Szith Morcaine

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CITY of the spider queen


The Deep Wastes - Day 1

After resting and re-equipping in Hillsfar Aerlyn teleported the party back to Dagger Falls where they reported in to Randal Morn. The advised him that the immediate threat to Daggerdale had been dealt with but a greater dangers threatened perhaps all of Faerun - they Silence of Llolth and more immediate still, the White Banshee and her Great Revenance - whatever that might be! Morn agreed to summon the Dales Council to discuss a co-ordinated response to the threat, he would also send word to Elminster at Shadowdale. Randal also paid the party member the 1000 gp each for dealing with the immediate threat and agreed to extend their line of credit at the temple for the duration of the current threat.


After the meeting with Morn, Aerlyn teleported the party back to the entranceway to the Inverted Tower, and once again disguised as drow, they made their way across the web of Szith Morcaine, this time heading to the Commoners' Level and the exit to the Underdark. The Commoners' level was a very large cavern stretching for several hundred feet, lit by an eerie green phosphorescence. The floor of this cavern was covered with weird fungal growths that appeared to have been cultivated and amidst the growths  bulbous houses or cottages that seemed to have been grown from giant toadstools other parts were dominated with obviously temporary and more recent accommodations - presumably for the recent refugees from Maerimydra.


Only getting lost once, the party made their way to the exit showing the guards their the House insignia given by the archmage. The guards ushered them through the heavy iron gates with a warning to be careful the Underdark was even more dangerous than usual with the recent disruptions in Maerimydra. Led by Arnelius the party left the relative familiarity of Szith Morcaine and headed out into the Deep Underdark on the long trek to Maerimydra 120 miles distant.


Trusting to Aerlyn's knowledge of the Underdark, and the crude map retrieved from Dorina,  the party made good time on their first day's travels through the twisting tunnels making 10 miles. That night as they camped however, the guard's warning proved prophetic as on Arnelius' watch the resting part were attacked by a barbed devil. The devil proved a fearsome opponent - literally! However once Arnelius and Aerlyn overcame their fear and joined Yellyond in combat the devil was sent back to the Nine Hells, but the party had been sorely pressed and many wounds needed attended to.


The Deep Wastes - Day 2

Next morning after a somewhat late departure, they set off again through the twisting tunnels trying to hold to the main ways and heading vaguely southeast - the direction Maerimydra lay. After several hours innocuous travel the party were suddenly confronted by a pair of hunting umber hulks who burst out from a rock wall. Aerlyn unfortunately fell prey to their confusing gaze but Yellyond and Arnelius managed to dispatch the beasts before they could do too much damage. With the late start and the attentions of the umber hulks the party made a scant 7 miles on the second day.


That night as Aerlyn stood watch she heard the faint sound of booted feet approaching - three duergar accompanied by two pack lizards. Uncertain whether to greet or challenge these newcomers, the decision was made for her   as the duergar charged, enlarging themselves as they did so! Shouting out a warning to her sleeping comrades she unleashed a cone of cold - catching two of the duergar as they closed. One of the duergar reached Yellyond's sleeping form as the elf roused herself from her meditations and began clouting her with his warhammer. The other two focused their attentions on the half-drow, leaving Arnelius free to tumble to a flanking position and sneak-attack. Yellyond meanwhile attempting to avoid the blows of the duergar above her launched a series of searing light attacks on the dark dwarves. A combination of those, plus Aerlyn's maximised magic missiles and Arnelius' sneak attacks soon put paid to the dwarves, leaving the party in possession of two fine pack lizards. While Aerlyn used her vast experience in raising her per hamster (the Chronicles are silent at this time whether it was a miniature Giant Space Hamster or not) to get to know the two pack lizards henceforth known a Bootsy and Snudge; Yellyond and Arnelius prepared to set out on the days travel through the Deep Wastes.


The Deep wastes - Day 3 

After a scant hour or two on the road, some two or three miles into the days travel. Arnelius suddenly stopped short as he noticed the roof of the cavern he was about to enter was matted with spider webs. After brief deliberations, Yellyond found herself balancing precariously on the rogue’s shoulders, waving her torch about trying to burn away some of the webs. As Aerlyn, having secured the pack lizards moved forward, three sword spiders dropped onto the floor of the cavern and advanced menacingly on the party. As Yellyond dropped to the floor and Arnelius took up a defensive stance, Aerlyn strode forward and almost contemptuously cast a cone of cold immediately destroying the vermin. A brief search of the webs after Yellyond cast detects magic revealed the desiccated corpse of a drow priestess from which a couple of scrolls and a nice chain shirt were recovered.


