Into The Dragon's lair

Contents Page

City Of The Spider Queen


And Madness Followed


The party, comprising Aerlyn (a half-drow sorcerer); Arnelius (a human rogue); Dalgarth (a dwarf cleric); Yellyond (an elf duskblade); Didagi (a bedine psychic warrior) and Adizar ( a tiefling rogue) had been working as agents for Randall Morn in and around the Dalelands. Initially hired to locate a missing group of adventurers – when the trail went cold in the chaos in Cormyr after reporting back to Randall Morn, they had spent the last several months adventuring in the Dalelands area.


Recently, after a number of outlying homesteads and small villages to the North have been raided, apparently by drow – the party was dispatched to check out reports of people going missing near the thorp of Hollowfield.



Arriving at Hollowfield just as the sun was setting, the single street proved eerily silent, despite the late hour no lights were in the windows, despite to the approach of winter, no smoke rose from the chimneys. As the party moved cautiously along the empty street, carefully drawing weapons, Adizar forged slightly ahead of his comrades, as he passed one darkened house the doors erupted open and three things, that might once have been human, leaped at him out of the darkness slobbering and keening. As his mind reeled at the otherworldly wrongness of these creatures, he began to defend himself as more and more of the pseudonatural creatures erupted from nearby houses and alleyways, howling for blood.


Some distance way his colleagues reacted, however Aerlyn’s mind recoiled strongly from these foul aberrations, and to her chagrin she found herself rooted to the spot as her colleagues leaped into action. The creatures were clad in the foul remnants of peasant clothing, and wielded pitchforks - save one, which appeared to have a chain shirt and swung a hand-axe. As her colleagues joined Adizar in battle, Aerlyn shook herself, and though she found herself unable to move, began casting spells at the abominations. The party made short work of the creatures, despite their minds reeling once again as the creatures, when fatally struck, dissolved into a foetid pool of ichors in which a few rubbery bones floated.


Experienced adventurers all who had seen many terrible things in their careers, the party took a moment to rest and heal - and ponder the encounter their very minds had trouble comprehending. Adizar was first to recover his composure and decided to venture deeper along the street – a moment later he wished he hadn’t - as a huge alien fanged maw, ringed with tentacles,  thrust itself at him from a nearby house. As Adizar once again faced the fearsome challenge alone, his colleagues once more rallied to his defence, their minds again struggling to accept the alienness of the creatures they faced, two more of the loathsome beasts erupted from nearby alleyways. Yellyond and Dalgarth closed on one, while Arnelius and Didagi moved on another. Still nervous of approaching the aberrations, Aerlyn began launching orbs of cold at the huge creatures.


Adizar isolated, ever the peril of the scout, faced a fearsome series of attacks from the wyste that confronted him, and attempting to withdraw, fell to a final blow from it’s tentacles. The others had little opportunity to react to the fall of their colleague as they continued their own battles. Then Dadagi spotted the first creature reach down with its tentacles and start to draw the unconscious tiefling to its fanged maw - immediately the Bedine used his psionic ability to dimension jump to confront the wyste. As one of the huge aberrations finally fell, this freed up some of the party to focus on the one attempting to eat their colleague – an orb of cold finishing that one off too. As the tiefling fell heavily to the ground Didagi poured a potion of cure moderate wound down his neck. The remaining wyste soon too perished once the full attentions of the party were focused upon it.


After obtaining healing from Dalgarth, a search of the village revealed little of interest – all the houses were empty – and the party resolved to move on to the nearby Telthin manor. As they approached up the hard-packed earth of the driveway the manor house was as forebodingly silent and dark as the village had been. The front door of the building was ajar and the party began searching. In the library they found a curious mix of books on literature, drama and books on occult lore many focusing on the Far Realm   and other forbidden lore. Dalgarth outraged, began collecting the more loathsome tomes and throwing them out of the window onto a pile in the garden. Meanwhile Yellyond, Arnelius and Adizar began exploring the contents of two locked drawers in the study while Aerlyn and Dadagi explored the rest of the ground floor. Many of the books and document found in the study had curious notations in erratic writing and one re-occurring glyph appeared an unsettling number of times – 


