kafi had healed the wounded from the fight,
they began assembling a massive pile of broken furniture under the choir-loft
which Kafi then set fire to. The wood was tinder-dry and in seconds the flames
were leaping upwards. After a few minutes however, they realised that they had
perhaps been overzealous in the construction of the bonfire and the flames were
leaping up into the rafters - threatening to burn the entire building
Sandra cast Create Water to dampen down the flames and they began
dragging some of the larger bits of furniture out of the bonfire to try and
control the blaze. Suddenly emerging from the smoke, they were attacked by more
pugwumpis, led by a grossly fat pugwumpi wearing a breastplate and carrying a
glowing warhammer. Kafi stood to meet that attack of the pugwumpi king and
swung his scimitar – unfortunately overcompensating for the king’s darting
attack and losing grip of the bade – sending it spinning into the bonfire. In a
second the remaining pugwumpis who had accompanied the king joined the fray. A
furious melee ensued in the flaring light of the bonfire in which Kafi was badly
injured as was Sparky, but eventually the party prevailed!
Once the
pugwumpis were defeated, the party took some time for a well-earned rest. After
that , Kafi and Neryl spent some time working to clean up the desecrated altar
and as a reward were each given a blessing by Sarenrae. Sparky, Barid and Rachid
deconstructed the bonfire and began generally clearing up the mess while Ash-era
and Sandrena removed the gnoll-skull chandelier.
Having returned the
chapel to some semblance of order, they decided to investigate the secret door
they’d sound earlier – discovering it led to an overgrown contemplative
Finally for that day’s effort they decided to deal with the
striges. The quickly hatched a cunning plan – Kafi would cast a light spell
onto an arrow which Ash-era would fire up into the stirge’s roost. Sparky,
perched on Kafi’s shoulders would then hit them with a Colour Spray spell and
the others could easily finish off the stunned birds. Somewhat surprisingly, the
plan went off without a hitch.
The Undercrypt
After resting briefly, the party decided top press on
and check out the secret stairway behind the statue of Vardishal. Led by Kafi,
while Sandrina held a torch, they made their way gingerly down a narrow
carved-stone staircase which led to what looked like an alchemist's lab. The
group spread out and began examining the room Sandrina pointed out several
containers of murky green liquid to Neryl who came over to investigate. However
as the cleric-mage bent to sniff the contents they rose up and stuck at her!
Almost simultaneously another slime mould emerged from a drain near
Kafi’s feet, striking him. The party retaliated swiftly and the moulds were
quickly destroyed and the injured healed – although Neryl noticed the area
where the mould had struck her was still itchy. As the others spread out and
continued the search of the room – Sandrina and Sparky paying particular
attention to the sheaves of parchment scattered around, Kafi went to examine a
large stone door to the north.
The door was set with sigils and
iconography of the dead, and he suspected it let to the monastery crypts. With
some help from his friends, he managed to get the door open and was proved
right. The crypts however held a sorry tale – many of the graves (niches in the
stone walls) had been despoiled and bones scattered around . It also soon became
apparent that the monks had made their last stand against those who had
assaulted the monastery here, as sever bodies of orange clad monks were found,
Barid noted that , curiously, however no Gnoll skeletons were to be found. After
Sandrina a used Detect magic, the party did recover a number of useful looking
items from the scenes of combat – a mace, a dagger and a teak box containing a
holy symbol and a brooch both inscribed with the angelic symbol of
Once satisfied that there were no further threats, Sandrina
volunteered to return to the Sultan’s claw and inform the lady Almah. While she
did that, Sparky and Barid had a brew-up while the clerics began the long task
of restoring some honour and respect to the desecrated graves. A couple of
hours later, Sandrina returned to inform them that the lady Almah and the others
would set off at first light. That night Neryl had difficulty sleeping due to
the itch in her arm and decided to get some fresh air at the quadrangle. As she
stood there she felt a compulsion to search in one corner and dig. Hidden
beneath the surface, she found an ornately carved quarterstaff - marvellously
balanced and shod in highly polished and rust-free iron.
Next day after
the rest of the expedition arrived, the various members of the expedition began
claiming rooms in the monastery as their own! The party – after a brief
disagreement with the mercenaries – claimed the chapel where the stirges had
laired as their own. After a day of clearing up and settling in, Almah assembled
everyone after dinner to develop a plan of action. After some debate about
whether to visit the old shrine of Nethys, it was eventually decided that he
party would commence a series of scouting missions in and around the surrounding
Next morning the party set out heading northwards, they spend a
hot thirsty day hiding in the pesh fields, avoiding gnoll patrols and observing
the comings and goings of the gnolls in the village. Much of the village was in
ruins, save for the major buildings – including the ancient fortress of the
Battlemarket that dominated the village. That evening, just as they were
preparing to return to the monastery Kafi and Sandrina caught sight of something
take flight from the roof of a nearby building heading for the Battlemarket –
there was obviously something other then gnolls in residence!