Picking up the pace the party continued the trek, travelling four miles through the twisting passageways when they came to what appeared to be a fork in the tunnel they’d been following, before they could do anything three insectoid creatures were spotted marching up the right hand path. Aerlyn again leaped into action, moving to the junction of the passageways and casting a cone of cold down as Arnelius and Yellyond moved to support. The first mezzoloth (cast a cloudkill on the party while the other two charged the group. As the party retreated coughing from the poisonous gas, engaging the mezzoloths the first one cut of their retreat by teleporting behind them and cast another cloudkill.  One of the mezzoloths, stunned by a spell from Aerlyn was despatched by a series of sneak attacks from Arnelius, while another most of its strength drained by a ray of enfeeblement from Yellyond, teleported away. The third, isolated, was soon also killed despite the cloudkill.


Returning to the problem of which passageway to take, some spirited debate ensued and much consultation of Dorina’s map (which proved singularly unhelpful). Eventually, on the basis that the mezzoloths must have been coming from somewhere, they decided to take that path. Two hours later the path appeared to end in a dead-end cavern, however a rusty ladder led up to a level above where a stream of water poured down from a hole in the ceiling. Arnelius, after consulting the map and determining that they were heading towards a large lake decided it might be worth following the water, shinnied up the ladder followed by Yellyond and Aerlyn.


In the cave above they found the decomposing corpse of a stone giant, partially submerged in the ice-cold stream that ran through this cave. Even a cursory glance at the huge corpse ascertained that huge chunks of flesh had been torn off as if something had been feeding on it. Clambering gingerly over the festering corpse to investigate the cave beyond, Arnelius found himself confronted by a snake-like creature with vaguely humanoid features As the creature gazed at him he felt the pull of it’s power, however with an effort he shook himself and calling out a warning to his colleagues, attacked the creature.


Aerlyn and Yellyond, reacting to their colleague, began the unpleasant task of clambering over the corpse, noticing as they did so another naga. Aerlyn, meeting the creature’s gaze, found herself charmed by the aberration, while Yellyond moved to assist Arnelius in despatching the first naga. As Arnelius moved to engage the second naga, Yellyond noticed a third emerging from the far end of the cavern and closed with it. Aerlyn remonstrating with Arnelius for attacking her new friend, focused her spells - Mindfrost and Heartfreeze - on the third naga and in short order the remaining nagas were destroyed.


The Deep wastes - Day 4

After spending a relatively unpleasant night in the naga cave, the party began the trek back to the fork in the tunnel some four hours trek back. This time they took the left hand fork, which after sever hundred yards swung round to the right. After another relatively straightforward five hour trek the passageway ended in a huge cavern. Didagi, listening, could hear the distant sound of water lapping. While Yellyond and Dalgarth helped Aerlyn with Bootsy and Snudge – Arnelius began scanning the huge cavern ahead anxiously. As he did so a large rock narrowly missed his head smashing with some force on the caver wall behind him. The rock was accompanied by a rumbling voice asking in undercommon what a bunch of surface-dwellers was doing here!


Spreading his arms to indicate his peaceful intent, and adopting a friendly tone, Arnelius began to carefully explain they were travelling toward Maerimydra. Seemingly mollified by his conciliatory tone the rumbling voice invited him forward. Moving into the darkness he was confronted by two stone giants. Behind them he could see another two each with a dire-bear and a third shorted figure in armour that bore a glowing greatsword. The giants, now inclined to be friendly, warned them there was no route round the lake, at it was dangerous at the moment due to the kua-toa – not to mention the kraken that lived in the deeps and the lobster monster than haunted the shallows!  Arnelius continued to discuss the situation amicably with the giants who agreed to let them see the tribe elders who may be able to assist in crossing the Lake of Shadows. The giant called over the smaller figure – a half-giant – and introducing him as “young Darkstrider”, instructed the half-giant to lead them up to the elders. Inclining his head for them to follow him, the young half-giant led them past many other stone giants, through the caverns to the tribe elders.


The tribal elders invited the party to eat with them and requested that the party tell their story. Arnelius considered his options briefly then; deciding it would be best to be straight with the elders told them the whole tale. The two elders seemed particularly disturbed by the news of the T’sarren’s planned “Great Revenance”, particularly about the prospect of being caught in the middle of whatever the drow were planning, and after a discussion amongst themselves agreed to help. They would provide rafts for the party to cross the lake, but they requested that Darkstrider should accompany them to see to the interests of the tribe. The party readily agreed to this and, at the elder’s invitation, spent a comfortable night’s rest with their new allies.


Next morning, Darkstrider led them to where the stone giant’s kept their rafts moored. After loading up the party struggled for a while attempting to launch and steer the huge craft until two of the giant fishermen offers to tow them across the lake. In stately procession the two rafts set off, Darkstrider on the lead raft with his two kinsmen and the others on the second. After a couple of hours slow travel across the empty dark waters of the lake, Didagi thought he could see the dim shape of an island to the starboard, as he did so the peacefulness was shattered by a huge tentacle crashing down splintering the raft. The two stone giants fell into the freezing cold water while Darkstrider balancing precariously on a chunk of raft reached for a potion.