In the locked drawers the party found two significant document, one written in a spidery cramped style claimed to be a treatise on the true nature of reality, the other appeared to be a draft of a play apparently written by Sophia Lasilaran called The King In Yellow.   Hidden in the basement a leather bound volume called the Carcosa Codex was found. In the master bedroom the party found some notes relating to a premiere performance of The King In Yellow along with a cryptic comment that there may not be enough people and that “Daggers Falls might be a better prospect”. Just as the party thought they’d found just about everything, Adizar and Arnelius found a hysterical survivor hiding in the loft. Unable to calm the serving girl down he clubbed her unconscious and they laid her out in her mistress’s bedchamber. Feeling that Telthin Manor was now secured, the party settled down for the night. Didagi brought his horse into the manor’s living room and settled down in a comfortable armchair – later, after first watch, Aerlyn joined him. Upstairs, Yellyond, Dalgarth and Arnelius camped down in the Master bedroom watching over the young girl they’d discovered in the loft. Adizar decided to kip down in one of the guest bedrooms, but being a suspicious soul decided to sleep under the bed. 


Sometime after midnight, Yellyond, who was on watch heard a faint skittering sound coming from outside the room, pausing only to awaken Dalgarth from his slumbers, the duskblade moved cautiously out into the hallway, lit fleeting from without by the gibbous moon. The sound appeared to emanate from the guest room next door -  and cautiously the elf opened the door. Her mind already assailed by the curious and unsettling things it has perceived already, quailed once more at the creatures that confronted her. Seemingly drawn from a lunatic’s nightmares the creatures resembled nothing more than a writhing mass of grey flesh covered with dozens of randomly placed, different sized and shaped eyes and mouths. Steeling her nerve, the elf called for her comrade’s aid as the creatures set up an unholy gibbering sound that assailed the senses and launched themselves at the elf spewing forth strings of protoplasmic flesh each one containing numerous eyes and hungry mouth thirsting after the elf’s precious bodily fluids and her very sanity as well!


As Dalgarth emerged from the room he noted in horror the quivering, slobbering, hungering mouths, dripping in acrid mucous, attaching themselves to his comrade and swiftly moved to aid - calling out for more assistance. Arnelius roused himself from sleep, and Adizar in the room across the hallway, tumbled out from beneath the beg grabbing at his swords as he did so. In the sitting room far below, Aerlyn too blessed with the senses of her drow forebears heard the cry for help and, rousing Didagi, moved out to the hallway. Yellyond, feeling the thirsting mouths attached to her flesh draining her very essence, used her arcane power to dimension hop out of the creature’s maws. Dalgarth and Arnelius moved to engage one of the foetid abominations as they moved out into the hallway, while Didagi and Aerlyn rushing up the stairs engaged the other. As the battle against the unnatural creatures raged, with Aerlyn and Yellyond casting powerful magics against the creatures, Dalgarth found himself in a perilous situation, as one of the gibbering mouthers attempted to engulf her in its slimy protoplasmic grasp, frantically tearing herself from the sucking mouths, the cleric retreated off to heal herself. Finally one of the creatures fell, collapsing in on itself in a foul-smelling liquor. The other, blinded by one of Aerlyn’s spells, soon joined its fellow in whatever unholy afterlife would accept such abominations.


That night none rested well in the troubled manor of Telthin, even Yellyond was unable to enter the calm meditative state favoured by her kind, each adventurer’s rest was troubled by unsettling thoughts and dreams of Things Best Left Undreamt.


The Road To Dagger Falls

Rising early next morning, Aerlyn managed to get some information from Maegan – the girl they’d found in the loft. She had been late attending the performance of The King in Yellow that had been held in the village square three nights ago, and had arrived just in time to see a bright light – of a colour she found herself unable to describe – fading over the square. In horror she saw the players standing on a stage surrounded by huge swaying creatures, watching dispassionately as her friends and neighbours fell to the ground and transformed into obscene betentacled abominations. Her mind recoiled from the sight and thenceforth, her memory was fragmented but she recalled running blindly and finding herself at the manor, hid in the loft.