The Refuge of the All-Seeing Eye
After returning to the camp and
reporting back to the lady Almah, the party held a planning meeting. Well at
least some of them did - Ash-era and Barid snored in their sleeping blankets.
The meeting was evenly split between two courses of action. One faction led by
Kafi wanted to ambush and interrogate a gnoll patrol, the other led by Sandrina
wanted to continue scouting and check the north bank of the river, including the
ruined temple of Nethys shown on the sketch map Almah had provided them.
Eventually after waking up Ash-era and forcing a vote out of him, they had a
decision - the north bank of the river it was!
Next morning, with a
somewhat surly Kafi bringing up the rear, they headed along the trade route to
the south, forded the river and began heading to the ruined temple. Unlike the
cultivated pesh fields surrounding Kelmarane the terrain to the north of the
river was best described as "badlands" - rocky, sandy an barren. The scorching
wind, whipped up clouds of sand that got everywhere. After a thoroughly
unpleasant couple of hours they arrived at the ruined temple complex.
Much of the complex was buried under the drifting sands, but the central
temple building although missing most of it's roof, was relatively intact. The
party began a cautious exploration of the ruins, at first all was relatively
peaceful, but then as Sandrina and Kafi entered a room near the middle of the
temple characterised by a forest of stone pillars, they were attacked by giant
tarantulas. The others quickly came to their aid and despatched the spiders, but
not before Kafi had succumbed to the venom raging through his system - injected
from numerous bites. Realising the cleric needed urgent medical attention, they
quickly rigged a stretched and swiftly carried him back to Father Zostoran back
at the monastery.
A couple of days later, rested,recovered, and more
wary, they returned to the temple. Fortunately there were no more spiders, and Barid
did discover a small cache of treasure under a flagstone. They also
managed to discover the way down into the lower level of the
temple. Clambering down through a shaft carved with bas-relief's of
ancient gods, they found themselves in a huge room dominated by four statues,
which Neryl informed them were of minor spirits of destructive magic. Wisely,
no-one decided to investigate the statues more closely and they headed off down
an exit to the south.
The passageway led past a magic mouth which offered
words of wisdom in Osiran as they passed through into a huge vaulted chamber
dominated at one end by a gleaming white altar. As Barid, Kafi and Nethys
approached the altar, vipers seemingly appearing from mid-air attacked the two
men. Raschid rushed forward to aid her colleagues to help and joined the fray.
Realising that she was
somehow immune to the attacks, Neryl called on her friends to withdraw. This
they did with some alacrity - Barid in particular screaming like a stuck pig and
clutching at a snake bite on his arm! As the others withdrew, the vipers
vanished, leaving Neryl free to approach the altar of her god.
Emissaries of the Sheik
Passing beyond the altar, Neryl moved through to
the vestry behind it. The room was empty; however her elven sight spotted a
secret door in the far wall. She opened the door which led to what looked like a
natural cave a passageway heading to the south. After a brief consultation with
her colleagues, who had joined her, they decided to leave this area for later
exploration and check-out the rest of the level first.
Led by Neryl they
headed back to the room dominated by the statues (pausing only to absorb some
useful advice from the magic mouth) and then headed down the narrow passageway
in the western wall. The passageway led to a dusty room empty save for two
wooden statues of gynosphynxes. In an alcove in the southern wall Neryl spotted
another secret door, and as her friends crowded into the room behind her,
stepped through it.
As she stepped out of the room, the two gynosphynxes
suddenly animated and attacked. Fortunately Kafi, ever suspicious, had been
watching them warily and managed to call out a warning to his friends. As they
engaged the animated statues, Neryl head the commotion from the other room and
stepped back top aid her colleagues. As she did , the two statues shuddered into
immobility! The group quickly realised that Neryl’s presence, being a cleric of
Nethys, was protecting them form the temple’s guardians and decided to stay
close to her. Barid in particular sticking like glue!
The next room was
dominated by three huge copper tubs sunk into the ground, clogged with sand
which fell from vents in the ceiling – presumably originally designed to carry
off steam from the tubs. The room was also pervaded by a foul stench which Kafi
and Sandrena determined came from a large mess of rubble and what looked like
torn papyrus heaped in the corner. There looked like some kind of entranceway in
the front, so Kafi naturally chucked a stone in! His efforts were rewarded as
four chokers came barging out, their long gangly arms reaching out. As battle
was joined, both Ash-era and Barid fell unconscious to the chokers’ deadly grasp
before their colleagues managed to despatch them – fortunately Neryl and
Sandrena were able to supply healing to restore their comrades to
A passageway to the south led to what was once the temple’s
scriptorium and library – now completely vandalised, the precious writings
destroyed. The southern wall was dominated by a large basalt tablet with
writings in ancient osirion. Neryl strode forward and cast a spell at it,
whereupon a section of the tablet moved back to reveal a hidden
The passageway had been carved from the rock and swirling
pearlescent vapour swirled within, Peering into the passageway they could see
the source of the mist – statues of mages and priests lined the route, the
vapour emanating from their mouths. They could also hear a pervasive whispering
– though only Neryl and Sparky could understand the secrets of power and magic
that were being spoken of.