As the party on the second raft readied for action; they saw first one of the swimming giants, then the other, dragged down under the water. A second later another gargantuan tentacle crashed down on the raft they were on splintering it too to matchwood. As Dalgarth and Arnelius rose into the air, swiftly joined by Darkstrider, and Didagi began striding over the surface, Yellyond dimension hopped away from the area where a colossal tentacled form rose to the surface and began swimming through the icy water, Bootsy and Snudge following along behind.


Following Didagi’s instructions to head for the island he’s seen earlier - the party arrived on a rocky islet. The only thing of interest on this islet appeared to be the half-eaten corpse of a drow manacled close to the shoreline, which Arnelius speculated was some kind of sacrificial offering to the kraken by the kua-toa. After resting, for a while, Dalgarth cast wind walk and began to scout for a way off this island – he found little of interest within a half-mile radius save a larger island with a building on it to the northwest.  Reporting back to his colleagues, after some discussion they decided that was their best objective as Arnelius estimated it was at least six miles back to the stone giants. The party spent an uncomfortable and cold, though fortunately uneventful night.


The Deep wastes - Day 5

Dalgarth transported the entire party in two lots to the larger island using wind walk, and they approached the large building. Arnelius examined the doorway cautiously and disabled the magical trap. He opened the door, to be confronted by a kua-toa swinging at him with a flaming nunchaku. Tumbling past the monk he attacked. The monk swung back at him with his nunchaku, slamming the door with his other hand, just a Didagi was about to come through! AS Arnelius and the kua-toa fought, Didagi briefly consider the closed door then pushed at it, gasping in pain as magic coursed through his body. Dalgarth cast spiritual weapon through the doorway, and Yellyond cast searing light. The kua-toa monk fought bravely but, against such overwhelming force, futilely – before collapsing in the doorway.  


Moving deeper into the structure, led by Darkstrider, the party found themselves in a corridor from which three doors, on a double-door led off. They barely had time to get their bearings when the door in the east wall opened and a flood of kua-toa templars poured out. The party made short work of the guards and then Arnelius began a careful examination of the other two doors, while Yellyond searched the guard barracks. Arnelius quickly ascertained that both doors were magically trapped, but both were beyond his ability to disarm. Aerlyn cast knock on the double doors and Arnelius braving the curse of the trap attempted to open it – only to find the door had been blocked from the other side and would not budge mire than an inch. Reeling from the effects of the curse and stymied by the doorways, Arnelius wandered out outside the building to look to see if there was another method of entry. His colleagues remained in the hallway glaring impotently at the stubborn doors that baulked their progress.


A swift survey of the outside revealed to methods of entry to Arnelius’s practiced eye. As he made his way back to the main entrance, several kua-toa emerged from the icy waters nearby and attacked him! Two of the kua-toa were whips and, joining hands, cast lightning bolt several times against the rogue as he fought a rearguard action against the templars. Calling to his friends for help Arnelius began to back his way into the building, being frustrated by the templars as they tumbled past him flanking the rogue. Dalgarth, hearing her friend call, moved to support but found the door slammed in her face as one of the kua-toa reached it before her. As Arnelius continued to fight a heroic rearguard action- Darkstrider and the others gathered at the doorway and the half-giant used his great strength to force the door open. As he did so the double-doors which had blocked their progress earlier flew open and another flood of templars, this time accompanied by the lightning bolts of kua-toa whips attacked from the rear. Behind them Aerlyn could see another kua-toa, this one slightly larger than the rest with spiny ridges on his back swallow a potion and disappear.


As his colleagues found themselves unable to reach him, Arnelius continued his desperate struggle against overwhelming odds – the end was inevitable however and the brave rogue finally collapsed to the ground. Didagi seeing his colleague fall and though sorely pressed himself, used dimension slide to get to his friend; and quickly poured a potion. It was too late however; the brave rogue had fought his last battle. As the battle continued, the party gradually began to get the upper hand as kua-toa after kua-toa body littered the floor, as Aerlyn, Dalgarth and Yellyond’s spells took their toll and Darkstrider and Didagi’s blades carved through them – dedicating each corpse to the memory of their fallen comrade.


At the height of the battle the fiendish kua-toa, Aerlyn had seen earlier appeared behind Darkstrider his assassin’s blade poised to strike his vitals – though he staggered from the blow the mighty half-giant survived and soon struck down the foul creature. Their leader slain, the few surviving kua-toa fled the scene. A search of the remaining rooms found the fish-creatures treasure hoard and behind the last locked door they found the unconscious bound form of a deep-gnome – presumably the next sacrifice for the kraken - the prisoner’s gear locked in a chest nearby.


While Aerlyn searched outside for signs of Bootsy and Snudge, Yellyond and Didagi tried to rouse the unconscious gnome. After they'd finally awoken him, and healed the worst of his wounds, introductions were made all round. The svirfneblin introduced himself as Shemdar a traveller who'd been grabbed by the kuo-toa as a sacrifice for the aken.


Eventually the party decided the only way forward was to investigate the pool in the centre of the temple. Yellyond, the best swimmer, stripped down, and with a rope tied around her, dived into the icy water. Below, she found a large underwater cave eerily lit by phosphorescence. At one end of the cave she found a large ledge where there was breathable air and, returning to the others, she reported back.