After breakfasting the party resolved to return forthwith to Dagger Falls and set out along the trail. About mid morning as they were passing through an area of scrubland close to the Border Forest, their travels were rudely interrupted as crossbow bolts launched out of the bushes around them, as the party deployed to face this new threat, they anxiously scanned the bushes to identify this new threat, spotting several armoured figures with black skin and white hair – the drow raiding party they’d been sent to investigate in the first place. Combat was swiftly joined with the dark elves. Adizar, Yellyond and Arnelius dashed into the bushes to confront their assailants directly. Aerlyn and Dalgarth, guarding the fragile Maegan who stood rooted to the spot in fear; stood fast as drow raiders charged them form the bushes. The fight was brutal and short - over swiftly as the dark elves fell before the party’s blades and spells.


The party continued along the trail to Dagger Falls for a couple of hours, before deciding to rest and have some lunch, Adizar decided to go foraging to supplement their trail rations and  disappeared off into the scrubland, unfortunately he ran into a pack of wolves that were also out foraging. The wolves, led by their pack leader – a dire wolf, chased Adizar back to the camp, where with his colleagues assistance the threat was swiftly dealt with.  After lunch they moved on along the trail, camping that night by the banks of the Tesh River, that night as most of the party slept, they were attacked by ogre zombies, as the companions woke and rallied round to face the threat. Dalgarth, ever the heavy sleeper, slept on untroubled till one of the zombie made the mistake of clubbing the slumbering dwarf. The dwarf roused by the mighty blow leaped to his feet and displaying the symbol of Moradin, called on the Soul Forger to destroy the undead. Instantly divine power spilled forth from the holy symbol and destroyed the undead instantly.



Dagger Falls

Next morning the party continued along the trail, arriving at the Teshford Arms, just outside the town, mid-morning. Popping in for a swift pint before heading to see the seneschal Larkall Greenspan, they noticed a flyer on the wall advertising a performance of The King in Yellow  - a quick word with the barkeep ascertained that the flyer had gone up the previous morning. Downing their pints they swiftly headed up to the city to find a scene of confusion – the city gates were sealed and several bands of travellers were milling about outside unable to enter, approaching the gates Didagi spoke to one of the guards who although refusing them entry due to a state of emergency in the city; agreed to fetch Colbert Radcliff the constable.


About 20 minutes later Radcliff arrived and recognising the party as agents of Randall Mourn, allowed them in to the town where he swiftly explained the problem. Randall Morn and much of the city garrison had departed two days ago in reaction to a major drow raid on the village of Hadreth’s Glen. Last night however something terrible had happened in the town square - as far as he could make out, some kind of portal had opened there and foul abominations had entered the town – he suspected a Zhent magic user causing trouble. Normally at that time of night it wouldn’t have been a problem as the square would have been deserted and the Guard could have contained the situation, however as chance would have it some strolling players had been performing in the square and a large crowd had gathered. The first the guard had known about the problem was when people had started fleeing the area screaming about monsters. Two squads of Guards sent to investigate had not returned so, with the help of some of the citizens who’d served in the militia, the few remaining Guards had quickly sealed off the streets around the town square and sent a runner to fetch Radcliff. Many of the survivors, who appeared to be suffering some kind of severe traumatic shock, had been taken to the Temple of Lathander. Radcliff conscious he could not contain the situation with the few men he had left had sent a runner to Randall Morn asking him to return or at least send some of the troops back, however now the party was here he asked them to investigate the town centre and retrieve any survivors. The party readily agreed and after some brief preparations, and dropping Meagan off at the Temple, the party passed through the barricades.