Taking a deep breath, Neryl led the way
into the vapours – as they did they could see illusory phantasms springing up
around them . At first no-one seemed particularly affected but suddenly Ash-era
started acting erratically and attacked Rachid. As Neryl pressed on followed
closely by Barid and the others, Kafi and Rachid tried to deal with Ash-era’s
increasingly erratic behaviour which swung the gamut from babbling incoherently
and accusing them of being chokers and attacking.
Neryl and the others
moved to the end of the passageway which opened into a large cave. In the centre
of the cave a ruined barge floated in mid-air, the mists swirling about it. With
the curious double-vision imparted by the mists they could also see the barge
appearing in all it’s splendid glory. As they stood looking at it they were
joined by the others, Ash-era seeming to have recovered his senses. Suddenly a
figure clad in rags emerged from the mists behind the barge, somewhat
incongruously he was waving around a gleaming punch-dagger as if it was some
kind of badge-of-office. Spotting them, he beamed and called out a fulsome
greeting, bidding them sit at table and calling on servants to bring sherbet and
sweetmeats for his guests. As the party regarded the ragged figure bemusedly he
launched into a fulsome speech welcoming them! As his ravings continued it
quickly became apparent he saw them as emissaries of the sheik come to invite
him back to court. Eventually the party’s lack of reactions to his questions
about how things were at court seemed to get through to him and he passed
confusedly and asked point-blank whether they were sent by the sheik? When Kafi
and Rachid replied in the negative, he collapsed to the ground shrieking and
tearing at his ragged clothes and beating his fists on the floor of the
As Kafi went forward to comfort him, he suddenly noticed the man’s
form shift and shudder; he stepped backwards in alarm as the madman’s body
transformed revealing himself to be a were-leopard. The were-leopard lurched to
his feet with a roar and attacked, swinging the punch-dagger viciously at Barid,
and snapping a ferocious bite at Kafi. Meanwhile at the back of the cave,
Ash-era suddenly started acting erratically again – attacking Rachid once more.
The rest of the party launched into an attack on the were-leopard. Sparky dashed
forward a cast shocking-grasp – it’s effect magnified by the magical mist
pervading the area.
While Rachid dealt with Ash-era, the battle
continued – the were-leopard sunk his punch-dagger into Kafi and the others
watched in horror as huge rents appeared in the cleric’s flesh beneath his
armour! As the cleric dropped to the ground – dead as a doornail! As the other
launched attacks, Barid was the next target of the were-leopard’s deadly attack.
He too falling to the ground as the deadly dagger struck. Sparky cast another
enhance shocking –grasp, causing the were-leopard to stagger at which point
Neryl stepped forward and raising the magical quarterstaff she’d found and
struck a single-blow killing the unfortunate creature stone-dead. Ash-era
meanwhile had come to his senses again and following advice from Rachid had fled
through the mists to the safety of the library.
Once the battle was
finished, the party searched the room locating a pair of saddlebags containing
some gold. Sparky picked up the punch-dagger and seemed entranced by the magical
patterns running up and down its blade. Kafi’s body was wrapped in a blanket,
and gathering him up, they decided to return to the monastery.
Lions of Senara
Next morning,, the party gathered up Kafi’s body and
headed back solemnly to the monastery. Once there, they were told by one of the
mercenaries that a stranger – a nomad from the border country with Osirion, had
rode into camp that morning and was meeting the Lady Almah.
eating and passing the sad new about Kafi on to Garavel. The Lady Almah emerged
from her room with a stranger whom she introduced as Ardeth Bey, telling them she
had retained him to assist them. The stranger told them he had come to the area
seeking a friend of his - Felliped - a member of an adventuring group known as the Lions of
Senara who were in the area. After a brief meal, they all headed down to the
crypts to hold an impromptu service for the fallen cleric. The service was
strangely disrupted by the tendency of the corpse to emit snoring sounds –
despite being quite clearly dead! And no-one noticed the curiously guileless
look on Sparky’s face!
While the other investigated the strange sounds,
Neryl wandered off – to be met by one of the mercenaries from the watch post
they’d set up in the monastery’s choir loft. He quickly told her that something
was happening in the town. Following him up to the observation post, she could
clearly see across the pesh fields down into the town square just tot the west
of the Battlemarket. The gnolls were having some “fun” - torturing a human
captive to death. Realising there was little they could do other than stand by
and watch horrified – Nary; uttered a silent prayer for the unfortunate.
rested most of the afternoon, many of the members of the party paying visits to
Father Zostaran in his lab in the basement to buy potions and be regaled over
his lamentations about how all his potions seemed to be going wrong in the last
couple of days! Though for some reason when Nerly stood for a time and watched
him at work – the potions brewed perfectly.