One by one the party dived into the pool heading for the ledge, Shemdar changing into an otter as he dived. Pulling themselves up on the ledge, they found themselves in what was obviously a storage area confronted by four kua-toa templars. in the far corner Bootsy and Snudge were tethered. As the kua-toa charged Yellyond and Didagi moved to engage, supported by Shemdar in otter form. As the battle continued, Aerlyn cast Flesh to Ice on first one then another of the templars -their numbers thus reduced, the remaining two were swiftly dealt with. As Aerlyn went to check on the pack lizards, Yellyond and Didagi began to search the cave - one was of which was virtually filled by a magical portal that led into the depths of the lake. Searching for another way out, they eventually found a blocked up passageway, which Yellyond and Didagi fell to clearing.


On the far side of the blocked entrance there was a steep cleft in the rock reading down. Aerlyn used feather fall to get to the bottom, followed by the lizards who swiftly climbed down. Shemdar wildshaped into a pack lizard and followed them while Didagi and Yellyond roped themselves together and began the slow descent.

At the base of the descent a passageway headed off to the north which Aerlyn began to follow. It was slow going along the narrow passageway and the going was rough underfoot, but eventually after an hour or so, she emerged into a large cavern. To her left she could see the waters of the lake lapping against a stony beach at the entrance to the cave. As she turned her attention to the rest of the cave, noticing the bones strewn about, a large chuul clambered out of the darkness and attacked her. Aerlyn just had time to cast a single spell before the beast was upon her, its huge lobster-like claws grasping her and drawing her to its be-tentacled mouth. Didagi, realising something was wrong used dimension slide to get to the cave quickly, followed swiftly by Yellyond using dimension hopShemdar at the rear ushered Bootsy and Snudge forward. As Aerlyn lay paralysed in the chuul's tentacled, Yellyond moved in to engage while Didagi unlimbered his bow and began firing at the aberration. Shemdar, moving into the cave, cast a cure light wounds, mass - almost certainly saving Aerlyn's life - before moving to attack the chuul, calling on Bootsy and Snudge to do likewise. In short order the creature was slain and Aerlyn saved from it's jaws.


After this experience the party decided to camp down here. Didagi retrieved a number of magical items and some treasure from previous victims of the chuul. One of which Aerlyn identified as a folding boat.


The Deep Wastes - Day 6

The night passed uneventfully and next morning, Aerlyn cast wings of the dragon and scouted the way to the exit - some seven miles along the edge of the lake. While Dalgarth dealt with transporting Bootsy, Snudge; Aerlyn and a wildshaped Shemdar flew over Didagi, Yellyond and Darkstrider as they slowly rowed the remaining distance across the Lake of Shadows - hugging the walls of the cave in an effort to avoid attracting the attention of the kraken. It took them most of the next (fortunately uneventful) day, and finally arriving at the main exit, they settled down to make camp again.   

 The party’s rest that night was rudely disturbed, as on Darkstrider’s watch the earth began to rumble and a huge armoured creature – a bulette- erupted out of the ground! Calling to his comrades for aid, the half-giant engaged the landshark, but swiftly found himself grappled by the beast. As the other members of the party roused themselves from sleep they suddenly found themselves showered by rocks as another of the fearsome creates burst forth from the sheer rock wall they’d been resting against. Swiftly organising themselves, Shemdar, Dalgarth and Aerlyn began casting spells at the creatures while Didagi Yellyond and Darkstrider engaged in melee.

Returning to rest Didagi took the next watch which passed uneventfully, save for the passage of a large spherical shaped creature which glided silently past, pausing only to peer balefully at the Bedine before floating off across the lake.


The Deep Wastes - Day 7


An uneventful days travel through the dark tunnels, culminated in Shemdar finding an excellent campsite for that night’s camp. The party settled down to rest, and Darkstrider took the first watch, Shemdar casting spike stones up the passageway in front of them to deter any visitors while they rested. On Didagi’s watch however he hear or felt something moving through the sheer rock – true enough and umber-hulk burst through the cavern wall, though this one seemed larger than those they’d fought half a ten-day ago. Didagi, calling a warning to his sleeping comrades, charged the Truly Horrid beast and struck sorely, the umber-hulk’s blows in return were fearsome indeed and Didagi was sorely wounded. Didagi used his psionic powers to transfer some of the hurt the beast had done him back o itself, as his comrades roused themselves. However the beast launched another fearsome attack on the psion and he fell, mortally wounded to the ground. As the rest of the party rallied, they found themselves strangely affected as the gazed on the creature, but as the combat continued, one by one they found themselves succumbing to the creature’s gaze and acting erratically. Dalgarth and Shemdar cast mass healing spells on their comrades, and Didagi, rallied long enough to dimension slide away from the creature before he too fell victim to the creature’s gaze, – Aerlyn and Darkstrider ever turning to attack their new svirfneblin friend. Shemdar, thinking quickly as one by one his new comrades fell victim to the umber-hulk’s gaze erected a wall of flame between them and the beast. The umber-hulk unable to pass this barrier, withdrew in search of easier prey and the party fell to healing themselves.