Beyond the barricades, Dagger Falls was unrecognisable from the town they’d left four days before – the level of destruction to the houses was unbelievable given only a night had passed since the performance, the yellow sign was everywhere, sometimes inscribed in yellow paint, but more commonly daubed in blood. Like some scene from the hells, gore and body parts littered the streets, in shadowed alleyways furtive tentacled figures could be seen hunched over something raw and red. Occasional shadows could be seen moving in the buildings but whether these were survivors or transformed townsfolk was impossible to tell – occasionally the air was rent by an mad howling, or the sound of insane chattering or even more unnerving a blood-curdling scream cut abruptly short.


Holding their nerve, the party swiftly made their way to the town square where they suspected the source of the horror lay. As they arrived they quickly scanned the area for threats – they could see three wystes writhing sinuously, there was a mob of about 50 transformed townsfolk swaying eerily and in front of they only just recognisable was Larkall Greenspan, hideously transformed, but still somehow in command. This was made abundantly clear as, noticing the party he raised his voice in an unearthly howl and pointed. The mob, and the wystes, immediately reacted heading to attack. Adizar and Arnelius co-ordinated their attacks on one of the wystes, while Yellyond and Dalgarth hung back and began casting spells as another of the wystes moved towards them. Aerlyn, much to her comrade’s surprise, suddenly sprouted dragon wings and flying up into the air began casting orbs of cold from her new vantage point. Didagi, slightly in from of his colleagues as was his wont was swarmed by the clawing, biting, gouging mob. 


Yellyond, found herself grappled by a wyste and used dimension hop to escape, Arnelius too found himself grappled and being drawn to the creature’s maw – unfortunately not having the arcane resources of the duskblade he could do little but attempt to hack at the beast as Adizar continued his assault. Didagi managed to escape from the mob and using dimension slide managed to get to a nearby roof and began firing arrows into the mob. Aerlyn continued targeting the wystes with cold spells, as Dalgarth, now alone found himself grappled by one of the creatures and helpless, the beast began to chew!


As first one, then a second of the creatures were felled by the party’s spells and blades, freeing their grappled friends, Didagi’s arrows continued to take their toll on the mob of madness that now had engulfed Adizar.  At this point, the transformed Larkall and the remaining wyste decided to join the fray – attacking Adizar and Arnelius. Aerlyn finally dispatched the last remaining wyste as Didagi rain of arrows finally dispersed the howling mob – leaving the entire party free to focus on their erstwhile friend the seneschal. The ensuing combat was brief, bloody and tragic - and in short order the body of Larkall collapsed into the now familiar putrid gore.


Reporting back to Radcliff that the main threat in the town square was dealt with the party assisted the guard with the clear-up - destroying any surviving transformed townsfolk. By late afternoon the job was complete and they reconvened with Radcliff to tell him the whole story and that the strolling players, rather than being innocent bystanders had in all likelihood been the perpetrators of the whole tragedy. Radcliffe, incensed, asked the party to track down and destroy the actors for their party in this horror, from which Dagger Falls would take some time to recover – he also told the party the actors had stayed at the Teshford Arms.


It was late evening by the time they party headed for the Teshford Arms. The inn was a hive of activity as all the people who'd been unable to get into the town all day while he situation in the square was dealt with had migrated there. Quickly finding the friendly barman they'd met this morning, they discovered that he seemed to have no memory of the actors or their doings. However they did secure permission to search the rooms upstairs. While Adizar, Yellyond and Didagi searched, Aerlyn and Dalgarth went through the crowd, trying to find anyone who'd stayed at the inn last night and might have seen anything - they eventually found someone who remembered the actors leaving around midnight the day before.


Dadagi, found a partially burned scrap of paper in the grate of the master bedroom, which Yellyond was able to decipher a little it seemed the player's next performance would be in Hillsfar. Horrified at the havoc they could wreak in a major city like Hillsfar, the party resolved to give chase. Returning to the town they looked up Radcliffe to see if he could assist them with horses and supplies. Radcliffe pointed them towards Fulgarth's Caravan Supplies and gave them a note that should secure them a small discount. At Fullgarth's, while horses and tack were chosen, Didagi, Adizar and Aerlyn worked out their best options - deciding that following  along the main trail would leave them a day behind even without the constant risk of Zhent patrols, they settled on going through Daggerdale and cutting through Cormanthor to try and make up some time.