That evening, just as the sun
set, plans were made to escalate the timetable. A sortie was planned into the
town. The planning session was interrupted when Ash-era came ruinning down form
the observation post. He had spotted a group of gnolls leading another captive
into the peshfields. Hurriedy grapping weapons and armour, the group rushed
out to see if they could help the poor unfortunate.
The gnolls had stopped in a clearing in the fields just below the hill
the monastery stood atop. Their captive had been staked out on the ground and
the gnolls were beating on the ground with large sticks – attempting to summon a
dust-digger Sandrena surmised. The party made their way surreptitiously through
the pesh, before launching an assault an the unsuspecting gnolls. Sandrena
charged towards the unfortunateate captive, byut unfortunately the dust-digger
arrived at the same time – it’s tentacles lashing at the unfortunate druid and
dragger her to it’s hungry maw. The gnolls were swiftly despatched, but it was
too late for Sandrena by the time her friends turned their attention to the
As they, once more, sorrowfully made their way back to the
monastary, the freed captive intruduced himself as Oxvard one of the Lions of
Senara. He explained his group had been captured three days days ago and held
captive. One of them had managed to escape last night to seek help, but that
morning the gnolls had begun executing the remaining members in retaliation.
Deciding that swift action was required they headed back to the
pesh-fields, leaving Oxvard and
Sandrena’s body in the care of Father Zostoran, While the others hid out using the cascti for cover, Ash-era and
Barid snuck their way along the riverbank. They headed up into the outskirts of
the town, moving through some burned out buildings near the slave market.
the entranceway to the slave market they could see a figure strapped to a wooden
frame hanging limply – presumably another of the Lions of Senara. Ash-era mopved
fprward swiftly to help –followed somewhat reluctantly by Barid. Moving silently
into the entrance of the slave market – the rogues were horrified as a huge
black mamba lazily uncoiled itself from round the base of the frame as reared up
to attack. A furious, silent, battle followed. The captive woken by the
struggle from his stupor, desperately tried to free himself as the two rogues,
armed only with daggers fought the massive snake. Suddenly the captive managed
to wriggle free, and breaking off a piece of the frame to use as a club, joined
the fight. Caught between the three, the huge snake was slain.
Old Bonegrinder
Having defeated the giant snake, Barid and Ash-era
suddenly noticed that their newly rescued comrade was gesturing furiously with
one hand and desperately trying to remove the gag from his mouth with the other
Following the direction he was pointing, they were somewhat
dismayed the see five gnolls standing in the courtyard of the slave-market
preparing to attack. In time-honoured tradition, Barid took to his heels,
swiftly followed by the other two. The gnolls, yipping and howling, chased
after. Back in the pesh fields Ardeth, hearing the uproar, warned the others and
charged off towards the town – the others followed
swift on his heels.
Ash-era and their new companion - gag – headed through the burned-out ruins
across the street, making for the riverbank. The gnolls followed in hot pursuit.
As they ran along the bank, they quickly reached Ardeth and the others coming
the other way.
With safety in numbers, they turned to face the
advancing gnolls, who were quickly despatched. As they headed back to the
monastery, the rescued man, a druid, introduced himself as Farrak - once he’d
removed the gag. Back at the monastery, Neryl used what healing she had left to
help the wounded.
Next day they decided to spend resting. The wounded
visited father Zostoran in the basement. Neryl also visited the good father and
spent most of the day helping him brew healing potions. That evening, some
unexpected visitors arrived. They were emissaries from the Three Jaws tribe.
Dashki vouched for them, explaining that they were enemies of the gnolls who
occupied Kelmarane. Somewhat reluctantly, Lady Almah agreed to a temporary
alliance, though she cautioned Ash-era to keep a careful eye on their new
Next day they launched another sortie into the town. Ardeth,
scouting ahead, spotted some gnolls throwing something into the ruined
gatehouse at the entrance to the town. Investigating, he heard animal sounds and
called forward Farrak to investigate. Farak quickly discovered the occupant was a
dire boar – when it charged him!
The battle with the dire boar was short
and brutal – at least for Farrak who was gored again when attempting to flee,
collapsing to the ground. Rachid, Sparky and Ardeth leaped forward to avenge
their fallen comrade. Though Rachid and Ardeth were badly wounded, eventually
the boar was slain. Sadly, Neryl was unable to reach the fallen druid in time to
save him.
Shadow of the Beast
While Neryl tended to the wounded, Barid and Ash-era
continued their explorations of the outskirts of Kelmarane, vaguely heading
towards a large building that looked like it had once been an inn. They had a
brief altercation with a party of gnolls that ambushed them from a ruined
building. At first the two rogues struggled a bit in the combat , but once the
others rushed to their aid the combat was swiftly over.
At this point
Sparky suddenly noticed that they'd been joined by someone else - a female dwarf
bearing the holy symbol of Torag. The dwarf, introducing herself, as Gromranda,
told them she had been sent by the Pactmasters with a message for Almah, who had
then asked her to help out.