The Deep Wastes Day 8

Next morning after a brief dalliance with a passing purple worm that almost swallowed the half-giant whole, the party emerged from the tunnel they’d been following onto the floor of a huge chasm. An impassable cliff reared before them and to their left, affixed near the entrance to the tunnel they’d emerged from was a large iron bell!


The party prevaricated in the entrance to the tunnel about whether to ring the iron bell or not. Shemdar - with his superior darkvision - spotted a cave about 70 feet up the smooth cliff-face opposite. As he did so, he saw a series of winged humanoids, similar to gargoyles emerge from the cave mouth and swoop down towards the party. Dalgarth, Aerlyn and Yellyond, made wary by the continued attacks from the denizens of the Underdark, reacted instantly launching a fusillade of spells towards the Kir-Lanan. Shemdar tried ringing the bell, to little effect, as the Kir-Lanan retaliated launching a series of fly-by attacks on the party as they stood there. Darkstrider moved away from the spellcasters giving him room to fight as he readied attacks against the gargoyles as they swooped in. The Kir-Lanan held their own for a while, their debilitating attacks weakening the party, particularly when they began alternating their fly-by attacks with rays of enfeeblement, eventually however the parties superior spell-power took its toll until their leader was the only survivor, fled blindly after being hit by an orb of cold spell a from Aerlyn.


After some much needed healing, Aerlyn cast wings of the dragon and flew up the cliff face to reconnoitre. She by-passed the mysterious cave and headed upwards. About 140ft up the cliff there was a second cave. As she neared the cave, three Kir-Lanan swooped from the cave mouth and attacked her! Passing out from her wounds, the half-drown began spiralling down rapidly, slamming into the ground with a sickening thud. Rushing forwards to the crumpled form Dalgarth swiftly cast a healing spell to stabilise the sorcerer.


After Aerlyn had received more healing, the party pondered their actions. Darkstrider began trying to climb the sheer cliff-face, but made little progress until Aerlyn offered to cast spider-climb on him, after which he made splendid progress towards the first cave. In the cave he found the last survivor of the first attack who surrendered abjectly. Back on the ground Aerlyn cast spider-climb on Shemdar and Yellyond and rose up into the air on her dragon wings, Dalgarth cast air-walk and followed her, while the deep gnome and elf began the ascent of the cliff.


Darkstrider, leaving the abject Kir-Lanan, resumed climbing up the cliff accompanied by the dwarf and half-drow, some 20ft ahead of their other spider-climbing comrades. When they reached the level of the second cave a flood of Kir-Lanan, led by a powerful female half-dragon, flew out and attacked. A furious airborne melee ensued, as Kir-Lanan wheeled and attacked the flying members of the party and swooped down on those clinging to the rock-face. In the face of the furious assault and still reeling from her previous experiences, Aerlyn withdrew, dropping 60ft like a stone,  and began casting spells, swiftly followed by Dalgarth and chased by two of the Kir-Lanan!


Sixty-odd feet above them, those spider-climbing scrambled for the mouth of the cave where they could get a sure footing to fight, all the time being subjected to debilitating fly-by attacks from their foes. Darkstrider was first to make it, only to find himself facing another three of the gargoyles, which unlimbering his greatsword he immediately attacked. A round or two later Yellyond and Shemdar joined him on the ledge at the mouth of the cave and ferocious battle was joined.


Sixty feet below, a tragedy was being played out, as the valiant Dalgarth finally succumbed to his wounds, Aerlyn closely beset by her own foes watched in horror as, weapon falling from his hand, the dying form of her comrade flitted slowly to earth. In fury, Aerlyn began unleashing her most powerful spells against the hapless Kir-Lanan Fighters. Above her, in the cave mouth the tide of battle had begun to swing in favour of the party, Darkstrider concentrated his attacks on the half-dragon that led the Kir-Lanan, who retaliated in kind. Shemdar summoned fire elementals to aid the battle, while the duskblade’s sword spun its usual tale of magic and death.


Finally dispatching the last of the Kir-Lanan below - Aerlyn turned her attention to the battle above; as Darkstrider struck a series of telling blows against his half-dragon foe who turned to flee, Aerlyn cast a heartfreeze spell at her. Failing to resist the half-drow’s magic, the half-dragon fell. The surviving Kir-Lanan, seeing the demise of their leader immediately fled.


Exploring the cave within, Darkstrider and Didagi found and freed a captive. The erstwhile prisoner introduced herself as Bethany D’Aubec, a Dragon Shaman who had come to challenge Glauroth, but had fallen foul of the Kir-Lanan. The party decided to rest that night in the cave. While on watch in the small hours Darkstrider felt he was being watched – this was confirmed when a hissing voice came from the cave entrance – promising to meet the party on the morn. As the conversation ended, Darkstrider suddenly found himself engulfed in a swirling smoky mass of shadows, which although they appeared to do n0o harm, the half-giant felt somehow less than he was.