The Road To Hillsfar

After kipping down in the Guard barracks, they set off early as practicable next morning heading across the Dagger Hills to Shadowdale. Round about mid-day they came under attack from a gang of Hill giants, Didagi spurred his mount onwards and dismounting some distance away began firing arrows at the giants, Yellyond Aerlyn and Dalgarth trying to calm their mounts began casting spells, before two of the giants managed to close.. Dalgarth was knocked from his horse and Yellyond and Aerlyn dismounted - their hoses fleeing the melee. Adizar joined Didagi and unlimbered his bow. The party swiftly managed to overcome the brutes and proceeded across the hills after retrieving the hoses that had bolted..


Heading down out of the hills they spent a quiet night in the peaceful farmland of the dale before moving on toward Cormanthor. Entering the forest, led by Adizar they had travelled a few hours when the aasimar spotted a tangle of webs in front of him, as he swiftly reigned in his horse he noticed the webs were around them to the left and right as well. As he did the party found themselves under attack as five ettercaps and 5 hunter spiders dropped out of the trees onto them. A vicious little combat ensued as the party struggled to control their terrified mounts and deal with the creatures.


 Continuing deeper in the forest of Cormanthor, the party decided to stop mid-day to rest the horses and eat some trail-rations. Yellyond and Aerlyn a little apart from the other were attacked by a pair of owlbears. As the half-drow and the elf engaged the magical beasts - Arnelius, drawn by the commotion arrived to assist them; tumbling past the beasts into a flanking position, and the creatures were swiftly dispatched.


That afternoon, as the sun began to set below the tree-line, Yellyond heard a strange noise from a small clearing up ahead. Motioning the others to stop, she dismounted and sneaked forward on foot. In the clearing ahead she saw two draconic-looking creatures with curiously stunted wings, who appeared to have freshly killed a deer and were feeding on it. As she watched the creatures feed, she was horrified to notice one raise its head and look directly at her.


Realising she had been seen, she began to cautiously back away, however the creature reacted faster than she could believe, and leaping across the intervening distance, swiped at her with it’s razor tipped wings. Unseen by Yellyond, the second creature leaped into a nearby tree. Seeing their comrade attacked, Aerlyn and Arnelius who were next up on the trail, too dismounted – seeing this Adizar reigned in his mount and unlimbered his bow. As Aerlyn prepared to cast a spell and Arnelius moved to assist Yellyond, the second creature was moving through the tree line leaping from branch to branch and – unseen by all – a third one was sizing up Aerlyn from another nearby branch. As Aerlyn unleashed her ray of ice that seemed to stun the first creature, the second leaped down from the tree attacked Yellyond before leaping back; the third performed a similar manoeuvre against Aerlyn. Didagi managed to get a single shot of before his bow-string suddenly snapped! Yellyond and Arnelius swiftly finished off the stunned creature, Aerlyn continued to target the creature attacking her with spells as it spring-attacked her again, Didagi drew his sword. Arnelius readied an action and the next time the creature leaped down to attack he struck. In short order the two remaining creatures were dealt with.


Moving on a little way from the scene of the carnage, Didagi scouted around to find a suitable campsite and the companions settled down for the night. On Didagi’s watch that night he was disturbed by a crashing sound coming from beyond where the horses were hobbled.  Waking Yellyond he moved across to the horses to see a large six-eyed creature coming through the undergrowth towards the camp Didagi managed to get one shot off from his bow before the beast managed to close in a flurry of flying claws and biting teeth. Swiftly the Bedine found himself grappled by the grey render, feeling its claws rend into his flesh. As Yellyond began casting spells at the grey render, Arnelius woken by the commotion, rolled out of his bedroll and woke Aerlyn who joined the magical assault.  Didagi gravely wounded, manifested his hostile empathic transfer power and transferred his wounds to the creature. Faced with such an assault the beast quickly succumbed.