Moving forward to explore the inn, Gromranda
discovered Felliped, the last survivor of the Lions of Senara, hiding in the
stables. Felliped was almost pathetically grateful to see friendly faces, and
swore to aid the party in any way he could if they would get him out of
They readily agreed to this - after checking out the next-door
building. This largely intact three storey which was obviously once the mansion
of a rich merchant. Noting that the building might make a good base of
operations closer to they town, they collected Farrak's body and headed back
through the pesh fields to the monastery - managing to avoid any
Felliped was delighted to discover his friend Oxnard there and
as the two reunited the wounded headed off to see Father Zostoran. Next morning,
after ensuing Farrak's body was interred with due ceremony in the catacombs,
they headed back across the pesh fields - straight into a gnoll patrol.
The gnolls, proved little challenge however, and once more they were
soon in the outskirts of the ruined town. They decided to head to the old mill,
where Felliped told tem he had encountered a fearsome monster. As they
approached the building, the monster attacked. Sparky and Barid immediately
recognised it as a peryton - combining the body of a giant eagle with the head
of a powerful stag. The creature targeted Ash-era, it's curiously human shadow
melding with his and launching a serious of ferocious attacks against the
hapless rogue. The others tried desperately to defend their friend, but their
weapons seemed to have little impact on the creature's magical hide. Sparky and
Neryl were having better luck with their spells, but it was only a matter of
time before Ash-era fell. Neryl quickly stabilised the fallen rogue with a healing spell
and Ardeth and Raschid administered potions.
As Ash-era fell, the creature switched
it's attention to Ardeth. Despite attempts by Raschid and Gromranda to defend
him the peryton caused fearsome damage until the creature made the mistake of
getting too close to Sparky who felled it with a scorching ray! After the
wounded were healed, they searched the mill, finding a magical longsword and a
Barid meanwhile went off to scout the tannery down the lane. Moving up
cautiously, he peered in the window. To his surprise, he could see a
winged crone - which his bardic lore told him was a harpy -
crooning and muttering to herself as she tended a series of cauldrons.
Tea for Two
At the sound of the harpy’s soft crooning Barid felt strange
for a moment, but he managed to shake the feeling off and returned back to the
mill to report to the others. They quickly finished the search of the mill and
followed him along the riverbank to the tannery. Silently they crept up to the
outside of the building – peering in they could see the harpy crooning to
herself as she stirred a huge cauldron. As they made their stealthy way round to
the front of the building they all managed to shake off the effect of the
harpy’s song – with the exception of Ash-era who suddenly leaped to his feet
and, opening the front door, said “Hello”. Somewhat bizarrely, the harpy seemed
pleased to see them and invited them in to tea!
The harpy, who
introduced herself as Undrella, seemed quite taken with Ash-era chatting amiably
with him as she served them cups of tea – she even offered him a vial of
smelling salts to help with his “fainting fits”. Undrella told them that
Kardswann, the genie who had taken over the gnoll tribe, had changed terribly
after entering the crypt of the church at the southern end of town and was now
cruel and vicious. All she wanted was to be left alone to work on her potions,
and she offered to help the party defeat Kardswann as long as they agreed she
would be left in peace. Ash-era readily agreed – fervently hoping that the Lady
Almah would agree - and in return she gave them the key to the northern door of
the Battlemarket.
Leaving the tannery, they made their way round, via a
circuitous route through the pesh fields, to the northern side of the town. They
clambered up the steep hillside, and took refuge in some ruined buildings. From
there they could clearly see the Battlemarket and a bunch of gnolls patrolling
the town to the west. They could also see to the north-east a guard tower at the
foot of which rested a pack of hyenas.
They decided to make their way
through the ruined buildings towards the abandoned church at the western end of
town, unfortunately Neryl managed to disturb some rubble – drawing the
attention of the gnoll patrol. The patrol had unfortunately been reinforced by a
schir - a filth ridden horned demon. Ardeth and Gromranda took on the gnolls
while Sparky, Barid, Neryl and Rachid took on the demon. Although the gnolls
proved little challenge, the schir proved a formidable foe. It’s tough hide was
resistant to their weapons, Sparky’s spells seemed to bounce off it and it
leaped about the battlefield. Neryl was almost slain by the fiend, before Ardeth
and Gromranda, having killed all the gnolls, joined the fray and finally aided
in dispatching the fiend.
Ash-era meanwhile took advantage of the
distraction provided by the battle and swiftly made his way to the Battlemarket.