The Deep Wastes Day 9

Next morning he told the party of what had happened, and that they should prepare for battle. Shemdar remained with Bootsy and Snudge. Fly potions at the ready, the group climbed up to the entrance of the cave and prepared to move out. As they stood there they were surrounded by the strange smoky shadows that had affected Darkstrider the night before – this time they all felt the strange lessening of themselves. Aerlyn, sharp-sighted caught sight of a sinewy winged form disappearing into the gloom. Downing their potions and Aerlyn casting wings of the dragon, the party launched themselves into the chasm.


As the others deployed level with the cave, Didagi, ever impetuous flew straight upwards a hundred feet. Unfortunately he immediately fell foul of the waiting Glauroth, who cast dispel magic on the Bedine who immediately started falling. As Didagi, fell past her Beth tried to grab him to no avail and the tribesman slammed into the floor of the chasm.


As Didagi, swallowed potions of healing, above him the airborne battle continued as Glauroth commenced a series of flyby attacks, now attacking with his bite, other times his spells still other times his fearsome level-draining breath weapon. The party retaliated with Aerlyn’s spells, Didagi’s greatsword and Beth’s own breath weapon – a line of lightning.  Eventually after many rounds of cat-and-mouse combat, Aerlyn’s spells in particular took their toll on the dragon, who fled the battle.


Determined to finish the job off the airborne party members followed to the mouth of Glauroth’s cave – which seemed to be the source of the strange uneasiness pervading the chasm. Darkstrider was first in, and again first to feel the effects of the shadow dragon’s breath weapon. Once Beth and Aerlyn joined the combat however, Glauroth was slain.


Once Didagi and Shemdar had joined them, the party swiftly looted Glauroth’s hoard and then untroubled by further assaults, completed the ascension of the chasm, where at the top they rested – lamenting the loss of their cleric who might had aided against the shadow dragon’s terrible breath weapon.


The Deep Wastes Day 10


After resting at the top of Glauroth's chasm, Aerlyn announced that she may be able to help Darkstrider, with a spell she'd recently acquired she felt she might be able to penetrate the faerzress and get him to Hillsfar where he might get help, it was risky but it might work! Darkstrider readily agreed and, after the two vanished, clutching a sackful of gold to buy supplies, the rest of the comrades settled down to wait. Where then were met by Sshumath, a drow half-dragon, on this way to Szith Morcaine, who quizzed the party about conditions there. Sshumath also volunteered that information that the army of the Hellspawn had captured most of the city of Maerimydra and only the citadel held out against them.


Aerlyn and Darkstrider appeared safely on the outskirts of Hillsfar and each donning a hat of disguise they headed into the city heading straight towards the temple of Tempus to make arrangements for a Greater Restoration. Convincing the priests that the level drains had been gained in honourable battle, the two were told to return next morning and spent the afternoon shopping for supplies.


The Deep Wastes Day 11

Next morning, they returned to the temple and after a suitable donation, the half-giant was restored to his former abilities. Leaving the city Aerlyn began the attempt to return them to Glauroth's chasm - this time her attempt failed and they found themselves standing outside the walls of a ruined city which Aerlyn quickly recognised as Myth Drannor! Realising that it wouldn't be long before the fearsome denizens of the city spotted the two hapless travellers, she swiftly prepared again to penetrate the faerzress. Again her spell went awry and the two found themselves standing on a windswept cliff overlooking the Moonsea. Exasperated, Aerlyn tried a third time, and a third time the magic failed him and she and Darkstrider found themselves standing outside a small city over which the ensign of the Zhentarim flew proudly Having no further Greater Teleport spells available, the two settled down to camp nearby and await a further try in the morning.


Meanwhile back at the Glauroth's chasm the remainder of the party waited patiently. The first night, at first all had been quiet save for some flocks of dire-bats, which flew out the tunnel - obviously migrating, or fleeing from something. Next night, Didagi discovered what as a pair of bodaks ambled down the corridor. Shouting a warning to his comrades, he got off a single bowshot before falling before their deathly gaze. Beth, rousing herself dashed quickly to his side and was able to provide some curative magic to stabilise the bedine before he died. Shemdar, also rousing himself from slumber cast a flame strike at the undead. Ensuring Didagi was stable, Beth launched herself at the wounded injured bodaks and between them she and Shemdar finished them off. The party returned to their rest after casting the bodak corpses into the chasm.   