Next morning now deep in the Cormanthor forest, the party continued, swinging in a northward direction towards Hillsfar and away from the dangers of Myth Drannor. Unnoticed by them, fiendish eyes watched them – an osyluth wandering out from Myth Drannor in search of fresh prey was watching and biding it’s time. It’s time came as the part stopped to rest their horses around mid-morning and  the bone-devil attacked. This fiend proved a greater challenge as none of the party had Holy weapons – Arnelius felt the brunt of the devil’s attacks before the concentrated attacks of the party sent the fiend back to the Nine Hells. A minute or so after the combat as the group were congratulating themselves Arnelius suddenly collapsed to the ground shaken and weakened as the poison from the fiend’s barbed tail coursing through his veins suddenly took effect.


Sorely weakened by the poison’s effect, Arnelius managed to re-mount his horse and holding onto the reigns for grim death the party continued onwards. Early in the afternoon they ran across a squad of wild elves who informed them that the part of the forest they were about to enter was claimed by the Cormanthor drow and that should take great care. An hour or so later, Yellyond- riding in the front – thought she saw something move on the edges of a small clearing ahead. Reigning in she dismounted and began to scan the area anxiously, the others swiftly followed suit - Didagi moving off to one side and readying his bow.


Frustrated, the drow patrol - their ambush ruined -  broke cover and attacked. As their sergeant attacked Yellyond and Arnelius, Aerlyn strode forward and unleashed a cone of cold against her hated cousins. The drow troopers caught in the cone dropped en-masse, leaving their sergeant alone facing the whole party. She didn’t face them for long, and attempted to flee – however an arrow in the back from Yellyond soon put paid to any attempt at flight.  


After dallying for a time with a green dragon as they crossed through it’s territory, the party finally reached the Moonsea Ride – the main road to Hillsfar from the south. Heading up the road, they spoke to various people heading southward from the city, but weren’t able to elicit any real information about the actors other than that the Playhouse was situated near the arena. Arnelius filled them in on conditions in the city – most importantly on the Law of Humanity. As they neared the end of the queue for entry into the city it was late afternoon. They debated for a while as to whether to send a group up along the road to Yulash in case the actors were still en-route but eventually decided to all enter the city. Aerlyn, Yellyond and Adizar used Aerlyn’s Wand of Disguise to appear human, while Dalgarth borrowed Arnelius’s Hat of Disguise to do the same. And, as the sun set, they all entered the city variously as friends, relatives, employees and financial advisors to Arnelius - all weapons were peace-bonded and they were issued with visitor passes lasting a month.



Forgoing the pleasures of the Diamond in the Dung, they made their way directly across the city to the Playhouse – discovering as they arrived that the performance of The King In Yellow  had commenced at dusk. Yellyond and Adizar swiftly ascertained that the main doors were locked – so was the side door in the alleyway nearby. Deciding that going in through the side entrance would be less intrusive; Adizar picked the lock and entered the playhouse.


The play was in full swing although as he gazed at the stage the set seemed vaguely unsettling – particularly the ultra realistic backdrop of an alien city of spires on the shore of an unearthly lake - the audience however seemed unperturbed and was paying rapt attention. Moving brusquely into one of the rows asking loudly for seat  6C Adizar found his attention being drawn more and more to the stage and the somehow mesmerising cadences of the actors voices – he attempted to shake himself but found himself drawn inexorably into the play. There were four actors on the stage – one dressed revealingly but clad in an unsettling mask inscribed with the yellow sign was obviously Sophia.


Next into the Playhouse was Yellyond who too quickly succumbed to the fascination of the play. Aerlyn, was next, but he fragile psyche already damaged by the horrors she’d seen was unable to cope with the alien backdrop and she stood rotted to the spot babbling incoherently – eyes fixed on the surface of the lake and horrors only she could see. Dalgarth after casting Silence on a coin he was carrying entered the playhouse, although unsettled like the others by the backdrop the silence spell protected her from the more direct effects of the play – the silence also protected Didagi and Arnelius as they too entered.