Using the key provided by Undrella, he unlocked the door and entered the
Friends in Unlikely Places
Ash-era made his way cautiously into the
Battlemarket desperately trying to blend in with the crowd. He made a bee-line
for the bar, where a trio of surly bugbears were getting seriously hammered. He
order a drink from the one-eyed gnoll barkeep and surveyed the scene. Most of
the stalls in the Battlemarket were in ruins, but the smugglers referred to be
Undrella had cleaned-out and set up shop in three of them, selling a motley
variety of goods. The centre of the Battlemarket was dominated by an
amphitheatre where groups of gnolls sat and cheered as others fought on the
stage. On one of the upper levels three figures watched the proceedings. One was
Undrella , the second was a flind and the third, in the centre, a hulking
barbarian. Suddenly a hush fell and a huge ogre made his way onto the stage ,
the gnolls began to yip and chant his name - Hurvank. Hurvank’s opponent was a
human, a slip of a girl dwarfed by the ogre. Ash-era asked the barkeep her name
to be told it was Haleen. As battle progressed it soon became apparent she was
no push over. She darted in and out as Hurvank flailed at her, her rapier scoring
hit after hit while the ogre barely landed a blow on her. Ultimately the
contest proved to be as one-sided as it had first looked – save in the opposite
way, and soon the gnolls were cheering the victor - Haleen. After the battle,
the shops closed and the three smugglers came across to the bar, Ashe-era struck
up a conversation with them and was even able to blag a bed for the night in
their camp in the ruins of the merchant’s Guild-house.
Back with the
others they had made their way to the abandoned church at the southern end of
the town. Setting up camp there, they had a disturbed night’s rest - Barid and
Neryl in particular waking to recall dreaming of strange whispering. Sparky
also, although not recalling the persistent whispering in his dreams, woke up
aching and shivering. They spent the day resting up in the church waiting for
Ash-era to report back. Ash-era meanwhile spent the day wandering the
Battlemarket. He managed to contact Haleen and recruit her as an ally, also
managed to negotiate a neutral stance from the smugglers. He spent another night
in the smuggler’s camp before sneaking out early next morning to join his
friends in the church.
While the others prayed and prepared for the day,
Ardeth and Gromranda went out to explore the far end of the church. Somewhat to
their surprise, they could see the figure clad in the robes of a priest of
Sarenrae praying before a statue of the goddess. Ardeth called out a greeting;
only to recoil in horror as the figure charged him, revealing itself to be a
huecuva – an undead.
Rachid started to lead the others out of the
church - only to almost run into a gnoll patrol! They let the patrol pass, and
silently filed out of the church. Suddenly they heard the sounds of battle from
the other side of the building – round about the same time as the gnolls did.
The huecuva proved a fearsome foe, badly wounding Ardeth before they managed to
despatch it. However they had no time to recover before the gnoll patrol charged
in. Things were looking dicey for a minute until the others then charged the
gnolls from the rear. As the fury of battle abated, Sparky suddenly collapsed
shaking and burning up! They headed back into the church to rest up, where
Ash-era joined them and brought them up to speed. They quickly hatched a plan
where Bard and Rachid would sneak in and join him in the Battlemarket As
Sparky’s condition had worsened however, and Ardeth was still injured, the
clerics decided they would need to head back to see father Zostoran and would
join the other in the Battlemarket later posing as smugglers..
managed to sneak in to join Ash-era at the bar, offering the barkeep to perform
“gnollish folk-songs”, however, the plan nearly came unstuck in the early
stages, as Rachid’s elven features didn’t go down too well with the gnolls.
Fortunately Ash-era managed to calm everything down with the offer of free beer,
and the three, joined by Haleen settled down to wait. By mid-afternoon the
festivities were well underway in the Battlemarket when the others arrived in a
scorched wagon on the outskirts of town. Sparky, now cured of the devil-fever
he’d contacted from the schir, managed to bluff his way past the guards and they
drew up outside. While Ardeth stood guard on the wagon, the others entered. As
they crossed the Battlemarket floor, they were challenged by Kardswann himself ,
standing on the balcony above. At first he seemed fairly reasonable, but then
suddenly he yelled out to the crowd below, offering 500 gp for each of the
corpses of the strangers!
Battle of the Battlemarket
Hurvank, the ogre, who had been preparing for
the first bout of the day, was first to react. With a roar he leapt forward and
charged – straight into a scorching ray from Sparky!
The Bugbears in the bar
began hastily downing their pints and reached for their weapons, as did the
gnolls sitting on the benches in the amphitheatre. Gromranda and Neryl drew
weapons and stood fast to meet the onslaught. While Ash-era calmly ordered
another pint, Barid dived for cover beneath the table and Rachid drew his bow –
Haleen stood ready to follow Ash-era’s lead. Outside, Ardeth, realising
something had gone wrong, charged forward to engage the gnolls guarding the
doorway, his greatsword making short work of them.
The battle raged
across the floor of the Battlemarket – Hurvank, the gnoll spectators and finally
the bugbears all battled with Sparky, Gromrelda and Neryl. Ardeth having
despatched the two gnolls guarding the door, charged forward to aid his friends,
joining the melee. A couple of gnolls in the bar were quickly disposed of and
then Rachid drew his bow and began firing across the amphitheatre into the
melee. Ash-era and Haleen tried to find a way round behind the combat, but
failing headed directly for the fray.