The Deep Wastes Days 12-15

Early next morning, Aerlyn tried again - this time her magicks worked successfully and penetrating the faerzress, she and Darkstrider found themselves back with their comrades, and reunited the party set out on their journey once more. After a few of days uneventful travel , the party found themselves confronted by a large cornugon. The devil advised them that he had been seeking them and they had been unwise to make an enemy of his mistress, with which he cast a fireball in the middle of the party. As the party deployed to face this threat two bearded devils appeared, summoned, in front of them attacking Beth and Darkstrider, one doing Beth an infernal wound with his glaive. Seconds later, two barbed devils teleported in and attacked Didagi and Shemdar. Didagi got a shot off at the cornugon and Aerlyn cast a maximised orb of cold at  the cornugon, swiftly followed by another one, as her colleagues dealt with the lesser devils attacking them.


The cornugon launched a series of crushing blows on Beth with his chain, before Shemdar cast sleet storm to slow the devil down. Meanwhile the rest of the party were having varying degrees of luck with the lesser devils they were engaged with. Beth, badly injured, was holding her own against the bearded devil attacking her while Darkstrider easily overpowered the one on him. Didagi held his own in combat with the barbed devil attacking him, but then suddenly felt the unwelcome chill of fear enter his heart. Shemdar virtually ignoring the devil attacking him called on the party to retreat and regroup.


Didagi fled, Aerlyn withdrew immediately followed by one of the barbed devils who teleported to her new location. Beth - badly injured - collapsed falling prone after another fireball detonated where she and Darkstrider stood. Darkstrider, pausing to administer a potion then found himself the focus of the cornugon's attention as it lashed at him with it's spiked chain. The chain's stunning effect hit the half-giant just as Shemdar cast fog cloud to cover the attempted retreat and Aerlyn withdrew again. The cornugon teleported out of the fog, and was joined by the bearded devil. One of the barbed evils ignored Aerlyn, assuming she had fled and went to join his colleagues, the second barbed devil continued hunting fruitlessly for Shemdar in the fog cloud.


As one of the barbed devils cast an unholy blight into the fog cloud further hurting Beth who retaliated with her rod of thunder and lightning, Aerlyn returned to the fray, targeting another maximised orb of cold at the cornugon, this time with spectacular results - slaying the devil instantly. Another orb of cold finished the remaining barbed devil, while Darkstrider shaking off the effects of the stun, finished off the last bearded devil. The last remaining devil after fruitlessly chasing Shemdar through the fog and sleet, realising he was now alone, wisely teleported out.


The Deep Wastes Day 16

Finally, after a brief altercation with a party of troglodyte raiders, the party arrived at the location shown on their map as the Lich's Mire – only 40 miles from Maerimydra. Led by Darkstrider, they followed a narrow stream flowing in a gully down a narrow series of passages. At one point when the passage narrowed so it was little wider than the gully the stream ran through, Darkstrider had to clamber over the lover half of a broken statue of what looked like a drow warrior. Passing this obstacle, on the other side the passage widened into a fungus covered cave, dimly lit by phosphorescence.


Two drow warriors who had been tending the fungus, immediately swept up their rapiers and attacked the half-giant. seeing his comrade thus engaged, Didagi used dimension slide to bypass the obstruction (and the combat) and drawing his bow, engaged the drow from behind. The other members of the party led by Beth bunched up behind the broken statue, unable to progress.


Didagi, suddenly realised he might have been a touch hasty when a series of magical rays hit him. Shrugging off the worst of their effects, he looked around for their source, to see a Beholder descending from a hole in the roof of the cave. He fired off a couple of shots, as another series of eye-rays hit him, doing some more damage but no other serious effects.


The Beholder turned his attentions to Darkstrider whom he managed to charm and instruct to hold the passageway. Darkstrider launched a devastating series of attacks on Beth, who was trying to clamber over the broken statue to his aid. The two drow turned their attentions to Didagi.


Catching a fleeting glimpse, Aerlyn somehow managed to target the Beholder with a couple of spells while Didagi fought the drow and also managed to resist most of the worst effects of a further series of eye-ray attacks from the Beholder, before using dimension slide to get back to the safety of his colleagues, leaving the corpse of one of the drow behind him.


The Beholder meanwhile, used his telekinesis ray to bring two potions to heal himself.


As their colleague, Darkstrider held the entranceway against them and Didagi & Beth had retreated, the party seemed baulked by the situation. Shemdar wildshaped into an eel and swam down the stream, as he swam towards the rear of the cave he felt a cold alien voice in his mind instructing him that he would be  "better to reconsider his actions". 

The alien thoughts of the mindflayer echoing  in his mind, Shemdar retreated warily upstream, just as Yellyond took a hand, deciding to dimension hop into the beholder's cave and then use  regroup to gather her colleagues to her. Unfortunately she neglected to inform her colleagues of her plan and they resisted the call of her magic. As the beholder turned his attentions to Yellyond, Didagi used dimension slide to come to her aid, drawing the attention of the mindflayer and his grimlock thralls as he did so.