As Arnelius threw a smokestick and a thunderstone on the stage – the actors realised that something was amiss and began improvising the play around their actions – Sophia cast a summon spell and three large Carcosan bats swooped down out of the rafters and attacked those members of the party not incapacitated. Merak and Pottifer, two of the actors cast buffing spells on themselves while the third, Enoch, cast as Slow spell on Arnelius.


As Arnelius and Didagi dealt with the large bats attacking them, Dalgarth ignored the one swooping on him and tossed the coin with Silence on it onto the stage. Realising they’d forgotten their weapons were peace-bonded, Arnelius withdrew back to near Aerlyn, while Didagi used his power to manifest a longbow. One of the actors Pottifer reached down and picking up the coin, threw it into the audience. Another of the actors, Merak cast a Grease  spell on the floor underneath Didagi that caused him some considerable difficulties in his combat with the bat – especially as he’ dropped the bow!. Dalgarth again ignoring the bat attacking him, cast another silence spell, this time on the floor of the stage itself. Arnelius drew out a wand and began healing Aerlyn as one of the bats attacked her.


As the actors on the stage scattered to avoid the effects of her silence spell, Dalgarth reacted by casting a Flame Strike which managed to hit both Merak and Sophia –

Pottifer retaliated by attempting to cast Confusion on her, but the strong-willed cleric shrugged off the effects of the spell and cast another Flame Strike – as the spell hit Sophia this time and she fell to the ground slain, the golden mask she was wearing split open and a golden light hit the backdrop as it did the backdrop wavered and shimmered and suddenly a huge monstrosity hauled itself out of the lake and onto the stage – and water began pouring out !  


Round about this time Adizar suddenly snapped out of his fascination with the play, however the sight of the huge Carcosan Lake Monster caused his mind to snap and he suddenly began attacking the nearest bat attempting to rip chunks of flesh from it with his teeth. As the huge creature began to haul itself into the crowd causing chaos and carnage, Merak cast a Confusion spell on Didagi, just as he managed to remove the peace-bond from his scimitar .


Pottifer and Enoch either terrified out of their wits by the Thing from the Lake - or possibly even terrified into them - turned and ran from the stage! As the creature mowed it’s way through the crown in bloody welter of body parts, the crowd too broke and ran, some it could be seen transforming into horrors as they fled. As the Thing From The Lake approached, Dalgarth and Yellyond began launching their most potent spells at the creature, however it reached Dalgarth and as it attacked he felt its malign effect as it drained the wisdom from him. Didagi lost in his confused state began to attack Merak who equally confused began to attack him with his stage-prop scimitar.


Aerlyn, confronting the sudden reality of the deepest horrors she’d perceived began to snap out of her madness as the Thing from the Lake cast aside Dalgarth having drained him of all spell-casting ability and moved on to Yellyond and Arnelius who continued to fight as best they could. Yellyond when grappled cast Dimension Hop to escape which unfortunately left the creature’s full attention on Arnelius till Dalgarth finally managing to remove the peace-bond from his weapon also attacked it.


Adizar continuing his obsession with bat-meat was discomfited to find the creatures suddenly vanish as their summoning ended, but resolving not to be defeated by such minor inconveniences began climbing the walls, heading for the rafters where he might find more bats! Merak and Didagi continued trading blows on the stage till  Merak fell.


As Arnelius, gripped in the lake monster’s tentacles hacked at it with his dagger, Dalgarth attacked with his axe and Yellyond continued hitting it with powerful spells, Aerlyn suddenly snapped back to sanity. Seeing the lake monster directly in front of her she reacted instinctively casting an orb of cold at the abomination, wounding it mortally. As the foul aberration collapsed into the by now familiar putrid ichors, Didagi following some instinct strode over to Sophia’s corpse and examined it – noticing a curious glow from the mask she wore - using his knowledge of picnics deduced that the mask was somehow connected to the portal opened up on the backdrop. Drawing his adamantine he dagger shattered the Pallid Mask, the portal to Carcosa closed just as something else was stirring below the surface of the lake!!!


The party made a swift exit by the back entrance before the Red Plumes arrived after dealing with those of the audience who had Transformed.