Hurvank was first of their opponents to fall, but not before dealing
fearsome damage to Neryl and Gromranda. Battle raged with the remaining
bugbears and gnolls, however, the arrival of Ardeth helped as the
barbarian cut a swathe through the bugbears and gnolls. Barid
meanwhile, emerging from under the table, cast a silent image
of himself and - using a hitherto unsuspected talent for throwing
his voice – the bard began grandstanding it at the edge of the
amphitheatre, drawing the fire of four gnolls who had appeared on the
balcony above with shortbows. Four more gnolls appeared
from behind the beleaguered group charging into them. Neryl, Gromranda
and Sparky all fell gravely injured beneath the onslaught, but not
before taking a fearsome toll of their opponents.
Rachid made his way around
the Battlemarket to help, drawing a healing potion and administering it to
Suddenly there was a fearsome roar as a schir charged in and
joined the fray. Gromranda, seeing this new threat cast a doom spell upon the demon. Ardeth, bleeding for countless wounds had been holding his own,
and few of the gnolls or bugbears remained, but faced with this new threat, even
he had to withdraw, reaching into his pouch for a healing potion. Ash-era and
Haleen formed a defensive wall in front of him as the schir lunged forward, its
halberd swinging viciously. Rachid began angling round to a flanking position as
the two managed to hold the fearsome demon at bay. Ardeth gulped down a healing
potion while Neryl made the rounds of her fallen comrades; healing and
stabilising them.
Ash-era tumbled round and launched a sneak attack on
the schir, causing it to roar ain pain, Rachid too took up a position flanking
the demon, his sword flashing in concert with Haleen’s darting rapier. As
abruptly as it had started the combat ended as, with an inarticulate roar of
rage, Ardeth rushed forward. A mighty swing of the barbarian’s greatsword clove
into the demon splitting it from shoulder to waist. With the demon gone, any
remaining opponents were swiftly dealt with.
While Barid’s illusion
continued taunting the gnoll archers, the party repaired to the bar area and
administered some much needed healing.
The Liberation of Kelmarane
Ash-era and Barid set off round the
Battlemarket, heading for the stairs at the other end of the building only to
run into another squad of gnolls coming down! The others, led by Ardeth, began
the dangerous process of assaulting up the stairs in the teeth of the hail of
arrows. Neryl cast a daze spell at one of the gnolls at the head of the stairs
which gave them a window of opportunity to get to the top. Once there, Rachid
and Ardeth, though badly wounded, quickly cut a swathe through the gnoll
contingent. They then began searching the second level of the Battlemarket,
but it was empty save for Undrella - who waved conspiratorially from where she
awaited the outcome of the battle in the infusium.
Barid and Ash-era were faring much worse as armed only with daggers
they faced off against the gnoll squad. The two rogues put up a valiant
struggle, but alone and cut off the conclusion was inevitable. Barid
broke into an ancient Varisian death lament as Ash-era fell, for a
moment he fought on valiantly but then fell gravely wounded to the
floor. Fortunately Gromranda, summoned by the keening death lament,
charged into the gnolls from behind – a moment later Ardeth and Rachid
charged in from the other direction and the surviving gnolls were
slain. Neryl and Gromranda were then able to heal their fallen
Up on the first
floor Sparky and Haleen waited their comrade’s return. Suddenly, from the
balcony above, two flinds dropped to the floor, confronting them. A moment
later, Kardswann, looking very large and dangerous and clutching a greataxe that
cracked with arcane energy joined them.
On the level below, Neryl paused
suddenly in healing her comrades, the mould on her arm surfaced and she felt a
compulsion to go upstairs. Never quite sure how she got there, she found herself
standing next to Sparky confronting Kardswann. As she gripped Tempest in her
hand, words not her own poured out of her mouth chastising Kardswann for have
fallen far from the Way of the Five Templars. Far a moment Kardswann looked
confused, the strain was visible on the janni’s massive frame, he struggled as
if shaking some compulsion off then, spoke – “Quickly you must wound me to
within an inch of my life and bind me, I cannot hold it off for
Neryl immediately charged forward to attack, Sparky and Haleen
scant seconds behind. Neryl swung Tempest if a bone-crushing arc, while
Kardswann stood stock still to receive the blow. Haleen attacked one of the
flinds while Sparky engaged the other with his warhammer. Below, the others
hearing sounds of battle moved swiftly to join the fray. Kardswann stood mutely
while they attacked him, but his gnoll lieutenants did not stand idly by and
defended their master, flindbars swirling. As the curious combat raged, the
party clearly had the upper hand – especially after the others joined the fray.