As Shemdar wriggled out of the water and wildshaped back to his natural form, Beth began clambering over the broken statue into the room drawing the ire of Darkstrider as she did so! The mindflayer moved into position to use his mind blast  but it proved ineffectual against the strong wills of the adventurers. Shemdar began casting a summon nature's ally as two of the grimlock's and the surviving drow officer closed on Didagi, Yellyond cast  scorching ray against the beholder hurting him badly. The Beholder retaliated and then moving across the cave opened his central eye in an attempt to negate Yellyond's magic. This had the unfortunate consequences of freeing the thrall's from their masters and two of the gridlocks  began to flee. The drow officer on the other had her hatred of surface dwellers overcoming her better judgement remained to fight Didagi and was quickly slain.


As Yellyond swiftly ran behind the beholder and cast another scorching ray, slaying the aberration. As the creature died it's magic-suppressing effect died with it, and the mindflayer quickly re-established control over one of his thralls who resumed his attack on Didagi. Didagi, badly wounded used dimension slide to escape after using his hostile empathic transfer power to heal some of his injuries.. Darkstrider stood in shock for a moment as his "friend" the beholder crumpled to the ground, allowing Beth to move and assist Didagi. At that point two huge elasmosaurus appeared in the room and began attacking the mindflayer and the grimlock barbarian who'd remained to guard him. The third grimlock, still free from the mindflayer's control continued to flee.


The mindflayer faced with the huge opponent used his charm monster power to take control of the beast from Shemdar, who retaliated by summoning two dire weasels to continue the attack. The companions continued to deal with the grimlocks, the third of which had now been brought back under the mindflayer's control and returned to the fray, even Darkstrider joined in returning partially to his senses with the death of the beholder.


As a dire weasel fastened it's teeth into his leg and the elasmosaurus continued to snap at him, despite it's brother dinosaur's attacks, the mindflayer decided that discretion was the better part of valour and plane shift-ed out - leaving his thralls to their short-lived fate. The thralls finally disposed of, the comrades found the beholder's lair after a brief search and recovered the aberration's treasure. Deciding to forgo rest, they ploughed on, discovering in the next cave what was obviously the mindflayer's lair - although the illithid was not at home.


The Deep Wastes Day 17-19

Three days of uneventful travel later, the party was nearing Maerimydra, emerging into what felt like a large dark cave, they could hear sounds of large numbers of creatures moving in the darkness ahead of them. A second later the darkness of the cavern began disgorging goblins who whooped and yipped and they launched themselves fearlessly against the party. As the party took up defensive statures they could see the larger, more threatening figures of ogres rushing out of the darkness, accompanied by a rain of longspears and a large boulder that smashed into them.


As battle against the ogres was joined, another rain of spears flew out of  the darkness, the goblins proved little more than an inconveniences as they dated about the combat mostly getting under the feet of the ogre barbarians, save those who died instantly, caught in a cone of cold from Aerlyn. Suddenly the cavern was filled with an unearthly shriek, the sound ringing unpleasantly in their ears, the party continued fighting, save Aerlyn who like the surviving goblins, seemed stunned by the sound. Yellyond cast a strength-draining spell on the ogre opposing her.


The battle continued unabated the injuries began to take their toll, Darkstrider and Didagi were bleeding from numerous wounds, as was Yellyond, Aerlyn collapsed unconscious under the weight of her injuries, though fortunately Shemdar was close by and dashed forward to cast cure serious wounds on the fallen half-drow. As Darkstrider, Didagi, Beth and Yellyond, traded blows, and injuries, with the ogres, another rain of spears and rock emerged from the darkness. Tiring of this Shemdar cast a sleet  storm into the depths of the cave in an attempt to shield them from the ranged assault. As one of the ogres fell, to Beth's breath weapon, the combat was further confused as a vrock teleported into its place and released spores, infecting Yellyond, Beth and Darkstrider.


More ogres fell, one as Didagi used his psionic powers to heal himself at it's expense, and Shemdar began casting the first of a series of flame strike spells, damaging the ogres and slaughtering goblins wholesale. Aerlyn recovered somewhat rejoined the fray with her magics as another wave of goblins emerged howling out of the darkness, accompanied by more, even larger, ogre champions and behind them, an enormous fire giant carrying a huge maul.


As the second wave joined the combat, the vrock teleported away, badly wounded, unfortunately this allowed the fire  giant to charge forward and swinging his maul over his head he crashed it down on the sorely pressed Darkstrider.  Aerlyn began targeting orbs of cold at the fire giant, which injured him sorely, but not before he was able to crash through Darkstrider's assaults and fell the brave half-giant. As he lay helpless on the ground, one of the ogres swung his morningstar and smashed the half-giant's head to pulp.


The two groups trade blows, as Shemdar's flame strike spells continued to hurt the ogres. Yellyond cast scorching ray, finishing off another ogre - a second later, the fire giant was killed by Beth's breath-weapon providing the final impetus on top of the massive cold damage done by Aerlyn and the wounds inflicted by Darkstrider - just as Didagi finished another ogre champion off with another hostile empathic transfer.


Seeing their leader fall one of the ogres and the few remaining  goblins fled, however two of the ogre champions were made of sterner stuff and continued to press the assault until they too were vanquished.