Then suddenly Kardswann shuddered, he had obviously lost the battle against that
which had possessed him and raised his greataxe, and with a series of blows
dropped Neryl to the ground. Kardswann, although much diminished from his former
self was still a fearsome for and his greataxe cut a fearsome swathe through the
party. Eventually however the tide began to turn one of the flinds was slain and
then finally Kardswann himself after a mighty blow from Gromranda, fell. Seeing the janni fall,
Ash-era called out to the surviving flind in gnollish, suggesting that he might
wish to be elsewhere. The flind took the rogues advice and dropped off the
balcony to the ground level and fled. The battle over, the party then took time
to heal the wounded before moving on to secure the rest of the
The Battlemarket, and then the rest of the town, was
swiftly secured as the remaining gnolls fled. Once the area was secured, Ash-era
headed back to the monastery to fetch Lady Almah and the others. Their small
caravan arrived in the town a couple of hours later. Almah immediately set up
residence in the palace opposite the Battlemarket and then insisted Ash-era took
her on a tour of the town. The tour took most of the afternoon, and that evening
they convened in the palace. Almah thanked them for their efforts to date, and
offered them Wharfmaster Manor as their base of operations for the future. The
meeting concluded later that evening with a discussion on how to deal with the
final piece of business – dealing with whatever it was that lurked beneath the
ruined church at the edge of town. Almah suggested that they rest for the next
few days and ensure the town was fully secured and they agreed to reconvene
three days later to discuss their plan of attack.
The Daemon's Den
After three days rest recuperation and ensuring that Kelmarane remained clear of
gnolls. the party reconvened at Lady Almah's room in the palace.
She told
them that she had the key to pass the seal on the crypt where the evil that had
infected Kelmarane had been imprisoned, but after that it was up to them. She
asked if they had developed a plan - but didn't get much other than "kick in the
door and kill anything that moves!"
So, in fine fettle, the Liberators
of Kelmarane headed off to the ruined church of Sarenrae - Raschid swearing once
again to cleanse the holy site or die in the attempt.
With the key
entrance to the crypt proved easy, moving beyond the initial chamber - which
contained nothing but a blocked-off well, a seemingly sealed doorway and a gong
- proved a tad more challenging until Sparky suggested they ring the doorbell.
Banging the gong, not only opened the door but summoned three angelic
guardians, but presentation by Raschid of the holy symbol they'd found in the
old monastery kept them (largely) at bay. Beyond the doorway was a crypt in
which skeletons of deceased clerics who had served the church lay in various
niches. Ash-era found a secret passageway behind one of the skeletons that led
to the church's reliquary. He helped himself to some of the remaining treasures
littered around - unfortunately drawing the ire of Sarenrae and acquiring a
curse into the bargain.
Deciding that there was nothing much in the crypt
- though Barid was much taken with a small casket of ashes that ratted
enticingly when shaken - they decided to head down and investigate the
Descending down the well, they found themselves in another long
passageway covered in niches in which ancient skeletons lay at rest. The
passageway let to a set of double-doors which opened out into a gloomy cavern.
The air was suffused with a curious high-pitched buzz, but more surprisingly was
the figure waiting to greet them. Kardeswann stood there, atop a steep rocky
pillar, axe in hand, despite the fact they'd killed the janni three days
earlier. He grinned at them promising them a fearful death.
they launched into action - well at least some of them did! Sparky and Ardeth
seemed under the influence of some strange spell and alternated between babbling
incoherently and attacking their colleagues. Gromranda and Neryl cast spiritual
weapon and Raschid after firing off a few arrows launched himself at
None of the attacks seemed to be doing much damage to
Kardeswann and Neryl suddenly realised that unlike her previous encounter, the
mouldspeaker was showing no reaction. She called out a warning just as Raschid
clambered up the rocks and attacked. "Kardeswann" was revealed as an illusion as
from near the ceiling a large insectoid demon - a glomeray - swooped down,
fearsome jaws biting at the ranger.
In an instant the true battle was
joined as the demon swooped down in attack. While Barid stood ready to defend
them, Gromrelda and Neryl cast spell after spell at the fiend. Raschid,
abandoned his sword and drew a bow, sending arrows flashing after the
Near the back of the party however, unnoticed by the others, Ash-era was
in terrible trouble, Sparky , confused by the high-pitched buzzing that suffused
his mind, attacked him. His cursed dagger stabbed again and again until the
ex-slave crumpled in a bloody heap.
The spells of the clerics were taking
their toll and the badly-wounded demon suddenly alighted on the ground the
better to and focus the full fury of hits attack on Gromranda and Neryl.
Unfortunately for the demon, Ardeth suddenly snapped out of the confusion that
fogged his mind and with a mighty blow of Kardeswann's axe ended the foul
daemon's existence. The Heroes of Kelmarane retuned to report back to Lady Almah
the sorrowful tale. Kelmarane was now free of taint, but a heavy price had been
Over the next six months, Lady Almah and her expedition
consolidated their grip on the town and the immediate surrounding area. Ardeth
and Gromranda spending much of the time leading patrols out into the
hinterlands, seeing off any gnoll scouting parties that wandered too
Neryl spent some time studying with Father Zostoran while Sparky
set up a wizards laboratory operating out of their manor on the edge of time and
in no time was doing a fair trade as more and more settlers moved into the area.
Barid, fulfilled his lifetime ambition and opened a shop selling nick-knacks in
the Battlemarket.
Raschid, once a high-priest of Sarenrae arrived from
the capital, turned guardianship of the church over to him. For her services she
received the rank of Abbot-Protector of Kelmarane's Sarenrae community and
became a figure of some note in the growing town.